
pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

author:Fat Boy Yu said

In the entertainment industry, celebrities can understand that they have high and "volume" requirements for appearance, but those young male stars are also pursuing "beauty", isn't it a bit too much!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

In order to be able to look their best in front of the camera, the stars spare no effort to pursue perfection; There are various means of dieting, plastic surgery, and weight loss, which can dazzle people's eyes.

It would be understandable if female celebrities pursued "thinness as beauty", after all, there is no woman who doesn't want to be thin, but male stars are "more than equal"! Dressed up even more glamorous than an actress!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

Some of them even pursue the so-called "swan neck" and "right-angled shoulder", isn't this really a "sick aesthetic"?

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

"Delicate and pretentious" Zhang Dada

We can often see Zhang Dada's figure in major variety shows, and everyone had a good impression of him at first, he belonged to a funny man, but over time, netizens gradually found that Zhang Dada's external performance became more and more pretentious!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

His speech and demeanor are always deliberately designed, and his gestures are full of exaggerated elements, and this deliberate design and performance make him seem unnatural in interpersonal communication!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

It feels unreal. Not only that, Zhang Dada's emotional intelligence is not high, and he often speaks wildly to the guests, he himself thinks it is funny, but he doesn't know that the audience has already deducted points from him.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

"Melon seed face" Zhang Ruoyun

Zhang Ruoyun is a talented actor with profound acting skills and very unique charm.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

relies on superb acting skills to create many characters that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, whether in costume dramas or modern dramas, they can easily show the emotions and inner world of the characters.

Zhang Ruoyun, who became popular with "Celebrating More Than Years", has been loved and sought after by many netizens, not only has good acting skills, but also has a handsome face, and has gained many female fans in "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

But somehow, you don't have to lose weight with that perfect face, and now Zhang Ruoyun has changed from a long face to a melon seed face, not only with loose skin, but also with a lot of wrinkles!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

Especially in the new drama "Police Glory", his appearance can be said to have plummeted, which made many netizens look dark.

"Heavy makeup and glamorous" idol style

Since the popularity of men's groups at home and abroad, more and more men have begun to imitate idols with heavy makeup, and this delicate and gentle male characteristic has also begun to be imitated by many people;

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

Of course, if you have good enough looks, that's fine, but some people just don't have self-knowledge.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

You must know that being delicate and beautiful does not mean that "mother" and greasy, some male stars completely confuse this!

A group of big men, wink on the stage, are cute, and even learn to be coquettish with girls, I have to say, it is indeed a little disgusting to see this.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

"Greasy uncle" Li Chen

Li Chen, a big black bull who is famous in the variety show "Run, Brother", is loved by many audiences with his strong figure and full sense of security!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

But gradually, he also began to embark on the "crooked road", and the audience also said, "Li Chen could have aged decently, but he had to play a 17-year-old boy."

Today's Li Chen is in his 40s, no matter how young he is, his face is inevitably full of traces of time!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

But with such a face, he has to play an 18-year-old high school student, and his youthful and energetic age suddenly becomes "vigorous with biogas", and I don't know if the director can't think about it or Li Chen can't think about it.

"Bamboo pole man" Luo Yunxi

When it comes to Luo Yunxi in the early days, everyone may say, "That handsome star?" "Is that the guy who has good acting skills?" … But now when it comes to Luo Yunxi, everyone will only say, "Why is Luo Yunxi so thin!" ”

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

Indeed, as a public figure, her figure is a little too thin, causing everyone to pay attention to her health.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

Not only that, as an actor, Luo Yunxi's image also needs to take into account the needs of the role, and his too thin body may affect his expressiveness and ability to shape the role in the play.

For example, in some costume dramas, many netizens feel that he is too thin to support this role after watching Luo Yunxi's performance, so you need to be cautious when losing weight!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

"Shriveled monkey" Zhang Yishan

Like Luo Yunxi, who is "shriveled" is also the well-known Zhang Yishan, and the former TV series "Family with Children" left a very deep impression on everyone!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

Zhang Yishan is also a very cute little boy in it, but as he grows older, he begins to slowly embark on the road of "handsome".

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

But you can be handsome if you want to, but everyone feels that Zhang Yishan seems to have embarked on the road of a "spiritual guy", with a shriveled and sunken face, a thin monkey-like figure, and an exaggerated expression in the play, it is really funny to watch.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

The current Zhang Yishan is 1.75 meters tall and weighs 100 pounds, and there is no girl who is heavy, and it is not advisable to pursue a thin figure too much!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

We should advocate the correct aesthetic concept of health, and hope that Zhang Yishan can pay more attention to physical health in the coming days and bring us more excellent works.

"Aunt is full of taste" Yin Zheng

Yin Zheng has attracted much attention in recent times, and often attracts the attention and discussion of the public because of his "aunty" image.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

He has brought us a lot of excellent film and television dramas, and his image in the play is basically "difficult to distinguish between male and female", such as "Farewell My Concubine", "Sideburns Are Not Begonia Red", "Charlotte's Troubles" and so on......

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

In fact, it should be said or not, Yin Zheng is quite experienced in this area. In fact, sometimes this kind of "auntie" is not derogatory, but a charming, gentle and slightly deep quality;

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

On the screen, the characters created by Yin Zheng often have a kind of feminine delicacy and tenacity, which is not only his unique charm as an actor, but also his unique way of shaping the role.

Chen Haomin

Speaking of Chen Haomin, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is the TV series "Living Buddha Jigong", and the role of Jigong at that time gave him a lot of fans.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

In the early days, he was also handsome and charming, and in general he was quite attractive, but the years are a pig-killing knife, and everyone has a time to get old.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

Of course, after getting older, some people choose to enjoy their old age or play some roles that suit them;

But Chen Haomin is not, he just wants to challenge himself, a person who is almost 60, plays a young man in his 20s, and he doesn't even look at it when he stands with his peers.

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

Although he wants to make money, he also has to do what he can, there are so many roles in the entertainment industry, there is always one suitable for him, there is really no need to "pretend to be tender" so much!

Hua Chenyu

The last one is Hua Chenyu, in fact, speaking of him, some people love and some hate, those who love him appreciate his talent and beauty, and those who don't love him only think he is "strange"!

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

Let's not talk about how Hua Chenyu sings, some of his behaviors sometimes are really incomprehensible.

For example, when singing, making some pretentious movements of a little woman, sometimes everyone thinks that this man is indeed a bit contrived sometimes, which is difficult to understand;

pretending to be tender, thin into a bamboo pole, wearing heavy makeup, and difficult to distinguish between male and female, the "sick aesthetics" of the male star are so scary

So if Hua Chenyu wants to be less controversial, then it's better to restrain his own approach!

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Text/Editor: Lucky Chubby