
Jiyang: Cultivate the "invisible fertile land" of "grain saving and loss reduction"

author:New Yellow River

In Jiyang, more than 30,000 farmers have used scientific grain storage silos; The loss of grain storage in the grain depot is as low as 1%; The region's grain postpartum service center saves more than 2,000 tons of grain every year...... The Grain and Material Reserve Center and the Grain Postpartum Service Center of Jiyang District, Jinan City, through postpartum services and green storage, jointly cultivate the "invisible fertile land" of "grain saving and loss reduction" in Jiyang District, and help stabilize the "people's rice bowl".

Grain post-harvest trusteeship helps farmers and benefits farmers

The wheat waves are rolling, the golden ears are fragrant, the summer grain of the whole region is harvested, and the grain postpartum service center is piled up with golden wheat piles.

Jiyang: Cultivate the "invisible fertile land" of "grain saving and loss reduction"

"This year's summer grain is all stored in the grain postpartum service center, small-scale planting of grain is relatively easy to dry, good storage, large-scale planting of grain has to rely on the granary, from harvest to drying, cleaning, sales, grain postpartum service center can do these work, we are very worry-free." Xu Xiliang, a large grain grower in Qudi Town, Jiyang District, said.

Qi Xianchun, head of the grain postpartum service center of Jinan Chunyuan Grain and Oil Trading Co., Ltd., introduced: "This year's summer grain harvest is bumper, the harvested grain is relatively dry, after the harvest, we directly provide cleaning, storage, sales services, screening of grain, scientific storage, greatly facilitating the harvest of farmers, improve production efficiency. ”

Grain is the first step to receive the hoard, and it is necessary to wait until the market is good before selling, and the win-win cooperation model of grain depot + company + farmers has brought more economic benefits to farmers. In 2024, in the process of grain reserve rotation, the grain rotation price will be more than 100 yuan higher than the national protection price per ton through policy auction competition, which will indirectly drive the price of wheat up, and the grain postpartum service center of Jinan Chunyuan Grain and Oil Trading Co., Ltd. will purchase 5,000 tons of grain at a higher price, allowing farmers to obtain more economic income.

Saving grain and reducing losses and cultivating "invisible fertile land"

In the past, after the grain is harvested, farmers dry and store it by themselves, and then sell it when the market is good, but because the equipment and technology cannot keep up, the stored grain is easily attacked by rodents and insects, and the grain loss is serious. According to Zhang Lailiang, a staff member of the Jiyang District Grain and Material Reserve Center, the loss of grain stored by farmers is 5 to 8 percent, while the loss of grain stored in the grain postpartum service center is as low as 1 percent.

Through the construction of grain post-production service centers and scientific grain storage facilities for peasant households, the grain harvested by peasants can be processed and properly stored in a timely manner, and the loss rate of grain storage by peasant households will be greatly reduced.

Jiyang: Cultivate the "invisible fertile land" of "grain saving and loss reduction"

According to the survey, this year, the grain postpartum service center in the region served 35,000 farmers to harvest summer grain, cleaned up 77,000 tons of grain, and is expected to help farmers reduce grain losses by 1,100 tons, which has played an important role in helping farmers reduce losses and increase income.

Grain post-production services in major grain producing areas are fully covered

After the completion of the grain postpartum service center, the Jiyang District Food and Material Reserve Center actively provides business guidance, technical services, and risk assessment, and carries out the promotion of new technologies with the help of World Food Day and Food Publicity Week, so as to provide services for the whole region to save grain and increase income.

Jiyang: Cultivate the "invisible fertile land" of "grain saving and loss reduction"

At present, the whole district has built the grain postpartum service center of Jinan Chunyuan Grain and Oil Trade Co., Ltd., the grain postpartum service center of Jinan Chen Zhaodong Grain Purchase and Sales Co., Ltd., the grain postpartum service center of Jiyang District Jiangdian Grain Postpartum Service Center, and the Taiping Grain Postpartum Service Center of Jiyang District, covering more than 80% of the key grain-producing towns in the district.

Gao Qun, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Jiyang District Food and Material Reserve Center, said that it is expected that two more grain postpartum service centers will be added in the district before the year to achieve full coverage of the region's major grain producing towns.

Reporter: Wang Jingjing Proofreader: Gao Xin Editor: Liu Meimei