
["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs

author:Mu Miao concentrated
["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs

9:00 a.m. Beijing time on June 29

We were invited to Beijing, the capital

Carry out the first session

"Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference

It is an important activity to promote in-depth cooperation in the fields of medical care and education to provide better and more comprehensive services for the all-round development of children and adolescents.

Share the latest research results, successful practice cases and innovative ideas, and discuss how to break down the barriers between healthcare and education and establish a closer cooperation mechanism.

The scene is brilliantly reproduced

["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs
["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs
["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs
["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs

Wang Jiakun

Member of the Mental Health Committee of Hunan Health Management Society

How Sand Play Intervenes in Children with Special Needs

["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs

What is a sandbox game?

The name of the sandbox game gives three key words: sand, board, and game.

Sand play is a way of communication and exchange, and it is also an intuitive and experiential "gamification" activity.

What is children's emotions?

Emotions have a very obvious motivational and stimulating effect on children's mental activities and behaviors.

In recent years, children's emotional and behavioral problems have become a hot topic in the field of child development research, and emotional and behavioral problems are also common psychological problems among school-age children.

Behavioural causes of emotional problems in children with special needs

Children are affected by a variety of factors during their psychological development. The behavioral causes of emotional problems in children with special needs are multi-source and complex.

1. From the perspective of neurobiology, abnormal brain development, neurotransmitter disorders and genetic variations are the underlying physiological basis.

2. At the psychological level, cognitive development retardation, deficits in emotional regulation mechanisms and low self-efficacy are all affected.

3. Adverse ecological environment, such as family conflicts, school rejection and insufficient social support, and other external factors may also become an important cause of emotional problems in children with special needs.

Sand table intervention for children with special needs

The operable modes of sand table games are divided into: individual, group, parent-child, and family sand table.

How the Sandplay Therapy Works:

1. Work at the unconscious level

2. The principle of symbolic analysis

3. The therapeutic mechanism of induction

Sand table performance types and related courses for children with autism

In the intervention of autistic children in psychological sand table therapy, it is a common sand table feature in children.

Relevant courses can be used: creative games, sharing games, turn-taking games, conversational games, and confrontational games.

The sand table is improved in four aspects for special children

1. Emotional regulation ability

2. Social skills

3. Cognitive development

4. Self-expression


Fourteen times of sand table case process analysis for students

Analyze the 14 experiences of the students in the healing process of the "Bobo" sand table, and explain the various plates that appear in the theme of the 14 sand tables.

By analyzing the various elements and symbols in the sand table, we can gain insight into the inner world of students at each stage.

["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs
["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs

Zhang Tiezhong

Founder of Heart Blue Sky Child Development Center

Mechanism and Strategy of Action of Sports Therapy

Case Study and Practice of Sports Therapy

["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs

Mechanism and strategy of exercise therapy

As a non-pharmacological treatment, exercise therapy plays an important role in the field of rehabilitation and health promotion.

Its mechanism of action is multi-layered:

1. From a physiological point of view, exercise can promote blood circulation, increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients, and help tissue repair and cell regeneration. At the same time, exercise stimulates the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, endorphins, etc., which are able to improve mood, reduce pain, and enhance concentration.

2. In terms of musculoskeletal system, exercise can enhance muscle strength, endurance and flexibility, improve the flexibility and stability of joints, and prevent and improve muscle atrophy, osteoporosis and other problems.

3. For the cardiovascular system, regular exercise can help reduce blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar levels, reduce risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, and enhance the function of the heart and blood vessels.

4. In terms of the immune system, moderate exercise can improve the activity and number of immune cells, enhance the body's resistance, and reduce the incidence of infection and disease.

Case study and practice of exercise therapy

Share the case of targeted neural training for children with autism, and carry out intervention training to improve children's speech, behavior, cognition and other problems......

["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs
["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs

I believe that all industry elites will continue to have in-depth exchanges

Working together for the healthy development of children

Contribute wisdom and strength!

["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs
["Medical and Education Integration, Empowering Growth" Promotion Conference] to build a healthy growth path for children with special needs