
The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

author:A strong country is a sword

The United States is indeed quite embarrassed right now.

They want too much to continue to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in front of the whole world, so that others, especially the Chinese, are afraid of themselves.

But today's China is no longer what it used to be, we just don't like to see the United States in general, in fact, in many ways we have surpassed and crushed the United States.

For example, the Chang'e-6 return capsule is very domineering and high-profile Versailles, successfully demonstrated to the world a hand like a god's palm of Mach 31 water floating kung fu, which made the world instantly understand a truth, the United States is now transparent in front of China, there is no use in talking big, and bragging will not scare the Chinese.

But the Americans don't think so, they still want to continue to whistle to embolden themselves, and they want to pull cannon fodder like Lai Qingde and Marcos as a backing for themselves.

Discuss the sword of a strong country, and accompany friends to witness the evolution of the great changes in the world that have not been seen in a century.

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

The reason why I talk about such a thing is because the overall game situation between China and the United States has recently undergone a fundamental reversal, especially in China's periphery, the United States can no longer take any advantage, so it is better for them to know each other a little, or to keep a low profile, since they have chosen to flee with their tails between their legs, why bother to humiliate themselves?

But the people of the earth know the virtues of the Americans, and there are three of them who will never say two, always trying to carry out strategic blackmail against other spheres of influence through such machinations.

On this point, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, made a very sharp comment at a news conference two days ago.

At that time, a reporter specifically mentioned an arrogant statement by Paparo, the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Indo-Pacific region, who had just taken office some time ago.

This guy threatened the Chinese People's Liberation Army that if there was really a war of armed reunification between the two sides of the strait, the United States would find ways to use drones, unmanned submarines and other facilities to turn the Taiwan Strait into a hell on earth, so as to block the actions of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and reserve time for Taiwan independence diehards and US and Western interference forces to prepare.

Wu Qian's reply was domineering and direct, and anyone who wants to turn other countries into hell is prepared to turn their country into hell first.

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

This is polite, if you use the words of our ordinary people to reply, it will be much simpler and more direct:

You are beautiful with those two brushes, who doesn't know? You have been directly ripped off your little pants by the Yemeni Houthi slippers army in the Red Sea, and now you are just running naked, not to mention that you still want to pretend to the end, but you really can't pretend to be able to do it, so you have to get out of the ashes.

In this case, how can Lao Mei be qualified to stand out in front of China?

Wouldn't that be a big knife in front of Guan Erye.

Just ask Lao Mei if it can defend against China's hypersonic missiles? China's UAV and unmanned submarine production capacity has reached more than 5-10 times that of the United States, will the Chinese really not fight back and scold back?

This is not the character of the Chinese!

Chairman Mao's old man has long taught us the principles of being a man, never cause trouble, but never be afraid of things when things come, people don't offend me, I don't offend people, if people offend me, I will offend people!

If you don't accept it, do it, what's there to be afraid of.

I am afraid that it will only make a robber country like Lao Mei more and more rampant, and only by giving them a head-on blow will they know that iron is hard, and that China is not easy to bully.

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

However, in the face of the dangerous prospect that the hegemony of the US empire has collapsed, the United States will certainly not be able to swallow this bad breath, and in addition, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have now reached a unified consensus, and they have chosen to adopt an all-encompassing tough policy against China, in an attempt to create enough trouble for China's road to rejuvenation.

So in addition to Paparo, another high-ranking member of the U.S. military has also made wild remarks recently.

U.S. Marine Corps Commander Eric Smith announced that the U.S. military had a new plan when he met with Yasutomi Morishita, chief of staff of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, in Washington.

What is the plan?

The Americans have given their plan a very popular name, called "Littoral Combat Plan", which is based in Guam and can radiate to Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and other places, and will deploy a large number of forward missile positions in these traditional allies of the United States.

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

It is estimated that many friends have heard of this Littoral Combat Plan of the United States, and the general idea of this plan has two parts.

First, after many years of playing games with the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Lao Mei has accepted the fact that the first island chain has long been firmly controlled by Brother Long.

They can't even deal with the 055 drive now, and they are chased by this knife-based guard of the Chinese People's Navy, how embarrassed and embarrassed they are.

What's more, there are also land-based Dongfeng missiles with extraordinary strength behind our naval ships, which will also make Lao Mei unable to eat and walk around.

Therefore, in this case, the 2024 Rim of the Pacific military exercise, which the United States has just announced in a high-profile manner, with the participation of the navies of 29 countries, will inevitably end in a hurry, like any military exercise in recent years.

Lao Mei may think that they gather other countries to participate in the competition, but this is not a kind of cowardice and cowardice?

Without pulling a large group of people to accompany him, Lao Mei would not have the courage to directly face the Chinese People's Navy.

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

Speaking of which, it comes to the second part of the "Littoral Plan" mentioned above.

If you can't fight, you have to get acquainted.

What do you mean by that?

As mentioned above, after years of gambling, the US military can no longer take advantage of anything within the first island chain.

The first island chain is a strategic system that the United States has painstakingly operated for many years, it starts from Japan in the north, goes to the Ryukyu Islands in the middle, and then goes to the island of Taiwan, and then all the way to the Philippines, and even extends to the Strait of Malacca.

Give up when you say give up? They're certainly not going to be so happy!

According to the consistent urine nature of the United States, their coastal combat plan has adopted the practice of dying friends and not dying poor to harm the countries and regions on these island chains.

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

According to the commander of the US Marine Corps, since the US military no longer has any advantage in the first island chain, they have focused on deploying the US military at the Guam base in the second island chain and the Hawaiian Islands in the third island chain.

Originally, the open front of the first island chain would have been deployed by the United States with various missile systems to confront China in a modern guerrilla warfare mode.

To put it bluntly, Lao Mei has already admitted it!

Then it is necessary to push Japan, the Philippines, and Taiwan Province of China to the forefront, as the forward position and cannon fodder group in the missile war, and let the US military do whatever it wants, and use the smallest sacrifice of the US military to create the greatest trouble for China, and let Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines bear the greatest sacrifice.

A good abacus!

It's a fucking shame.

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

This plan is quite bluffing on the surface, but the US military's coastal combat plan, from the perspective of us Chinese, is actually a simple guerrilla war, and the overall game situation is similar to the current confrontation between those countries in the Middle East against the United States and Israel, but it is the other way around, and the game has become the US military.

But Lao Mei has forgotten a fundamental point, who is the ancestor of guerrilla warfare? That was the Red Army and the Eighth Route Army, the predecessors of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

The ancestor of guerrilla warfare was Chinese, specifically Chairman Mao and his old man.

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

Chairman Mao's generation relied on this tactical system, from scratch, from strength to strength, until the complete overthrow of Chiang Kai-shek's reactionary government, which was supported by US imperialism.

Lao Mei will never understand that the essence of guerrilla warfare does not lie in the specific mode of operation, but in the military-civilian relationship that needs to form a rainy relationship with the local people.

The struggle is for the people, not for the sake of harming the local people.

The reason why the Eighth Route Army was able to fight more and more courageously and quickly grew from tens of thousands to more than one million, and why the Arab League's self-defense counterattack in the Middle East was unanimously supported by the 450 million Arab people around the world, was because we stood on the side of justice and fought for our own national liberation and legitimate rights and interests.

On the other hand, what about Lao Mei?

They are nothing more than scourge other countries for their own hegemony, treat others as fools and consumables like Ozawa in Ukraine, and strictly order these spheres of influence to die for the hegemony of the United States, the last person, shed the last drop of blood.

Can such a despicable strategy have a future? After the Dongfeng missiles and rockets washed the ground, everything returned to calm.

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

All in all, we can draw a minimum conclusion from the recent frenzied clamor and vexatious behavior of senior US military commanders.

In the face of the rapid growth of the strength of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the reality that China's overall national strength has shown a crushing trend, and the passive situation that the US military itself has been mired in the two quagmire of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the mentality of the old United States has gradually become unbalanced.

They are poor in donkey skills, and dogs jump over the wall in a hurry, trying to pull more people to make their backs!

This requires clowns like Lai Qingde and Marcos Jr. to recognize the reality, do they want to follow Lao Mei's blind toss? Or is it responsible for the peace and stability of the entire East Asian region?

But no matter what choice they make, China is fully prepared, for the sake of human justice, for world peace, for the sake of a community with a shared future for mankind, we vow to fight the United States to the end!

The commander of the US military threatened to use modern guerrilla warfare against China, and he could be regarded as having found his ancestors

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