
What are the punishments in prison?

author:Prison chatter

Prison is a place of punishment, and inmates are punished in it, so if they make mistakes in it, then what punishment is there?

What are the punishments in prison?

If a prisoner makes a small mistake, the correctional officer will usually talk to the prisoner first, conduct oral education, and let the prisoner pay attention to it and not repeat it next time. As long as it is corrected, the problem will not be very big.

If you make a bigger mistake, you may have to deduct points. Every inmate in prison has a scoring standard, including the score of confession and repentance, ideological education, and labor reform, which is also the standard for measuring the ordinary performance of a prisoner.

The penalty of deducting points is relatively large, because the evaluation score affects the level of punishment of the prisoner and the application for commutation and parole.

The grades of prisoners are divided into wide management level, general management level, inspection level and strict management level. Each level is treated differently, for example, inmates at the inspection level can meet with their families once a month for 30 minutes at a time.

What are the punishments in prison?

Prisoners at the leniency level can meet twice a month for 30 minutes, or once for 60 minutes, not to mention the difference of just 30 minutes, but in prison, the opportunity to see their relatives is very rare, and many inmates cannot look forward to these 30 minutes.

In addition, there are restrictions on the number of family calls, the upper limit of the amount of consumption in the domain, the scope of activities, etc., which are closely related to the level of encounter.

It is worth noting that there is no restriction on the exchange of letters in prison, and if family members want to send him letters but it is inconvenient to go to the post office, they can write letters and send photos online in the family mail mini program.

What are the punishments in prison?

If a prisoner repeatedly makes a mistake and does not correct it despite repeated deductions of points after verbal education, then he may be transferred to the strict management team. The strict management team, as the name suggests, is a place with very strict management, not only has a lot of physical training waiting for them every day, but also has to copy the supervision rules to increase the awareness of discipline, or the aspect is also worse than usual.

Serious disciplinary violations may result in confinement. Spend 24 hours a day in this small room with shackles on your feet. The confinement room is a place that is feared by all inmates in prisons, and is not only known as a prison within a prison, but also fears all inmates.