
Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

author:History of Yew Wah

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In May 2021, the explosion of a video brought "Wei Shen" Wei Dongyi into the public eye, his simple appearance and simple lifestyle made him look ordinary, but he is such a person, but he is known as a mathematical genius in Peking University, a place full of talents.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Therefore, many people feel that people like Wei Dongyi, who have certain attainments in a certain academic field, are absolutely impeccable in academics, but they may not be so accurate in terms of human feelings or common sense of life.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

However, on June 27, a video of Wei Dongyi's cousin broke people's prejudice against him, and also let people see a different Wei Shen, so what is the appearance of Wei Shen in the cousin's video?

«——【Wei Dongyi's appearance·】——»

On June 27, Wei Dongyi's cousin posted a video, only to see that in addition to his family, there was also Wei Dongyi in the video!

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

You must know that Wei Dongyi, who is in the public's impression, has always been immersed in academics and ignores things outside the window, even if he sees him, he should be in the classroom or office, but I didn't expect to see him in a party video, which is really amazing.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Wei Shen in the video, as always, is wearing simple and simple clothes eating the food on the table, and there is a backpack on his body, and next to the meal, there are several buns packed in plastic bags, and the meals look like ordinary home cooking.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

As for the source of the buns, Wei Shen's cousin also made an explanation, she said that these buns were specially brought to her by Wei Shen for breakfast, and they also came from the Peking University canteen, and the amount and price were also very real.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In the subsequent video, we can see that these buns have entered the mouth of Wei Shen's nephew, and the cousin also said that these buns are particularly delicious, and we know from the video that it was not Wei Shen who went to his cousin's house for dinner, but the cousin's family specially went to Peking University to visit Wei Shen.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

His relatives wanted to come, and Wei Shen, who taught at Peking University, naturally wanted to entertain them well, so he took them and his group to wander around the campus of Peking University.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

It seems that Wei Shen really has a soft spot for food such as steamed buns, in the video that made Wei Shen popular before, Wei Shen was holding mineral water and steamed buns in his hands, and then some people often met Wei Shen, in those photos and videos, Wei Shen was carrying buns with him, and now he brought the buns to his cousin's family, maybe this bun is really unique.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Such a careful and thoughtful arrangement would certainly not be strange if it was placed on ordinary people, but if it was placed on Wei Shen, it would have to be amazing, after all, Wei Shen usually showed everyone an obsessive academic appearance, and it was hard for people to think that he had done a good job in terms of human sophistication.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Therefore, some netizens praised Wei Shen's sophistication in the comment area, and other netizens also gave their own suggestions in the comment area.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Some netizens suggested that the cousin had better buy something for Wei Shen, and the shoes should also be replaced with velcro or a pedal, so that it is convenient for Wei Shen to put on and take off, and the cousin also responded to the enthusiastic suggestions of netizens, saying that she would talk to Wei Shen about this.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In addition, the cousin also exposed the appearance of her two children in the video, the eldest son looks very handsome, and the daughter is also very cute, netizens said that they didn't expect this nephew to look like Uncle Wei Dongyi after seeing the appearance of these two.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In addition to these, this netizen also suggested that the cousin had better buy a summer dress for Wei Shen, at least to make Wei Shen look energetic, and not to have a "stupid" atmosphere like before, and the cousin replied that she would persuade him well.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Later, some netizens continued to say that they had seen them in Peking University, and also said that it was the first time they saw Wei Shen talking and laughing, it seems that Wei Shen has always been meticulous at work, and it is rare to be so relaxed, which also allows students to see another side of him.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Of course, in addition to netizens who care about Wei Shen, there are also some netizens who like gossip who began to ask their cousin if Wei Shen has a partner now, and the cousin categorically said no, indicating that Wei Shen is now also addicted to academics and has no time to take care of other things.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Because the cousin revealed in the video that he would take Wei Shen to climb the Great Wall, this is not on June 29, someone found out in the video that they really went to climb the mountain, although the cousin did not show Wei Shen's face in the subsequent video of climbing the Great Wall, but he couldn't bear the sharp eyes of netizens, and soon found Wei Shen's figure.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Judging from the video, Wei Shen was wearing a striped shirt that day, walking in front with a black backpack diagonally on his body, and his body was wrapped very tightly.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In this regard, the cousin said that Wei Shen walked and exercised every day, which meant that climbing the Great Wall was nothing to him, but his cousin couldn't even catch up with Wei Shen.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Some netizens asked questions about Wei Shen's salary card, and the cousin said that Wei Shen has always kept it by himself, combined with Wei Shen's work and academic achievements, the number in the salary card must not be underestimated, but Wei Shen usually advocates simplicity, so he will show a raunchy appearance in front of the public.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

«——[Math Genius·]——»

After Wei Shen became popular before, some reporters went to interview Wei Shen's relatives, and the relatives told reporters that Wei Shen's monthly living expenses in Beijing will not exceed 300 yuan, which is really surprising in Beijing, where the price of every inch of land is extremely high.

Not only that, Wei Shen usually doesn't watch TV, doesn't talk about WeChat, and doesn't even go online, only when he has to check the information, he will check it online, it seems that Wei Shen has buried all his thoughts in mathematics.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

However, Wei Shen's achievements also have a lot to do with his family, Wei Shen's father is a professor in the Department of Mathematics of Shandong University, and his mother is also a building in the Department of Architecture of the school.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

When he grew up, his father began to deliberately tutor Wei Shen to stimulate his mathematical talent, and under his own ability and the guidance of his father, Wei Shen made significant progress in mathematics, and began to prepare for the Olympiad at the age of 14.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

As a result, he successfully entered the National Olympiad training team, and later continued to participate in various Olympiad competitions, and also won a lot of medals.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

And during Wei Shen's study at Peking University, Harvard University also handed him an olive branch, hoping that he could enter Harvard University for further study, but Wei Shen didn't care about these and directly rejected Harvard's invitation to continue studying at Peking University.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In May 2021, Wei Shen completely exploded in an interview video, in which he had dull eyes and carried mineral water and steamed buns in his hands.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

«——【Focus on the inner Wei Shen·】——»

It's a pity that after the explosion, in addition to praise, Wei Shen also had slander, for example, someone later posted a video of Wei Shen's lecture, saying that Wei Shen would only explain his own problem-solving ideas by himself, and would not consider whether the student's thinking could keep up, so Wei Shen's class absenteeism rate was very high.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Because of this incident, many people accused Wei Shen of not being allowed to come out to teach, as long as he was allowed to continue to do research, being a teacher may not be suitable for him, but this kind of thing was quickly overturned later.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Some students stood up to explain to Wei Shen, they said that Wei Shen would not explain by himself, and if students have questions, they will also communicate about it, not at all as uploaded on the Internet, not to mention that since the explosion, there have been students from many other departments who have come to listen to the lectures, but due to the gap in majors, they can only keep up with a little effort.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In addition, Wei Shen's strength has been recognized by many mathematics professors at Peking University, which shows that his ability is beyond that of other professors, and he is a genius among geniuses, so he naturally has his own understanding and ideas when lecturing, and it is normal for students to not keep up.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In addition, some people criticize Wei Shen for being in his 30s, why he doesn't have a car or a house in Beijing, and the economy must not be able to keep up, but what everyone sees is Wei Shen's usual simple appearance, with Wei Shen's work and the bonuses he has won from participating in various competitions, he is fully capable of having his own car and house in Beijing, but he is not here.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

The comments and opinions of the online world are really insignificant to him, because he prefers to devote his time to mathematical research, after all, exploring the unknown and solving complex problems is the only way to get the greatest satisfaction.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

For Wei Shen, money is just something outside the body, a tool that is inevitably needed in life, rather than the ultimate goal of his pursuit, and he is actually very indifferent to material pursuits.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

It can be said that Wei Shen has devoted all his talents and enthusiasm to the field of mathematics, focusing on academic research and knowledge exploration, and material wealth is not the source of happiness for him, on the contrary, the devotion to the mathematical career he loves is the greatest happiness and satisfaction in his life.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In today's materialistic world, Wei Shen's deeds tell us that the pursuit of spiritual satisfaction, the thirst for knowledge and the love of the professional field are the most valuable wealth in life.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

It's a pity that some people don't realize this, but instead use some mundane things to bind him, but they don't know that Wei Shen doesn't care about these at all.


Although Wei Dongyi is far superior to others in mathematics, in the final analysis, he also understands the basic human feelings, but outsiders are more willing to pay attention to what achievements he will bring and personal circumstances, and will not pay too much attention to these details.

I hope that in the future, Wei Shen can continue to study mathematics and create more brilliance, and at the same time, I also hope that his life will usher in that destined partner as soon as possible, and both parties will grow and progress together.


Douyin account: Doudou & Sean Ma Ma

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter The real "Wei Shen": Most of the essays in the three years of junior high school are written about the Yanshan overpass, and I love to listen to the radio

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter
Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter
Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter
Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter