
The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

author:Three or three chasing fish

The gambling king likes to dance, this habit has been maintained from youth to old age, and some people ask why the gambling king likes to dance so much?

In fact, the reason is very simple, there were few entertainment projects in that era, the gambling king Stanley Ho was born in 1921, Disco was born in the sixties and seventies, and it was popular in the eighties, and the dance hall was a place for everyone's leisure and entertainment at that time.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Stanley Ho's four wives all dance, and Stanley Ho has also danced with different wives.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

In the early years, Li Wanhua and Stanley Ho attended major occasions, and the two often danced together in public.

Li Wanhua's appearance was amazing when she was young, she was Portuguese, she had a strong appearance, her temperament and demeanor were quite outstanding, every time she was in the same frame with her husband, she was quite brilliant, and the beautiful women and handsome men attracted attention.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

She has been dancing with Stanley Ho from young to middle-aged, mostly in soft songs, and the two are physically close and look very affectionate. Later, Li Wanhua's physical condition deteriorated, because she suffered from colitis, her stomach was removed, her body was emaciated, and she needed to stay in bed for a long time to recuperate, so she gradually stopped dancing.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

The second wife Lan Qiongying and Stanley Ho met in the dance hall, Lan Qiongying was only a teenager at the time, and she was a dancer in the dance hall, the two met because of dance, so they came together

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Although she is not involved in Stanley Ho's career, Stanley Ho often takes her to events together, and the two often dance in public.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Even though Lan Qiongying is much fatter in middle age, her dancing posture is still flexible, and she is very elegant when dancing, which can be seen that she really loves dancing.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

The third wife Chen Wanzhen was originally Li Wanhua's companion, when Li Wanhua was sick in bed and needed someone to take care of her, Stanley Ho had two wives at the time, and the two rooms were allocated according to time, Stanley Ho could see the busy Chen Wanzhen every time he went to the original house, and the two gradually got acquainted with each other, according to He Chaolian's description, "The eldest lady saw the relationship between them and fulfilled them" Later, Chen Wanzhen officially became the third wife.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Chen Wanzhen was born as a nurse, she was not good at dancing, but under the teaching of the gambling king, she gradually became able to dance, and the two often danced together when attending large venues.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Chen Wanzhen was very thin when she was young, her face was also very small, and her appearance was outstanding, although she danced ordinarily, she dressed up beautifully every time she attended an event, giving Stanley Ho enough face.

The two of them were also a good story back then.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

The gambling king and the fourth wife Liang Anqi also met because of dance, Liang Anqi was born in dance, from Guangdong to Macau directly in the dance hall part-time, accidentally met Stanley Ho's brother and sister, became their dance teacher, and then under their recommendation Liang Anqi and Stanley Ho became dance partners, Stanley Ho is obsessed with dancing, and after dancing with Liang Anqi, he said that he would not find other dance partners in the future, so he identified her, and the fate of the two was linked.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

watched the video of Angel Leung dancing with Stanley Ho when she was young, and found that her dancing posture was indeed beautiful, she was very thin at that time, she was quite flexible when she danced, and her movements were also professional, even a layman could see that she danced very well.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Angel Leung not only dances well, but Stanley Ho intends to train her to enter the family business, Angel Leung is studious and ambitious, so while working for Stanley Ho, she attends major events with him, so she successfully became the fourth wife.

Liang Anqi compared with the second and third wives, she is simply a "model worker" like an existence, although her family background is average, she has an active mind and a cheerful personality, and it can be seen from her interview that she is centered on Stanley Ho in everything, and she is almost ready to hold Stanley Ho to her heart, and she is also quite good at public relations in front of the media.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Even if Liang Anqi is middle-aged, she is still in good shape, and she can still dance with Stanley Ho with brisk steps, and she is indeed professional in dancing.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Stanley Ho's love for dancing is well known, he also danced with Li Zhi, Li Zhi was dressed in white, she had many suitors back then, when Li Zhi danced with the rich Stanley Ho, the outside world also speculated whether Li Zhi could become the fifth wife, and as a result, Li Zhi quickly married Jet Li and had a daughter, and also broke the road of the fifth wife.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Stanley Ho not only dances with Li Zhi, he also has a lot of dancers in the entertainment industry, and he doesn't have too many scruples when he dances, just dancing to meet friends.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

Stanley Ho also danced on stage with his daughter Pansy Ho, all the stars in the entertainment industry sat in the audience, the father and daughter were still very calm and finished dancing a song, Stanley Ho was in his sixties at the time, still wearing suits and leather shoes, and his dancing posture was also very smooth, which was enough to show his obsession with dance.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing

After the dance, Stanley Ho also teased his daughter Pansy Ho, saying that he was afraid that Pansy Ho would step on his feet, which is enough to show that Pansy Ho's dancing skills can't catch up with his father, and it just happens to show that Stanley Ho's dancing skills are amazing.

The gambling king danced with the four wives, the original posture was relaxed, the three-room dance was rusty, and the two-room and four-room were good at dancing