
Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

author:Nanke Yan-hsien


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After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the United States did not establish diplomatic relations with us very quickly, and it was not until during the Cold War that relations between the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union finally fell to a freezing point because of some things, and the United States saw the right opportunity to establish diplomatic relations with China.

After the gradual normalization of Sino-US relations, the two sides also made some visits, but when the US fleet visited China for the first time, it gave us a disappointment on the spot.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

In the exchanges between the two countries, the United States is obviously provoking us by doing so, and of course we cannot bear it, so we should immediately show it and let them put on a correct attitude and think about it before visiting us.

How did the United States deal with us at that time? How did we fight back?

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The dismount of the US Navy

In 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon visited China, which was the first large-scale state visit between China and the United States, and it was the prelude to friendly exchanges, after all, China and the United States had not even established diplomatic relations at this time.

After Nixon's visit to China, Sino-US relations have not only gradually moved toward normalcy, but have also made many breakthroughs.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

A few years later, China and the United States formally established diplomatic relations, and there were further cooperation in many areas, especially in the military field.

Some people say that warships are moving land, so the visit of the fleet is also a very important link in the exchanges between the two countries.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

Historically, warship visits between countries have been an act of state that has a clear diplomatic nature and is highly valued.

In 1986, when the U.S. Pacific Fleet announced that it was about to visit China, Liu Huaqing, then commander of the Chinese Navy, began to prepare.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The name Liu Huaqing may not be very familiar to the younger generation, but there is a photo that everyone must have seen on the Internet.

When China was invited to visit the US warship, the United States did not allow relevant Chinese personnel to touch it, and Russia and Japan were able to see it more clearly.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

This emaciated body is Admiral Liu Huaqing, who boarded the US aircraft carrier during his visit to the United States, but the other side strictly restricted the viewing distance when we visited the aircraft carrier on the grounds of secrecy.

A few years later, the US Pacific Fleet was about to visit China, and Liu Huaqing, who was in charge of receiving the United States, began to prepare for the relevant matters early on.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

On 5 November, the commander of the US Navy's Pacific Fleet and other relevant personnel paid a seven-day visit to Qingdao.

On 5 November 1986, Admiral Lyons, commander of the US Navy's Pacific Fleet, led the cruiser USS Reeves, the destroyer USS Aldendorf, and the frigate USS Lendes on a seven-day courtesy and friendly visit to Qingdao. This is the first time since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States that the mainland has received a visit from a US Navy ship, and it is also the first time that Qingdao Port has received a foreign warship since the founding of New China.
Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

At that time, before the U.S. fleet docked, we realized that something was wrong, and there were only a few flags on the U.S. warships, except for the national flag.

The fleet is mighty, but it is full of provocation, and it almost unabashedly tells the world that even if the United States visits, it will not respect China.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

Faced with such a situation, our commander directly ordered the withdrawal of the honor guard and red carpet of the three services that had been prepared for the US military long ago.

The Chinese Navy has made it clear that it is necessary to have a proper attitude, and when the flag is full, when we will come back to greet them.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The US military said that it was a moment of negligence on their part, and hoped that they could land at the shore first, and that China would welcome them before putting up the flag.

The two sides have their own opinions, China told them to "put their attitude right and think about it again", and the US military did not think so, how did this matter end up?

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

There is also friction during the honeymoon period

When New China was just founded, it was obvious that it was one-sided in its foreign relations, with relations with the Soviet Union being relatively good, but with the United States being more confrontational.

Under the general environment of socialism, China's development is booming day by day, and although when New China was first founded, it could not be said that everyone was rich, but at least everyone was full of hope in their hearts.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The firm determination of the CPC Central Committee and the strong support of the people have enabled China to gradually embark on the journey of development, but with them changes in Sino-Soviet relations.

Originally, the hostile attitude of the United States towards China was very obvious, after all, the United States and the Soviet Union have always been at odds with each other.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

However, after Sino-Soviet relations became delicate, the United States began to improve Sino-US relations, intentionally or unintentionally, because after all, interests are eternal in exchanges between countries.

The United States' attitude toward China gradually eased, while the Soviet Union began to invade the border territory of the mainland without authorization, regardless of China's wishes.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

In a short period of time, it is simply impossible for us to confront two superpowers at the same time, and coupled with the United States' initiative to show goodwill, Sino-US relations have gradually entered a honeymoon period.

Nixon's visit to China gradually normalized Sino-US relations, and after the establishment of diplomatic relations, Sino-US relations became closer and closer, but the United States can never be trusted wholeheartedly.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

When China and the United States formally established diplomatic relations in 1979, the U.S. Secretary of Defense visited China and invited our minister to pay a return visit.

In 1980, Liu Huaqing visited the United States and boarded the American aircraft carrier, although the United States did not allow Chinese personnel to touch the instrument at that time, Liu Huaqing still wanted to see as clearly as possible, so he left the photo on tiptoe.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

Therefore, when the US Pacific Fleet was going to pay a friendly visit to China a few years later, Liu Huaqing also attached great importance to it, and asked the honor guards of the three services to start preparing and training three months in advance.

On the day of the visit, the Chinese people were full of enthusiasm, and in order to create a good environment for communication, the honor guard and red carpet of the three armed services were prepared early.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

But when the U.S. fleet approached, everyone seemed to have been poured cold water on their heads, and none of the warships in the U.S. fleet were fully flagped.

Of course, we welcome friendly exchanges, but the United States obviously wants to give China a deterrent, and we will never give in to such a provocation, and if it is as they wish, it will be to let the whole world see China's jokes.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The U.S. fleet was approaching, and at this time Liu Huaqing was faced with a rather serious question, whether to compromise or resist.

If we compromise and welcome the U.S. Navy in this way, it is tantamount to telling the world that we are afraid of the United States, so we can endure even if we are provoked.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

However, diplomacy is never trivial, and the slightest change can be infinitely magnified, and if it happens on the spot, it is very likely to hurt the newly established relations between the two countries.

After Liu Huaqing went through some ideological struggle, he finally made a decisive decision, that is, he would not give in to the issue of dignity, and immediately took away the red carpet and withdrew the honor guard.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

Some people think that this is a big fuss, just thinking that there are few flags on other people's warships, so they cancel the original welcome ceremony.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

There will be no concessions on the issue of dignity

Flying the flag is an ancient tradition of the navy around the world, dating back to the Age of Discovery, when the dangers at sea are unpredictable, and the maritime flag can effectively avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Many years ago, communication equipment was not developed, such as crossing the sea when two ships met, there was no effective way of communication, it was easy to cause unnecessary casualties.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

Maritime flags express a variety of meanings with bright colors and clear patterns, and at sea, visual signals are more convenient than traditional language methods of communication.

With the development of the times, there have been better means of communication, but the maritime flag has not been eliminated, in addition to the original message expression, it is also a way of expression of diplomatic etiquette.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

In peacetime, when visiting a warship, the host will fly the maritime flag in the port, and the visitor will naturally have to display the maritime flag on the ship as a sign of respect.

Bright flags fluttered in the wind on the harbor and warships, and this elegant and solemn atmosphere could not be replaced by any ceremony.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

Such an important ceremony, as long as the leadership of the fleet is not knocked out of the head, must not be ignored.

However, the US Pacific Fleet was sure that our naval strength was inferior to theirs at that time, and deliberately did not fly the maritime flag to provoke us.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

After being sternly warned by China, the U.S. side wanted us to welcome them first and then hang the flag of the Shanghai affair, but we did not give them any room for negotiation.

Liu Huaqing, as the greeter, had a very clear attitude, and removed the red carpet and honor guard, just to tell them that they would either obediently hang up the full flag, or go home directly, anyway, we would not receive bare visitors from warships.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

In the past, other countries bowed their heads to the United States, but this time they were deflated in China, and of course they are not willing to be at the mercy of China.

They waited outside the port, but they didn't expect to wait for a long time and didn't get China's permission to enter the port, but they waited for General Liu Huaqing's ultimatum to make them correct their attitudes and think about coming again.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The U.S. fleet hesitated between face and mission, and they came with the mission of visiting, and of course it was impossible to just go home.

In the end, it was the United States that bowed its head, and they didn't expect that this trick had been tried and tested repeatedly, but this time it ran into a hard nail, and they could only submit to the soft and hang the flag.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

In accordance with the traditional etiquette of the Navy, the US fleet hoisted full flags on its warships to show that it had no intention of offending and actively and sincerely admitted its mistakes.

With a forgiving and forgiving attitude, we rearranged the guard of honor and the red carpet, and when the U.S. Navy entered the port, they were greeted with a ceremony that had been prepared long ago.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again


During the seven days of the US Navy's visit to China, their warships also held an opening event, and many people boarded the ship one after another to visit, and they also visited China's 051 destroyer.

In the past, China's naval strength was obviously inferior to that of the United States, but in the face of provocations, we did not give an inch, and now that China's national strength is growing, it is even less likely that we will allow others to trample on China's dignity.

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again
Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

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On April 21, 2019, Al Jazeera published a report titled "The First Shore Artillery Battalion Was Formed Here, and Naval Aviation Was Conceived Here...... These "firsts" witnessed the report of the Navy Dream Sailing from Qingdao

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again
Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

The Paper reported in "Please Answer 1986" on August 4, 2020

Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again
Challenging the bottom line on your first visit to China? China withdrew the guard of honor on the spot: correct the attitude and think about it again

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