
Fengyang: Caring for the elderly "heart service", health knocking on the door "warming the hearts of the people"

author:Whale snare on a lonely island
Fengyang: Caring for the elderly "heart service", health knocking on the door "warming the hearts of the people"
Fengyang: Caring for the elderly "heart service", health knocking on the door "warming the hearts of the people"

Recently, the Fengyang Town Civil Affairs Office, together with relevant departments, jointly carried out the verification work for the disabled elderly, and conducted a preliminary self-care ability screening and assessment for the disabled elderly in accordance with the requirements of "police + civil affairs + N".

Fengyang: Caring for the elderly "heart service", health knocking on the door "warming the hearts of the people"
Fengyang: Caring for the elderly "heart service", health knocking on the door "warming the hearts of the people"

During the verification process, the social workers and staff of the Civil Affairs Office went to each village to visit the elderly with total disabilities one by one, to learn more about their physical conditions, life care, etc., and to conduct a comprehensive evaluation and record of the elderly's self-care. At the same time, it also disseminates relevant policies to the elderly, informs them how to apply for relevant benefits and assistance, and ensures that the quality of life of the elderly is improved. The verification work not only allows the government to fully understand the basic situation of the totally disabled elderly in the jurisdiction, but also provides strong support for future care work. In the next step, the Fengyang Town Civil Affairs Office will continue to provide intimate and professional health services for the disabled elderly, so that the "goodness" culture can be integrated into daily life and become regular, bringing peace of mind and convenience to the elderly, so that they can feel comfortable care in a warm family and social environment, and enjoy a healthy and happy life in their old age.

Correspondent: Guo Shumin

Editor: Lin Na Zhou Yiming

Proofreader: Zheng Yonghua

Review: Li Tinghua

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