
The four-step process of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the body greatly improves the combat effectiveness: the first step is to pass

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

What is it? It is to dredge the liver meridian. The efficacy and role of the liver meridian

The first function is the main drainage of the liver. Evacuation is mainly from the aspect of emotion, that is, from the aspect of mood, what does it mean, evacuation venting, liver master discharge, that is, if the liver meridian is clear, the function of the liver is normal, people will feel happy and comfortable, so people's emotions are mainly caused by the liver; On the other hand, that is, I am angry, depressed, that is, the liver meridian is blocked, why do people say that anger hurts the liver, and many people say, don't be angry, anger hurts the liver, mainly because of the function of the liver.

The second function is the liver main blood, this blood storage is the meaning of storage, the liver is a blood sac, the liver can put the human body's blood, temporarily not used blood temporarily stored in the liver, the liver main blood this Tibetan meaning, is to have the meaning of receiving, restriction, for example, liver function problems, the ability to control blood is poor, it will cause human bleeding, such as frequent nose bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhage, blood in the stool, stomach bleeding, which is related to the liver, Because the liver is the main reservoir of blood.

The four-step process of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the body greatly improves the combat effectiveness: the first step is to pass

The third function is the most important function of connecting with men. That is, the liver is the main tendon. What is Sosuji? Zong is the ancestor of the ancestor, the ancestor of the generation, the tendon is the big tendon of the human body, and the tendon refers to the male genitalia. We can see from the diagram of the liver meridian that the diagram of the liver meridian is around the yin organ, and the yin organ is the sect tendon, which revolves around the yin organ, so the problems of male reproduction are closely related to the liver meridian.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the main tendon of the liver, the main tendon of the liver, is the largest tendon of the human body, and its expansion and contraction rely on the filling of qi and blood.

If the liver qi is uncomfortable and the qi and blood flow is not smooth, the tendons will not be filled enough, which will lead to difficulty in standing up, and the more urgent it is, the more unable to get up.

People with liver meridian stasis usually feel uncomfortable, depressed, anxious, impatient, chest tightness, flank pain and so on.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main tendon, and the liver meridian is followed through the two yin. Therefore, the liver meridian qi and blood are strong, and the Zongjin can be quickly congested, and it bounces up very quickly. If the liver meridian qi and blood are insufficient, or the liver meridian qi and blood are stagnant, resulting in the yang channel being blocked, and there is not enough qi and blood to fill the sect tendons, it will lead to a situation where the rise is slow, difficult to rise, and not firm

So how can you tell if it is caused by stagnation of qi and blood or lack of qi and blood?

The four-step process of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the body greatly improves the combat effectiveness: the first step is to pass

(1) Stagnation of liver qi

If you often feel stressed, irritable, and sighing, you will always feel swelling and tingling pain in your chest and lower abdomen. As for the tongue, I found that both sides of the tongue were swollen. Then this is liver stagnation. Qi carries blood, and if the qi is not passed, the blood will not be passed, and it will be blocked there, which will eventually lead to the impassability of the yang road, and the situation that it is not strong and not strong.

(2) Hepatic fire

If the liver is depressed for a long time and the intervention is not made in time, the liver stagnation will turn into fire. The heat evil burns the liver meridian, which will also cause difficulty. At the same time, it is accompanied by swollen and painful eyes, redness, bitterness and dryness in the mouth, yellow urine, and dry stool. As for the tongue, I found that both sides were swollen and the tongue was red. At this time, it is not only necessary to relieve the liver and relieve depression, but also to clear the liver fire.

The four-step process of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the body greatly improves the combat effectiveness: the first step is to pass

(3) Insufficient liver blood

If you often feel dizzy, vision loss, dry eyes, numbness of limbs, tight joints, easy cramps, insomnia and dreams, and a dull complexion. The tongue is like a tongue, and the tongue is pale and white. In this case, it should be considered that the liver blood is insufficient.

I have seen a patient before, he is a typical liver deficiency and qi stagnation, usually in a very poor mood, often give up halfway during sexual intercourse, and it is difficult to control himself. Every day is always sleepy, tired and has no energy, these years always want to use some quick methods, to improve their ability, although it can be effective at the time, but afterwards the body is very weak, instead of their own ability, although it feels very in place at the time, but afterwards I feel more weak. The tongue is light, pale, and the veins are thin. The comprehensive syndrome differentiation is liver stagnation and qi stagnation, and the muscles are dystrophied.

The four-step process of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the body greatly improves the combat effectiveness: the first step is to pass

For this situation, clinically some drugs that nourish blood and invigorate blood and soothe the liver will be used to improve this problem, such as angelica, which nourishes blood and invigorates blood without being greasy, and is also used to replenish qi, such as Codonopsis, ginseng, astragalus, etc., then at the same time of replenishing qi, we must pay attention to the fact that a large amount of qi replenishment leads to qi stagnation, and there is too much qi intake, and some friends will feel that their stomachs are swollen after eating. It shows that there is too much qi in the gastrointestinal tract;

We can add Bupleurum to comb the run of gas. Qi is the handsome of blood, and the qi and blood that can be replenished by us through qi medicine can run smoothly, so that the organ can get better nutrition and play its normal role.

Therefore, in the treatment of male functional problems, tendon dystrophy and other diseases, it is necessary to intervene in the liver, and in traditional Chinese medicine, the liver and kidney are homologous, which is the reason.

After a period of treatment, the patient felt that the toughness of the tendons had improved, and the mood was getting better and better, only the time was still short, and the follow-up visit was accompanied by raspberry and dodder to increase the ability to strengthen the essence and astringency, and after more than a month, the body recovered as before