
Monthly review in June 2024, the arbitrage income is 150 yuan, and the money earned from the side hustle will take the family on a trip

author:Innocent wandering life

June was a slow month for me, writing slowly, running out of drafts, and reading books slowly, but I benefited a lot.

After the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, I accompanied the children to watch the dragon boat in the hot and humid summer, basking in the sun and draining the dampness, and it rained in Guangzhou for almost two months.

Although life is ordinary and ordinary, you can still find the shining points in it and record the beauty of life.

Still from the bookkeeping, financial investment, ordinary life, several aspects of the review of this summer in June.

Monthly review in June 2024, the arbitrage income is 150 yuan, and the money earned from the side hustle will take the family on a trip

01. Accounting expenses of 5,300 yuan

Because the cost of the child's kindergarten in June was reduced by the cost of a few days of school closure, the overall expenditure has also decreased a lot.

In terms of catering, I spent 360 yuan for dining out, and the cost of other meals was about 620 yuan, which was a lot less than before, because I often bought breakfast sets for lunch on weekdays, and the cost was reduced a lot.

The cost of other clothing and daily necessities is within the normal range of expenses, and this summer's clothes are enough to buy no more, and the supplies can also be used for Double Eleven.

Monthly review in June 2024, the arbitrage income is 150 yuan, and the money earned from the side hustle will take the family on a trip

02. Wealth management investment income of 800 yuan

At the beginning of June, after my family's mortgage was repaid 350,000 yuan in advance, the income of commercial bank demand + decreased a lot, only about 150 yuan.

But this month, I tried a new investment method, which is LOF fund arbitrage, opened an account with a drag of six, and the income in 7 days was 150 yuan, which is also quite impressive.

Monthly review in June 2024, the arbitrage income is 150 yuan, and the money earned from the side hustle will take the family on a trip

The LOF fund arbitrage is still going on, and it only takes a few minutes to subscribe and sell every day, and you can have dozens of dollars in income.

Friends who want to participate in LOF fund arbitrage, you can add 316195157 friends, teach you arbitrage hand by hand, and slowly get rich together.

In addition, there are also several financial management expiration in June, which are financial coupons from brokerage accounts to old customers, with a 70-day income of 390 yuan, which helped make up for part of this month's meal expenses.

Monthly review in June 2024, the arbitrage income is 150 yuan, and the money earned from the side hustle will take the family on a trip

03. Earn 1,200 yuan from a side hustle and take your family on a trip

In June, the income from financial investment and self-media was about 1,200 yuan, so I booked a summer vacation in July to take the baby and my family to travel around the weekend.

I guess that's one of the meanings of life. Although I go to work every day, the salary is not high, and my life is ordinary, isn't that how I live?

A little time and money, you can spend time with your family, and do what you like, and that's enough.

Although sometimes I am still annoyed and tired by things in life and work, it seems that as long as I take a break, I will recover a little.

I found that now I have learned to automatically block the voices of the outside world, but pay more attention to my inner thoughts, and it is too important for me to be happy first!

Monthly review in June 2024, the arbitrage income is 150 yuan, and the money earned from the side hustle will take the family on a trip

About the Author:

I am innocent, I will retire when I save enough 150W, focus on sharing savings and financial management, professional career, life goals, and keep moving forward on the road of FIRE, and accompany you to slowly become rich!