
July 1 Carbon Black Market Analysis

author:Coatings market analysis
July 1 Carbon Black Market Analysis

Carbon Black Market Analysis

In terms of cost: today's high-temperature coal tar market price in mainland China is stable. The price increase of downstream deep-processed products is limited, and the shipments of manufacturers are tepid, and the raw coal tar is mostly maintained in rigid demand, and the demand side support performance is average, and the low price of coal tar market in the short term is stable, and the cost of carbon black is not well supported.

On the supply side, the maintenance of some carbon black enterprises in Shanxi continues to be carried out, and the operating rate of the carbon black market has not changed significantly.

On the demand side: under the influence of high-priced sea freight, the foreign trade shipments of semi-steel tire enterprises have declined, and the phenomenon of enterprise production control has increased.

Carbon black market price

July 1 Carbon Black Market Analysis

Carbon black index analysis

According to Tu Duoduo data, the carbon black price index on July 1 was 8095, unchanged from the previous working day.

July 1 Carbon Black Market Analysis

Forecast for the future

In the short term, downstream enterprises are weak to follow up, and the market price of raw material high-temperature coal tar is insufficient, which does not provide good support for the cost of carbon black; The market situation of the downstream tire industry remains stable, and the raw material carbon black is mostly purchased in rigid demand, and the market price of carbon black is expected to remain stable in the short term.