
Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (c)

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

Life is the same, some of the energy in life runs in a tangible structure, and some energy runs in a non-anatomical structure.

For example, traditional Chinese medicine says: the lungs and the large intestine are on the outside, and the heart is on the outside with the small intestine. Knocking on the gallbladder meridian on the outside of the thigh is good for the gallbladder, and knocking on the outside of the calf is good for the stomach and intestines. Also, the eyes are the liver orifice, the ears are the kidney orifice, the liver is sick, the eyes are uncomfortable, and the kidney is deficient, and the tinnitus is caused by kidney deficiency. None of these are anatomically directly related, and they can't even be hit with eight poles, but in practice there is such a thing.

Western medicine gives eye medicine when the eyes are red, while Chinese medicine cleanses the liver and fire. Western medicine treats tinnitus and examines the ears over and over again, while traditional Chinese medicine tonifies kidney deficiency. These connections, which seem unbelievable to Western medicine, are everywhere in Chinese medicine, and there are many of them.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (c)

TCM is particularly fascinated by these connections that transcend anatomy, and in the eyes of TCM, the connection of life energy is by no means limited to the visible anatomical basis.

The material connection in life must have its tight tangible structural connection, and the energy connection in life can transcend it. Although this energy connection cannot be structurally proven, it can be immediately revived by pinching the human central acupoint under the nose after fainting, and the heart can be relieved by pinching the inner Guan acupoint of the arm and forearm. There is no structural connection, no neural connection, but it turns out that there is an energetic connection.

Traditional Chinese medicine is the magic weapon to protect the health of our people!

In 1988, when 75 Nobel laureates gathered in Paris, they issued a joint declaration: if mankind wants to survive in the 21st century, it must go back to 2,500 years ago and find wisdom in traditional Chinese culture. It can be seen that the 21st century is a period of rejuvenation of Chinese traditional culture, and it is also an important node for Chinese traditional culture to lead and guide the world......

A thinker once said: It is not terrible for a country to perish, because it can be restored, but if the roots of a nation's culture are broken, then the nation will never recover. The four major civilizations have come to this day, ancient Egypt, ancient India, and ancient Babylon have all fallen one after another, and only the Chinese civilization (also known as the Chinese civilization) still stands in the East.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (c)

We grew up under the influence of Chinese culture, and then moved forward under the spur of Chinese culture, and finally made contributions in the nourishment of Chinese culture. Chinese culture is the background color of our lives. "Chinese culture has a long history, representing the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation, and providing rich nourishment for the Chinese nation's endless growth and development." Obviously, the excellent traditional Chinese culture is the source of our confidence, the spiritual lifeblood of the Chinese nation, and the "root" and "soul" of our country.

The cultural movement is linked to the national movement, and the cultural context is connected to the national context. China has firm self-confidence in the road, theory and system, the essence of which is cultural self-confidence based on the inheritance of more than 5,000 years of civilization.

"The people are only the state, and the country is solid".

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (c)

"Without universal health, there will be no comprehensive well-off"! Health has become a national strategic priority.

Why has Chinese medicine survived for 5,000 years? Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of Chinese civilization, and it is a science and technology that can defend human health formed by the Chinese nation for thousands of years of peaceful coexistence with nature and active struggle against diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine is the only medicine in the world that has been uninterrupted and uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years, which fully reflects the wisdom and good deeds of our ancestors. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the only medicine in the world that best embodies humanization, fully demonstrating the concept of people-oriented treatment; Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the only medicine in the world that pays attention to the thinking of syndrome differentiation and treatment of "thousands of people and thousands of faces", which fully reflects the unique academic level of TCM.

1. The four classics of traditional Chinese medicine: the Tao is more glorious for thousands of years!

What has been the highest achievement of people throughout the ages? It is nothing more than three things - "virtue, merit, and speech". In ancient Chinese medicine, many amazing doctors have emerged, and many classic works have also been produced. However, the most influential are the four classic works of traditional Chinese medicine, namely "Shennong's Materia Medica", "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", "Eighty-one Difficult Classics" and "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases".

"Shennong's Materia Medica" opened the "eternal process" of traditional Chinese medicine, which is the first pharmacopoeia in mainland China, the earliest work of symptomatology in mainland China, and an encyclopedia of ancient Chinese medicine.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (c)

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" is to raise the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine to a height that is difficult to reach after a thousand years, for thousands of years, "has been interpreted, never surpassed", what is more wonderful is that even a sentence in the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" can make people suddenly, and the medical theory of later generations of doctors has been created, all derived from the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing".

The "Eighty-one Difficult Classics" supplements the shortcomings of the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", and the book makes a unique simplification of the method of diagnosing the pulse of traditional Chinese medicine, which has been used for thousands of years and has never been changed.

"Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases" is written by Zhang Zhongjing at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, although Zhang Zhongjing was not famous when the book was written, but after the Jin Dynasty imperial physician Ling Wang Shuhe discovered Zhongjing's posthumous manuscript, he found the important role of this magnificent book, the book created a historical precedent for the differentiation and treatment of Chinese medicine, and also created a historical precedent for the treatment of diseases in Chinese medicine, and the prescription was known as "Jing Fang", and for 1,800 years, medical scientists at home and abroad have been studying Zhang Zhongjing's works.

Why do many of those big-name celebrities who go to the United States for medical treatment never return? (c)

The four classics of traditional Chinese medicine are undoubtedly in a very high position at that time, even if they are thousands of years old, they are still prominent, the main reason is that the four classics have recorded many aspects of traditional Chinese medicine with scattered memories. What's even more incredible is that many of the theories in the four classics of Chinese medicine, even after thousands of years, cannot find flaws in them, as the so-called "Tao Jing is more glorious for thousands of years".

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