
When she was young, she didn't help her daughter-in-law take care of the children, and her mother-in-law, who said that she relied on her daughter, was kicked out of her daughter's house after she fell ill

author:Late life

On that sunny afternoon, Aunt Wang sat in her small yard, basking in the warm sun while chatting with her neighbor Aunt Li. Her words are full of trust and dependence on her daughter Xiaofang, "My Xiaofang, I have been sensible since I was a child, and I am also the pillar of the family after getting married." When I get old in the future, I will rely on her, and I don't want to get involved in the affairs of my son's family. Aunt Wang's voice was full of pride and firmness.

Aunt Li listened, her brows furrowed slightly, but she didn't say anything, she just sighed silently in her heart. She knew that Aunt Wang's sons Wang Gang and Xiaofang were filial children, but Aunt Wang was so partial, I was afraid that there would be a lot of incidents in the future.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Aunt Wang's wife died, and her body gradually deteriorated. Whenever she saw the daughter-in-law of the old Zhang family next door playing with her children, Aunt Wang always pouted her lips with disdain, and she was even more determined in her choice. She believes that her daughter Xiaofang will be her most solid support in her later years.

However, Aunt Wang didn't notice that as time passed, her son Wang Gang's eyes began to be a little more worried, and Xiaofang's smile was no longer as bright as before. Family harmony seems to be quietly being eroded by some invisible rift.

When she was young, she didn't help her daughter-in-law take care of the children, and her mother-in-law, who said that she relied on her daughter, was kicked out of her daughter's house after she fell ill

As the seasons change, the spring breeze blows through the town, bringing a breath of new life. In the courtyard of Wang Gang's house, the peach blossoms are blooming beautifully, and the daughter-in-law Liu Hui is busy with housework with a slightly bulging belly. Her eyes flashed with the joy of becoming a mother, but she couldn't hide her tiredness.

One evening, Liu Hui plucked up her courage and knocked on Aunt Wang's door. She said softly: "Mom, you see that the child is about to be born, and I may not be busy alone, can you help take care of it?" Her voice was full of anticipation and pleading.

Aunt Wang didn't think so, she sat on the old rattan chair, slowly shaking the pu fan, and said in a cold tone: "Hui, don't you have a nanny?" Besides, I'm old, so it's up to you young people to take care of the kids. ”

Liu Hui's heart sank, she didn't expect her mother-in-law to be so ruthless. She lowered her head, her voice trembling slightly: "Mom, I know you are working hard, but the child is your grandson, shouldn't the family help each other?" ”

When she was young, she didn't help her daughter-in-law take care of the children, and her mother-in-law, who said that she relied on her daughter, was kicked out of her daughter's house after she fell ill

Aunt Wang's face became a little ugly, and she waved her hand impatiently: "Okay, okay, I know what you mean, but I said it, I won't change my mind." You better go back, don't delay my rest. ”

Liu Hui reluctantly retreated, tears rolling in her eyes. She didn't understand why her mother-in-law could be so cold, and was it so difficult to get warmth and support between families?

When night fell, Wang Gang returned home and saw his wife's tearful eyes, and a nameless fire surged in his heart. He knew that this family needed him to stand up and say something.

Xiao Fang stood in the kitchen, holding a spatula in one hand and wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead with the other. Her husband has been having a bad job lately, and the family's financial pressure has increased dramatically. Xiaofang's mood is like a stir-fried dish in a pot, with mixed flavors.

On this day, Xiaofang received a call from her mother, Aunt Wang, and Aunt Wang's slightly hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone: "Fang, I've not been feeling well lately, do you have time to come and see me?" ”

When she was young, she didn't help her daughter-in-law take care of the children, and her mother-in-law, who said that she relied on her daughter, was kicked out of her daughter's house after she fell ill

Xiao Fang's heart tightened, she knew that her mother's health had not been very good, but she was really lacking in skills now. She tried her best to make her voice sound relaxed: "Mom, I've been a little busy lately, if you don't feel well, go to the hospital to have a look, I'll figure out how to deal with money." ”

Aunt Wang on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said a little unhappily: "Why are you like your brother, only caring about your own little family, and forgetting my mother?" ”

Xiaofang felt powerless, she wanted to explain her predicament, but she didn't want her mother to worry. She could only comfort: "Mom, don't think about it, I can't help it." I'll be sure to go back to see you when I'm done with this. ”

After hanging up the phone, Xiaofang leaned against the kitchen wall and sighed deeply. How she wished that someone would understand her difficulties and not just ask for them. She thought of her sister-in-law Liu Hui, and she didn't know how she was now, whether she was also like herself, bearing the weight of life.

Xiaofang decided to give Liu Hui a call, maybe they can understand and support each other as daughters-in-law. She picked up her phone and dialed the familiar number, hoping to find some solace in this difficult time.

The autumn wind is rising, the leaves are flying, and Aunt Wang's physical condition is getting worse and worse. She lay alone on her old bed, the leaves rustling in the wind outside the window, and the faint smell of medicine permeated the room. Her face was pale and her breathing was a little short, but she still stubbornly refused to ask her children for help.

When she was young, she didn't help her daughter-in-law take care of the children, and her mother-in-law, who said that she relied on her daughter, was kicked out of her daughter's house after she fell ill

Until one day, Aunt Wang suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, and she barely reached out to get the bedside phone, but she fell to the ground weakly. Fortunately, the neighbor noticed the abnormality in time and hurriedly called the emergency number.

On the hospital bed, Aunt Wang lay weakly, her eyes revealing a hint of confusion and fear. The doctor told her in all seriousness that she needed long-term treatment and care. That's when she realized that she couldn't be as tough and independent as before.

Aunt Wang's heart is full of contradictions and struggles. She remembered her indifferent rejection of her daughter-in-law Liu Hui and her daughter Xiaofang's financial difficulties. She began to wonder if what she had done in the past was really right.

The door of the ward opened gently, and Wang Gang and Xiaofang hurried over. Seeing their mother's haggard face, their eyes were filled with worry. Aunt Wang looked at them, and an unprecedented sense of guilt surged in her heart. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

Wang Gang held his mother's hand and said gently, "Mom, don't worry, we will take care of you." Xiaofang also nodded in agreement: "Yes, Mom, we are a family, everything will be fine." ”

A few tears fell from the corners of Aunt Wang's eyes, and she finally realized that no matter how much she once insisted on her ideas, the love and support between her family was the most precious. She nodded slightly, and the ice wall in her heart began to slowly melt.

When she was young, she didn't help her daughter-in-law take care of the children, and her mother-in-law, who said that she relied on her daughter, was kicked out of her daughter's house after she fell ill

The white walls and cold instruments of the hospital have become the scenery of Aunt Wang day after day. Over time, although her condition stabilized, the medical expenses were like a bottomless pit that swallowed away Xiaofang's family's already modest economy. Xiaofang's husband began to express his dissatisfaction with this one-sided financial burden, and his complaint pierced Xiaofang's heart like a thorn.

Late one night, a heated argument broke out in the home. Xiaofang's husband angrily asked, "Our own children are about to be unable to go to school, how much money do you have to throw at your mother?" Xiaofang defended weakly: "She is my own mother, I can't leave her alone." ”

However, the weight of reality makes Xiaofang's persistence seem more and more powerless. Eventually, after an argument, Xiaofang's husband made a decision: "Either your mother leaves, or we divorce." This sentence was like a sharp knife cutting through Xiao Fang's heart.

Faced with such a choice, Xiaofang burst into tears, and she felt unprecedented despair. She found her brother Wang Gang, hoping to find a compromise solution. Wang Gang was silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "Perhaps, it is a good choice to let my mother go to a nursing home." ”

When the news reached Aunt Wang's ears, she felt a deep sense of betrayal and helplessness. She couldn't accept that her daughter, who she once believed in, would push her away at such a moment. Aunt Wang's heart was completely cold, she packed her simple luggage, and left her daughter's home with disappointment and pain.

When she was young, she didn't help her daughter-in-law take care of the children, and her mother-in-law, who said that she relied on her daughter, was kicked out of her daughter's house after she fell ill

Aunt Wang walked on the road to the nursing home, and every step was extremely heavy. She remembered her former pride and stubbornness, but now she was ruthlessly shattered by reality. She began to wonder if she had made the right choice in this life and what was the meaning of family.

Wang Gang watched the lonely back of his mother, Aunt Wang, disappear into the gate of the nursing home, and an indescribable sourness surged in his heart. When he returned home, he looked at his wife Liu Hui's busy figure, and his determination in his heart became even stronger. He knew that as a son, he had a responsibility to take care of his mother.

"Hui, I want to bring my mother back." Wang Gang told Liu Hui his thoughts at dinner. Liu Hui stopped what she was doing and looked at her husband with some surprise: "But your mother ...... before"

Wang Gang gently held his wife's hand: "I know that you have suffered a lot of grievances in the past, but now my mother needs us." We can't let her spend her old age alone in a nursing home. ”

Liu Hui looked at her husband's determined eyes, and the frost in her heart began to melt. She thought of her soon-to-be-born child and the warmth and responsibility of family. She nodded: "Let's work together, for Mom, and for our family." ”

The next day, Wang Gang and Liu Hui went to the nursing home together. They saw Aunt Wang sitting by the window, staring vacantly at the outside world. Wang Gang stepped forward and whispered, "Mom, come home with us." ”

When she was young, she didn't help her daughter-in-law take care of the children, and her mother-in-law, who said that she relied on her daughter, was kicked out of her daughter's house after she fell ill

Aunt Wang raised her head and looked at the sincere faces of her son and daughter-in-law, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes. She stood up slowly, didn't speak, just nodded silently. She knew that this could be her last chance to feel the warmth of home.

Back at home, Wang Gang and Liu Hui began to get busy, decorating the room for Aunt Wang and preparing daily necessities. Their movements are full of carefulness and patience, as if they are using their actions to tell Aunt Wang that no matter what happened in the past, they are now a family.

Aunt Wang watched all this, and the ice wall in her heart finally melted completely. She began to re-examine her life and gained a new understanding of family. She realized that a true family is not just about relying on and taking, but also about tolerance, understanding and support.

When spring came, everything recovered, and Aunt Wang gradually recovered under the careful care of her son and daughter-in-law. She sat in front of the window and looked at the flowers blooming in the yard, her heart filled with unprecedented peace and gratitude.

On this day, Wang Gang and Xiaofang came to their mother's house together. They brought the laughter of the children, and the home was suddenly full of warmth and vitality. Aunt Wang's face bloomed with a smile that she hadn't seen for a long time, and she stretched out her trembling hand and gently stroked her grandson's hair.

When she was young, she didn't help her daughter-in-law take care of the children, and her mother-in-law, who said that she relied on her daughter, was kicked out of her daughter's house after she fell ill

"Mom, I'm sorry, it's me who is not good." Xiao Fang sat next to her mother, tears in her eyes and a choked voice. "I used to be too selfish to take your feelings into account."

Aunt Wang shook her head, with tears in her eyes: "No, I was wrong." I was too stubborn to understand your difficulties. ”

Wang Gang held his mother's hand and said gently: "Mom, we are all a family, no matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, we will face them together." ”

Misunderstandings and estrangements between family members were released and healed at this moment. They sat together, sharing each other's stories and feelings, and there was a sense of reconciliation and rebirth in the air.

Since then, Aunt Wang has become more considerate and caring for her family. She began to actively participate in the growth of her grandson, cooking and telling stories with her daughter-in-law Liu Hui. The home was once again filled with laughter, and everyone felt the warmth and strength of home.