
Ten jokes: Maybe I'm a single dog with it, it's hard to find a confidant, so I pity each other!

author:Today's laugh

On the way to the vegetable market, an aunt sent me a flyer, I originally refused, but the aunt said, little beauty, come and take a look, it's all food! Just that little beauty, I gladly accepted...

My friend gave birth to a litter of puppies, and I went to ask for one! The puppy is very spiritual, and it doesn't take long for me to get acquainted with me, and one person and one dog get along happily! My mother was surprised and said to me: It seems that you are quite friendly! I laughed: Maybe I'm a single dog with it, it's hard to find a confidant, so I sympathize with each other! Mom was dismissive: It's a shame that you have the face to say, such a big person doesn't have a girlfriend! I'm afraid that there will be a heavenly dog full of descendants, but you will die alone.....

Ten jokes: Maybe I'm a single dog with it, it's hard to find a confidant, so I pity each other!

When I got home last night, a distant relative came to my family, and my father introduced: "This is your cousin-in-law, from the Northeast, say hello." Me: "Hello cousin!" The relatives were very enthusiastic: "Oh, this girl is really handsome, her skin is so white, her voice is soft, she wants to have a head, she wants to have a figure, and she will definitely find a good in-law in the future!" This is the first time I've been complimented like this since I was a child. I was very excited and replied loudly, "Cousin-in-law, I'm a man!"

I've been a nurse for two years, and I don't want to say how many ups and downs I've been through. My family didn't support me, and even my wife wanted to divorce me because of this incident. Alas, can't you be considerate of me? You say, what's wrong with the nurse? What's wrong with the dry nurse! What's wrong!

One day, I said to my husband, "Husband, take me to the washing machine!" My husband looked at me and said weakly, "I'll help you bring the washing machine, it's lighter." ”

Ten jokes: Maybe I'm a single dog with it, it's hard to find a confidant, so I pity each other!

I was working at the train station, and once an old lady came to ask for directions: "Young man, which way is the train going in Shanghai?" I saw that the old lady was not very convenient to move, so I helped him walk out of the VIP room and sent the old man on the train to Hainan. Day 2......

Sitting in the car today, a sister sat next to her, when she was touching up her makeup, the driver braked suddenly, and the lipstick was in her mouth at that time......

Honeymoon with his wife to Yunnan, many newlyweds in the tour group, to Xishuangbanna free activities, and one of the young couples to visit the tourist souvenir market, both girls bought the same local style white T-shirt, and then returned to the hotel together. On the boarding the next day, I charged in front with a large bag on my back, and my wife followed behind, and when I got to the place where I changed my boarding pass, I saw a white T-shirt floating over, and I reached out and hugged it. At this time, a loud roar came from behind: "Don't hug my wife!" "Khan ............ I hugged the wrong person, my wife stood three meters behind, and the other husband's husband stood two meters behind me and glared at me angrily. As soon as I was nervous, I blurted out: "It's okay, it's okay, my wife will let you hug it too............

Ten jokes: Maybe I'm a single dog with it, it's hard to find a confidant, so I pity each other!

"Dad, is there really a ghost in this world" "No, who did you listen to" "Our babysitter" "Hurry up and pack things" "What's wrong Dad?" "I didn't hire a babysitter at all" My son ran into a nanny while he was packing up and the nanny asked him what he was doing" Dad told me to clean up quickly" Nanny: Your dad died four years ago? When the son heard the news, he fainted and touched the table, causing a vase to fall to the ground, and a passer-by outside the door said to himself angrily: How can this house still make a sound after five years of no one living in it?

On the last night of graduating from college, the best friend thought for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to run to the girls' dormitory, handed a love letter written two years ago to the girl who had been secretly in love for a long time, and then rushed back to the dormitory nervously waiting for a response. ”