
The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

author:Nanke Documentary


Can frozen people really survive?

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

Generally speaking, people cannot be resurrected after death, but experts do not think so, and have been doing research on death, and have also frozen the human body, hoping that people on earth can live forever.

Not only that, but also continuous exploration, and now 50 years have passed, what happened to the first frozen person! Can I be reborn?

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

The first frozen man in the United States

Bedford, the world's first person to be frozen, has passed 50 years, and when Bedford's freezer container is opened, people can't help but ask if he can really survive it?

Bedford's death from cancer and his subsequent rapid freezing became a milestone in the history of cryonics, and his freezing process was the result of the wisdom and efforts of the medical community at the time.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

It also carries the aspirations and expectations of countless people for the continuation of life. However, as time went on, people gradually deepened their understanding of this technology, and discovered many difficulties and challenges.

Cryonics itself is an extremely complex and delicate process, and any step in the middle requires care, freezing the human body to extremely low temperatures in a very short period of time, requiring not only precise control and operation, but also special equipment and materials.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

Even if the human body is successfully frozen, it is a huge problem to ensure that the cells and tissues are not damaged during long-term storage.

The resuscitation process is also challenging, and when a frozen person needs to be resuscitated, how to safely thaw them and resume their vital activities is a very difficult problem to solve.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

Even if it can be successfully thawed, it is unknown whether the frozen person will be able to return to the state before freezing.

In fact, cryonics technology still faces ethical and legal challenges, how to define death and life, and how to protect the rights and interests of the frozen?

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

How to deal with issues such as inheritance and kinship that may arise? These issues require in-depth thinking and discussion while advancing cryonics technology.

Back to Bedford, his freezer has been opened, but the chances of recovery are still slim!

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

But there is still a long way to go before we can successfully resuscitate a man who has been frozen for decades. Bedford's illness remains incurable, and even if he is able to recover successfully, he is at risk of a recurrence.

So while cryonics offers a possible direction for life continuity, for now, it is still a challenging and uncharted field, and for a pioneer like him, his courage and spirit of exploration deserve our admiration.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

But for ordinary people, while pursuing the continuation of life, we should also maintain a rational and prudent attitude, pay attention to the development and practical application of current medical technology, so as to make a more wise choice.

China also has frozen people

Gui Junmin and Zhan Wenlian are a pair of childhood sweethearts, the two of them have known each other for 30 years, and later Zhan Wenlian got sick and had lung cancer, it was more than a year at that time, and Zhan Wenlian was running out of time at that time, so they signed up for the Frozen People Program.

With the continuous progress of society, our technology is also changing, and in China, this woman named Zhan Wenlian is not only a terminal cancer patient, but also the first volunteer in China to receive human cryopreservation technology (i.e., cryonics technology).

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

Her story is a profound exploration of the meaning of life, and it is also a sustenance for the hopes and dreams that future technology may bring.

In 2015, she was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, which had metastasized to her lymph and kidneys, and doctors told her that she had less than a month to live.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

In the face of the sudden blow, Zhan Wenlian did not choose to give up, but was accompanied by her husband Gui Junmin, looking for possible vitality.

After Zhan Wenlian knew that the institute had carried out human body insulation technology, she had the idea of wanting to repay her life, she hoped that her body would be preserved, and then she would be resurrected after the development of medicine, so that she could be reborn.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

After learning of his wife's decision, Gui Junmin finally decided to support his wife's choice, although his heart was full of doubts and reluctance.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

On May 7, 2017, Zhan Wenlian passed away in Qilu Hospital. Her body was transferred directly to the research institute, where researchers and medical staff began a complex cryopreservation process.

The first thing to do was blood exchange and cryoprotectant perfusion to ensure that the cell function was not damaged in the low temperature environment, and after dozens of hours of operation, her body was finally preserved and entered a dormant period.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

As the first frozen person in China, Zhan Wenlian's affairs have attracted much attention, and people have been moved by her courage and tenacity, as well as her hope for the future of science and technology.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

So can human cryopreservation technology really achieve rebirth? This is a question that has not yet been answered definitely, and although the technology is more mature now, there are still many problems that need to be faced.

But it is this unknown and possibility that makes people full of expectations and longing for the future.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

The question of whether this technology can be applied seems to be well worth considering, and from an ethical and moral point of view, one needs to carefully weigh the pros and cons and risks that this technology may bring.

However, there is also a need to take into account the level of social and family acceptance of this and the associated legal and policy issues.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

As the first cryonogen volunteer in China, Zhan Wenlian's story is not only a profound exploration of the meaning of life, but also a sustenance of hopes and dreams that future technology may bring.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

Freezing technology has gradually improved

Because cryonics technology was already real at that time, as one of the countries with rapid development of science and technology in the world, China has also made remarkable progress in the field of cryonics.

The origins of cryono-human technology can be traced back to the middle of the last century, when scientists began to explore the possibility of preserving organisms through cryogenics.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

As a major country in science and technology, China has also invested a lot of research resources in the field of cryonics, and has achieved a series of important results.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

Although this technology is relatively mature now, there are many unknowns, such as how to ensure that cells and tissues are not damaged during the freezing process, and how to ensure that the physiology of the human body can return to normal during future resuscitation.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

But with the continuous development of technology, these problems are expected to be solved in the future. In the future, cryonics technology is expected to become one of the important means to extend human life and explore the unknown world.

The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?


The development of cryonics technology provides important support for the exploration of a new chapter in the continuation of life, and with the continuous progress of technology and the improvement of the ethical and legal system, cryonics technology is expected to bring more surprises and possibilities to mankind.

Maybe one day in the future, you will be able to "live forever", and this is not impossible.

Information sources:

Red Star News2023-11-08 Can people "come back from the dead"? Co-CEO of Alcor, the originator of "cryonics": This is science-based science fiction
The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?
39Health.com2020-11-06 The world's first frozen man has been sleeping for 53 years and plans to be resurrected in 2017.
The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?
CCTV news client 2017-08-16 China's first case of cryonics completed How to freeze? Will there be a "resurrection" in the future?
The Eternal Life Project! The world's first frozen man has been thawed, and after 50 years, can it really be resurrected?

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