
The woman smashed the car continuously with a hammer, and the male owner scolded angrily, started the vehicle and suddenly accelerated to the other party

author:Da Chen Hunting

Whether it is a husband and wife or a couple, if you don't love each other, you can just get together and break up, and everyone will break up rationally. Feelings are such a thing, you can't beg for it, you can't force it. There's no need to go crazy and make a fuss about you and hurt both of you. You can't be too paranoid, feel that the other party owes you too much, so that your emotions are out of control, and you do extreme acts in retaliation, not only hurting yourself, but also others, and hurting both families.

The woman smashed the car continuously with a hammer, and the male owner scolded angrily, started the vehicle and suddenly accelerated to the other party

On June 30, netizens posted a video to break the news that in the recent evening, on a sparsely populated street somewhere, a black car was parked on the side of the road, and a woman came over and suddenly did something jaw-dropping.

The woman smashed the car continuously with a hammer, and the male owner scolded angrily, started the vehicle and suddenly accelerated to the other party

At this time, a young man walked towards the woman and pointed at the other man and cursed, but the woman did not show weakness, holding a hammer in her right hand and pointing at the man with her left hand angrily. When the man walked over, he did not commit violence, but walked towards the smashed car and got into the car.

The woman smashed the car continuously with a hammer, and the male owner scolded angrily, started the vehicle and suddenly accelerated to the other party

Judging from the situation at the time, the two were either lovers or husband and wife, and they didn't know why they had a stiffness, so the woman acted in a hurry. The man sat in the cab, quickly started the car, and then turned around and rushed directly towards the woman, who stood in place, not running or dodging, seeing that a bloody tragedy was about to be staged.

The woman smashed the car continuously with a hammer, and the male owner scolded angrily, started the vehicle and suddenly accelerated to the other party

Fortunately, the man's sanity overcame madness, and he tried to hit people several times, but in the end he held back his anger and did not carry it further, and the woman was lucky to escape. The man then pulled over to the side of the road and sat alone in the cab for a while, and when he calmed down, he also got out of the car and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

The woman smashed the car continuously with a hammer, and the male owner scolded angrily, started the vehicle and suddenly accelerated to the other party

The online video did not disclose the location of the incident, the relationship between the man and the woman, and the specific reason. But as can be seen from the video, the woman is a little out of control, but the man is relatively calm and does not do anything absurd. In fact, there have been many reports on similar incidents on the Internet, but the ending is a tragedy, some people are injured and some people are killed, which is sad.