
I've liked him for eight years, and it's time to see through his ruthlessness. Trampling on her dignity in front of his lover?

author:Zhizhi excerpt
I've liked him for eight years, and it's time to see through his ruthlessness. Trampling on her dignity in front of his lover?

The picture comes from the Internet

At ten o'clock in the evening, it was night, and Ruan Tang came out of work from the Chinese medicine hall under the city hospital with a tired body.

On WeChat on her mobile phone, good sister Fang Yan sent her a message.

[Damn, Lu Yici, that scumbag has found a young model behind your back to fool around in the bar! ] 】

Underneath is an angry panda meme and a piece of gossip news.

Yuan Tang clicked on the link without expression.

[The eldest young master of the Lu family, Lu Yi, resigned from dating the tender model Chu Man'er, and Chu Man'er's position as the young lady of the Lu family is just around the corner]

A big black headline appeared in front of me.

Especially the five words of the young lady of the Lu family, Ruan Tang's pupils shrank.

There are also three photos.

A sexy beauty in a cool one-piece skirt sits on the lap of a handsome and plump man with a dashing demeanor.

The woman leaned seductively in his arms, her eyes were like silk, and the two looked at each other directly, and others looked ambiguously and smiled.

In the last photo, the woman's hands are inside his clothes.

It's not a taste in my heart,

Ruan Tang, who was really eye-catching, stared at his face and turned off the screen of his mobile phone.

She took a deep breath and tried to ignore the bitterness in her heart.


Lu Yici always likes to find other women to stimulate her and torture her.

She was his fiancée.

But he hated her to the extent that he saw the murder of his father.

Walk to the parking space on the side of the road.

After taking two steps, the mobile phone in his hand rang.

On the high-definition screen, Lu Yici's three words suddenly appeared in front of her.

She watched.

The phone rings incessantly.

As if expecting something, Ruan Tang sorted out his emotions and picked it up quite calmly.


Sure enough, the man over there heard a word that was very familiar to her.

"I've been drinking, come and pick me up."

It's the tone of the command.

The bitterness suddenly choked in his throat.

She squeezed out two words, "Address." ”

Less than ten seconds later, the phone hung up.

On WeChat, he also sent his location information.

It's the bar on that gossip news.

After sitting in the car, Fang Yan's phone also called.

"Ruan Tang, Lu Yici, that bastard is like this, you don't have any reaction?"

Ruan Tang started the car and returned to her.

"How can I react?"

"Please, you're his fiancée, you can't rush to the bar to give that young model a dismount, tell her that you are the young lady of the Lu family, what kind of thing is her young model surnamed Chu, isn't bullshit!"

Fang Yan angrily hugged her grievances.

declared that she was Lu Yici's fiancée?

She half-closed her eyes and smiled wryly at her lips.

People in the circle know that she and Lu Yici are childhood sweethearts.

But they didn't know that the two of them got engaged not long ago in the presence of their parents.

He never admitted her identity to his friends, except for their family, people outside didn't know, the famous Lu Yici, the eldest young master of the Lu family, was actually engaged two months ago, and he was a fiancée.

In the eyes of him and his group of friends, she Ruan Tang was just a licking dog that Lu Yici came and went when he was called.

It took twenty minutes to get to that bar.

She'd been to the bar so many times that the security guard outside knew her.

"You're here to pick up Young Master Lu again?"

The security guard greeted her as she walked into the bar.

She hummed faintly.

At the same time, she explained to him that she came out soon, and the car was temporarily parked outside to help her look at the car.

Familiarize yourself with the largest private room in the bar.

This bar was invested by a brother of Lu Yici, and the people who came to play were some rich people of the second generation.

As soon as she opened the door of the private room, a dozen men and women in it instantly looked at her at the door.

The lively atmosphere also suddenly quieted down.

As if she were an incompatible intruder.

This kind of eccentricity in the atmosphere is present every time she appears.

Ruan Tang's gaze swept over the men and women, and finally froze in the middle of the sofa, with Lu Yici, who was hugging the tender model Chu Man'er.

The buttons of his shirt were lazily unbuttoned, revealing a slight pecs, and even in the not-so-bright light, she could clearly see the lip prints on his neck.

He was looking at himself defiantly, and hugged Chu Man'er beside him into his arms.

"Man'er, don't you want to see the licking dogs chasing me one by one, it's this woman, see it."

Chu Man'er smiled coquettishly, her fingers seductively drawing circles on his chest.

"Young Master Lu, you are so good to Man'er, Man'er just said casually that you called someone here, I love you so much."

As she spoke, she leaned over and kissed him on the lips, leaving some faint red marks of lipstick.

It seems that she made all those around her neck.

The scene in front of her was as if someone had taken a needle and stabbed her heart bloody.

Ruan Tang blinked, Qingmei's goose egg face was a little gloomy, and she walked over.

"My car is parked outside, and I'll take you back."

Chu Man'er didn't follow it in the first place.

"Young Master Lu, are you going back?" She hugged his arm and coquettishly.

"Did you lie to Man'er just now, Man'er is ready for a big surprise and will let you watch it alone."

"What's the big surprise?"

Lu Yici asked lazily.

Chu Man'er was also ashamed, and grabbed one of his palms in front of everyone and put it between her chest, which was too big to grasp with one hand.

She winked at him, "What you wanted to try last time, I'm ready this time." ”

The implication of that is that adults, who understand it.

Lu Yici chuckled, grabbed her and kissed her fiercely in front of Ruan Tang.

Ruan Tang looked at it, pursed the corners of his lips, and didn't say a word, but his eyes were a little more resentful.

He always likes to embarrass her in front of everyone.

That's one of his pleasures.

It was also one of his means of revenge against her.

Pain flashed through her eyes.

The two hands hanging down at his side raised their fists and quietly released them.

Her expression did not fluctuate much, and her voice was so calm that she could not hear any emotion.

"In public places, the two of you should pay attention, there are so many paparazzi reporters outside, if there is some bad news, it will not be good for the stock price of Lu's company."

Her calmness made Lu Yici a little angry, and his eyes sank.

"Man'er, look at me as a licking dog, in terms of body and appearance, she is not as good as you at all, she has licked me for so many years, but I have no interest in touching it at all, she is a woman like her, her skin is thicker than the city wall, she can't scold her, she can't drive away, I feel annoying when I see her disgusting face."

"You see if there's any way to get rid of her for me, and you'll pick up the jewelry store tomorrow."

With that, he smiled contemptuously at her.

That smile seemed to say, I just deliberately humiliated you in front of everyone.

The friends around him, Xu Ziqiao knew that he and Ruan Tang had known each other since childhood, and the parents between the two families were even more close, usually they could say whatever they wanted between their friends, but this time there were so many outsiders, he was afraid that if it was spread out, the parents of the two families would have opinions.

He had no choice but to play round.

"Oh, Yici, why are you talking to Ruan Tang like this, she also cares about you when she comes to pick you up......"


Lu Yici snorted coldly, "I can't stand the disgusting concern of her Miss Ruan, so I don't know how to die." ”

Hearing this, Chu Man'er stood up, arrogantly picked up the wine glass in front of her arrogantly, and splashed it on Ruan Tang's face under the gaze of everyone.

She scolded, "Slut! ”

"...... Uproar"

She was so shocked that everyone else screamed.

Immediately, they changed into a face of watching the play and watched the play with relish.

Chu Man'er stared at her domineeringly.

"A licking dog and, what is polite to her, you can't be polite to this kind of shameless woman, otherwise, she will think she is something great."

There were a few muffled laughs.

was splashed with wine, and the hair on his forehead became wet, and the hair became a loop, and even the neckline of the shirt on his body was mostly wet.

Ruan Tang knew that he was embarrassed now, and he became the object of ridicule by others.

Raising his hand, he wiped the wine from his face with the back of his hand.

She looked at Lu Yici.

He sneered contemptuously, as if pleased to see others trample on her.

His hatred for her has never been less in the past eight years.

It seemed that he would be happy just to see her embarrassment, humiliation, and embarrassment.

She also knew that he would call her this time in order to trample on her dignity in front of his lover.

She spoke calmly, "If Young Master Lu has had enough, can I leave?" ”

Without waiting for him to respond, she turned around and wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yici spoke in a deep voice.

"If you want to go, you can lick the wine off the ground before leaving."

Ruan Tang turned around suddenly.

I couldn't believe hearing such insulting words come out of his mouth.

Before, no matter how much he embarrassed her, it wasn't enough to embarrass her.

Lu Yici pointed to the ground, Chu Man'er splashed her just now and a lot of wine dripped on the ground.

A small stall.

"Lick it clean before you can go."

His expression was serious.

Ruan Tang's right hand clenched into a fist.

There was some anger on her face.

How she humiliated her before, she endured it.

And now he's doing that to her?

She didn't say a word, turned around and wanted to leave.

A glass slammed into her feet.

It shattered with a thud.

"Who allowed you to go?"

Lu Yici's angry voice sounded.

"Didn't I say I could leave only after licking it clean?"

The glass shattered into countless sharp shards at her feet.

Ruan Tang, who had already walked to the door, turned his face again.

There was more sadness than anger in her eyes.

"Lu Yici, do you really want me to do this?"

She asked quietly.


It was surprisingly quiet in the private room.

Lu Yici and Ruan Tang looked at each other.

No one dared to step forward to play the round.

Just when the atmosphere is getting more and more deadlocked.

Suddenly, the door to the private room was pulled open.

"Hey, which of you is the substitute driver, you can't leave yet, if you don't leave, cancel the order quickly, don't waste Lao Tzu's time."

A tall, thin young man wearing a reflective vest for a substitute driver barged in.

He cursed.

He felt the strange atmosphere in the private room, and when he saw Ruan Tang standing by the door, he raised a thick black brow.

"Are you putting this on hold?"

"If you want money, if you don't want money, I'll take a look."

A man about his age in the private room recognized his wild handsome face.

Screamed in surprise.

"Ah, Qi ......"

Qi Yue gave him a look.

"What do you say, do I know you, is it your substitute driver? Damn, won't you answer hundreds of phone calls, your time is money, is my time cow dung? ”


Su Mingliang touched his nose and hurried over.

"No, when did you become a substitute driver, why didn't I know?"

Qi Yue glanced at him, "You ate yesterday and eat today, your mouth is so stinky?" ”

The young master of the Su family was deflated in front of him for the Nth time.

Fortunately, because of his intrusion, the deadlock atmosphere in the private room was broken.

Ruan Tang retracted his eyes and turned away expressionlessly.

"Ruan Tang, come back for me!"

Lu Yici shouted angrily behind her.

She listened, but didn't look back.

Qi Yue walked out after her.

As soon as he left, Su Mingliang also followed him.

"It's not a brother, why are you doing this?"

He asked in a whisper.

Qi Yue rolled his eyes at him angrily.

"You have a long mouth, do you know how to ask non-stop questions except for eating?"

"Aren't you at home in the capital, you don't squeak when you come here in a good manner, I'll pick up the wind and wash the dust for you."

"Get out."

Qi Yue snorted, very disgusted.

"You're just this head, I don't believe you can do normal things. It's possible to eat upside down. ”

Su Mingliang was a little aggrieved, "I said big brother, don't or, although I accidentally blistered in class when I was in the first grade of primary school, but you don't have to remember it for almost twenty years." ”

They walked as they talked.

Soon walked out of the bar door.

Seeing Ruan Tang walk to her car, Qi Yue followed again.

He fumbled in his cargo pants pocket and found a lychee-flavored lollipop.

"I can see that you are not in a very good mood, there is a lollipop here, lychee flavored, I like to eat it very much, give it to you, it will be better to eat sweet."

As he spoke, he shoved the lollipop into Ruan Tang's hand.

I don't care if she wants it or not.

"It's not worth it for that kind of scumbag, he is not the only tree in this world, you are so beautiful, I am afraid that I will not find a boyfriend."

Ruan Tang frowned.

I think his words are too much.

glanced at the lollipop in his hand and threw it back to him.

Then he got into the car, started the car and left.

Qi Yue, who was on the spot, watched the butt of the car disappear into the night, took off the substitute driver's vest on his body, and threw it into the trash can on the side.

His operation stunned Su Mingming.

"No, big brother, didn't you say that you are a part-time substitute driver, why did you throw it away?"

Look at the idiot and look at him.

Qi Gao snorted deeply.

"What's your business?"

He tore open the lollipop package that had been thrown back and stuffed it into his mouth.

Turning his pace, he came to a large black G twenty meters away from the door of the bar.

Su Mingliang licked his face and sat in the co-pilot.

"I'll treat you to supper."

Just as he was about to open his mouth to drive people away, Qi Yue heard his words and took back the foot that was about to kick out.

On the way to the crayfish stand, Qi Yue listened to Su Mingliang chattering about what had just happened.

"Alas...... The eldest lady of the Ruan family is really pitiful, she was so neatly resigned by Lu Yi, but there is no way, whoever calls her family relies on the help of the Lu family, the company is not big enough for the Lu family, and the Lu family is not rich enough, you don't know just now, she is really pitiful, she was splashed with wine by that woman, and no one dared to go up to help her......"

Qi Yue replied, "Aren't you human?" ”

“…… I? Forget it, I can't figure out the grievances of their family, and I don't dare to interfere......"

At nearly half past eleven, Ruan Tang returned home.

The cottage is still brightly lit.

As soon as Ruan Tang, who looked indifferent, walked into the house, she saw her father Ruan Zhengping playing with blocks with her seven-year-old half-brother in the living room.

And her stepmother was sitting on the couch, smiling at them.

The picture of their family of three is heartwarming.

Like an abrupt intruder, Ruan Tang's appearance made Ruan Zhengping frown.

"I'm back."

Very plain sentence.

Wen Jingzhu glanced at her and didn't make a sound.

Ruan Tang glanced around at them indifferently.

I don't know when it started, this home doesn't seem to be her home anymore.

Every time she came back, she always felt like she didn't belong here.

This feeling of being out of place made her heart very uncomfortable for a while.

Now, if it weren't for her presence, their warmth would have continued, and they wouldn't have been interrupted like a sudden.


Answering the call, Ruan Tang walked in the direction of the stairs.

Ruan Zhengping's voice came from behind him.

"Ruan Tang, in the past two days, the company is going to sign a contract with Lu's for a big project, please pay attention to your attitude, you'd better not make Lu Yici unhappy."

In his tone, there was a warning.

They didn't ask her why she came back so late, nor did they ask her why her clothes were wet, but they just asked her not to make Lu Yici, the big gold lord, unhappy.

Ruan Tang took a deep breath.



Ruan Zhengping's voice stopped her steps again.

"In two days, the Lu family's parents asked us to come over for dinner, you can prepare well."

"Got it."

This time, she made it up the stairs smoothly and returned to her room on the third floor.

As soon as she closed the room, her tiredness and fragility came to her.


She took the picture frame on the desk and looked at the middle-aged woman in the photo with red and sour eyes.

"I'm so tired, I can't hold it anymore."

They all blame her and hate her.

Lu Yici blamed her and hated her.

If it weren't for her willfulness in the first place, her mother wouldn't have died because of her.

Lu Yici will not be pressured to date her and get engaged.

All of this was like an invisible shackle that bound her.

She had to ask herself, was this really what she wanted?

Thinking of the ruthlessness in Lu Yici's eyes just now, her heart ached for a while.

Long ago, his tenderness was all given to another woman.

Now in his eyes, she is just a burden that he can't wait to throw away.

It's garbage.

It is the enemy who hurts the woman he loves!

Scenes of the sad past emerge in front of me.

Ruan Tang didn't understand.

She and Lu Yici are two good people, childhood sweethearts who have known each other since childhood, how did they come to the point of hatred?


That night, Ruan Tang had a dream.

She dreamed of her seventeen-year-old self.

"Brother Yiqi."

Ruan Tang, who was wearing a school uniform, couldn't wait to go to Lu's house next door as soon as he got out of school.

"Mom, Lu Yici, your attendant is back from school."

In the room, Lu Yici, a third-year college student, was playing a game with his friends, and Lu Yici smiled when he heard him ridicule him like this.

"Fat Dong, what are you talking about, what kind of follower, is she my sister?"

Fat Dong pouted, "Yes, who doesn't know that because of you, a good neighbor's sister, you even rejected the confession of the school flower." ”

He looked out the window.

The young and agile Ruan Tang stood under the window, grinning, "Brother Fat Dong, please call Brother Yiqi out, my mother made delicious food at home, you all come over to eat together." ”

"Oh mom, such a cute sister, I want one too."

Fat Dong said funny.

"Yici, why don't you introduce your neighbor's little sister to me, I happen to lack a younger sister."

Lu Yici took off his headphones, "Fat Dong, take care of your mouth, don't say these words in front of Ruan Tang, and besides, she can only be my sister alone!" ”

The last sentence he said, he accentuated his tone.

This made Ruan Tang, who was eavesdropping outside the door, secretly snicker.


Brother Yi's sister alone.

"Brother Yiqi, go quickly."

She pushed open his door and walked in briskly like a bird.

"Brother Fat Dong, you can stay here, I'll let Brother Yiqi bring it to you."

"Okay, okay, my light bulb is too much of an eyesore, I'm gone."

Fat Dong continued to cast his eyes back in front of the computer.

Ruan Tang pulled the sunny and handsome Lu Yiqi downstairs.

"Brother Yici, wait a minute, you can teach me math well, I don't know how to solve a few problems, it's so difficult."

Lu Yici looked at the pretty girl in front of her, she pouted, proving that those terrible math problems are really difficult.

A smile came into his eyes, "Okay, I'll teach you." ”

As they spoke, they walked out of the Lu family, went around in a circle, and came to the Ruan family next door opposite.

"Hehe, I know that Brother Yici is the best for me."

Ruan Tang coquettishly hugged his arm, "Tomorrow Saturday, let's go to the movies, okay......"

Before he finished speaking, Ruan Tang saw his father's car parked in the garage.

Just as she was about to greet him, she saw a girl wearing a white dress, looking soft and delicate, white and beautiful, out of the back seat of the car.

When the girl saw her, she approached with thin steps and smiled softly at her.

"Ruan Tang, long time no see."

Ruan Mei.

Her cousin.

Ruan Tang subconsciously glanced at Lu Yici beside him.

His eyes were no longer on her.

It was also Ruan Mei's appearance this time that her originally peaceful life changed.

Ruan Mei stayed at her house.

Her delicate intimacy won her father's endless affection.

The father, who has always been patriarchal, loves her better than her biological daughter.

Even Lu Yici has changed.

He's getting busier and busier.

So busy, I don't have time to look for her anymore.

Even when she went to look for him, she often couldn't find anyone.

On that day, she discovered their secret......

When I woke up suddenly, it was already twelve o'clock at noon the next day.

Seeing that it was almost time to go to work, Ruan Tang rubbed his tight and aching temples, washed and dressed, and hurriedly went out.

She studied Chinese medicine at university, just graduated with a bachelor's degree a few months ago, and is currently working in the Ming Yan Tang Chinese Medicine Hall, a subordinate unit of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

According to the schedule, she works from 1 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

When I came to the hospital, there was an endless stream of patients.

She hurriedly put on a white coat and followed the old doctor who took her to see a doctor.

Her main work is ancillary work.

Cupping, acupuncture, and other simple tasks are all done by her.

"Ruan Tang, there is a patient with a slight herniated disc here, he insists on acupuncture, you can take him to acupuncture."

Dr. Lin gave her a medical record book with a list of Chinese medicine that had just been prescribed.


She walked out of the consultation room with her medical records and shouted casually.

"Qi Yue, who is Qi Yue?"

"I'm Qi Yue."

A hearty and unbridled man rushed in front of her.

Ruan Tang furrowed his brows.

He...... Isn't it the one who said it was the substitute driver last night?

has a wanton three-and-seven-point broken bangs, thick short hair, thick eyebrows and deep eyes, a straight nose and thin lips, and a tough and superior face.

He has a very good skin, and he is heroic and charming.

Long hands and long feet, clear and thin, but the momentum is flamboyant and wild, he has an innate, son-like chic arrogance and contempt.

Is he a substitute driver?

Ruan Tang didn't want to pay attention to other people's private affairs, and took him into the treatment room separated by curtains not far away.

"Unbutton your pants and get on the bed."

She put on a medical glove on her hand, but Qi Yue was stunned.

"Unbutton your pants?"

"Don't you want acupuncture for a herniated disc?"

Qi Yue was stunned.

"Acupuncture to take off your pants?"

Ruan Tang looked at him like an idiot.

"The place where you want acupuncture is the upper point of the buttocks, do you want to take it off?"

“…… All right. ”

Qi Yue, who was seeing Chinese medicine for the first time, unbuttoned his jeans like an obedient child, and then lay down on the physiotherapy bed and buried his head in the hole on top.


He spoke uneasily, "Does it hurt?" ”


Ruan Tang grabbed his pants with both hands and pulled them down until a third of his ass balls were exposed.


Qi Yue, who felt his ass cold, screamed.

"What do you want, why are you taking off my pants."

He turned his hand back, trying to lift her pants up.

He's a big man, but there are so many people here.

If he wants to pick up his pants and show his ass to others in front of so many people, he can't be so generous at present.


His shameful and twisted appearance made Ruan Tang think that he was a whore with a bad reputation.

She had to explain patiently.

"You've got to get needles in all of these areas."

Her right index finger circled the area near his tail vertebrae.

"So take your pants off a little bit, don't worry, all patients are like that, not just for you."

She casually pointed at his skin, but it caused Qi Yue's whole body to stiffen.

The scalp is numb and the heart is beating wildly.

He gritted his teeth and buried his handsome face even more in the hole, looking like he was sworn to die.

"You can do whatever you want."

This is the case for many patients who are new to acupuncture.

Ruan Tang didn't say anything more, and took out a pack of moxibustion needles for traditional Chinese medicine from the moving shelf.

After rolling up the hem of his T-shirt a few times to make sure it didn't touch the place where he was going to do acupuncture, she reminded him again.

"Don't move when I get the needle later, if there is soreness, numbness and swelling, tell me."


With his response, Ruan Tang tore into disposable packaging.

Holding the moxibustion needle in his right hand, his eyes fell intently on the corresponding acupoints.

A slight tingling sensation came, and Qi Yue snorted.

"Does it hurt?"

She asked.


He shook his head.

"It's amazing, it's just a slight pain, and it doesn't hurt."

"Alright, I'll continue."

One needle per package.

With Ruan Tang's neat technique, more than a dozen long needles fell on the acupuncture points of Qi Yue's tail vertebrae.

"I'm done with the needle, I have to wait twenty-five minutes to be able to pull it out, you lie down first, and I'll call you when the time comes."

Seeing that she was going out, Qi Yue hurriedly called out to her.

"You're ignoring me?"


Ruan Tang was a little speechless.

"Mr. Qi, I'm not just you, there are other patients waiting for me."

He lifted his face from the hole.

Poor bastard.

"I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Aren't you afraid of so many needles pricking you?"

He asked her with a smirk.

Ruan Tang was expressionless, took off his disposable gloves and threw them into the medical trash can on the side.

"This is the medical hall."

She reminded him.

"And then?"


It hurts, my head hurts.

How could she meet such a difficult patient today?

"If there's a problem, just call me."

In the end, she said helplessly.

At this time, a colleague brought a lady, who came for cupping.

"I'm next to other patients cupping, you can call me if you have a problem."

Qi Yue felt the same.

With a wave of his hand, "You go." ”

When the curtain is pulled to separate the eyes of others, the curtains are separated from each other, providing the patient with good privacy.

Qi Yue looked at the small cubicle with interest, and when he was bored, he heard a conversation coming from next door.

It's a big lady who comes to cupping.


Is it fun?

Why don't he try it next time?

This sense of existence, if you don't brush it, people can't remember it.

"Alas, beautiful doctor, my body is not strong all day, what should I do."

"Auntie, your liver and lungs are stagnant, and your blood and qi are stagnant, this will be a little uncomfortable, don't think too much about everything, eat and drink, quarrel when you should quarrel, don't hold your breath."

Qi Yue listened, his eyebrows raised, and there was a funny smile on his lips.

It was the first time he had heard a doctor call a patient to argue.

"Hey, beautiful doctor, you're right, I'm just angry with that dead old man in my family all day long......"

"Auntie, why is your old man angry with you?"

Qi Yue, who couldn't stay idle, talked.

The curtain that is not very thick can't isolate the voices of both sides.

As soon as the eldest lady heard someone speak, she was full of energy.

“…… The dead old man in my family, cooking for him to eat, people think that the vegetables are salty and not delicious, the soup is not delicious, I clean up here, he throws banana peels over there, sleeps and snores at night, goes fishing when he has nothing to do, and fishes if he doesn't eat. ”

"Just last time, he was still reluctant to come back by the river in the rainstorm, he drowned there, holding a tree so that the rising water didn't wash him up, you said this kind of man, he didn't know how to run home when it rained, what is the use of him......"

Qi Yueguang wanted to laugh when he thought of this picture.

He laughed out loud too.


"Auntie, if you beat him, you will be honest if you beat him."

"It's useless to beat it, a man will only be honest if he hangs it on the wall."

The eldest lady said with a snort.

"When I get home, I'll break all his fishing rods and use them as firewood!"

Qi Yue hurriedly spoke, "...... Auntie, can you add a WeChat, I want to see how you burn the fishing rod. ”

Listening to their conversation, Ruan Tang, who was in a bad mood, also quietly bent the corners of his lips.

Although there was still no expression on her face.

Take out the sterilized glass jar and light a cotton ball dipped in high-purity alcohol with tweezers.

Holding the tweezers in one hand and holding the burning cotton ball, and holding the glass jar in the other, the cotton ball fell on the back of the eldest lady after the glass jar circled.

Start with the shoulders.

In less than half a minute, the eldest lady's back was full of glass jars.

She also moved each one to see if anything was loose.

After it was confirmed, Ruan Tang reminded the lady who chatted with the man next door until he couldn't stop talking.

"Auntie, the can is ready, don't move, I'll pull it open in fifteen minutes."

The eldest lady answered absentmindedly, and her mind was focused on chatting.

"Little brother, do you think why I haven't divorced yet? Just kidding, do I look like such a stupid person, it's been a few decades, and the old man doesn't have a few years to live, and if I get divorced now, his money and house can't be cheaply given to other women? ”

"So, I'm going to get my body done right now and get through that dead old man......"

She kept talking there, and Qi Yue here nodded in agreement frequently, and even stretched out a thumbs up.

"Auntie, you are really wise."

Ruan Tang was forced to listen to the trivial life of the eldest mother and her husband.

"Doctor, I'll come to you next time."

Leaving this sentence, she patted her ass after cupping and left satisfied.

At this time, Qi Yue screamed after removing the needle.

"Auntie, you haven't added me to WeChat, I want to see you burn a fishing rod......"

The figure of the eldest lady has long since gone away.

"Damn, missed the show again."

He regretted it and pounded his chest.

Ruan Tang glanced at him.

Does he really want to see it?

Retracting her eyes, she said indifferently, "Okay, put on your pants, acupuncture will take three consecutive days, and you will see when you are free to come again in these two days." ”

She signed her name in the medical record book.

"Dr. Lin has opened a medicine list for you, you go to the Chinese medicine counter outside to get it to the master who grabbed the medicine, and he will catch it for you."

Qi Yue pulled up his trousers as fast as he could, buttoned them and went to the ground.

Lying motionless for nearly half an hour, as soon as his feet touched the ground, his knees were numb and soft, and seeing that he was about to fall, the sharp-eyed Ruan Tang hurriedly reached out to support him.

Half of his body was leaning into her arms.

"Be careful."

After he stood firm, Ruan Tang let go of him.

"Don't stay up late too often, your kidney qi is a little insufficient."


Qi Yue's proud eyebrows raised.

"What are the consequences of a lack of kidney qi?"

"Kidney deficiency, soreness in the waist and legs, hair loss, serious impact on sexual life."

Ruan Tang looked at him who was getting more and more sluggish.

The medical record says he was twenty-seven years old.

Well, it's time to be sluggish.

"Also, don't sit for a long time, your waist pelvis protrusion is caused by sitting for a long time and not exercising, exercise properly, okay, you can go."

She packed up the things she had used and was about to turn around and leave, but Qi Yue grabbed her arm.

“…… That, does that really affect that? ”

He asked seriously.


"I'm only twenty-seven years old."

Ruan Tang clasped his hands around his arms, and his expression did not fluctuate much.

"And then?"

"I'm not married, single, I don't have a girlfriend."


"A good life is just beginning......"

Under Ruan Tang's gaze, he looked like he wanted to die.

"I ...... I'm young, why can't I? ”

"Doctor, you must save me, my future sexual happiness is in your hands, I don't want to be a man who can see if it can be used......"

Ruan Tang wanted to shake off the hand he had grabbed his arm.

The more he throws it, the tighter he grabs.

His eyes became more and more complaining.

I almost cried to her.

She said with a little irritability, "It's just that it's possible, but it's not really possible, you just need to take good care of your body." ”

Qi Yue seemed to have recovered some of his spirits at this time.


Ruan Tang's frontal nerve was aching.


Qi Yue directly took out his mobile phone.

"Then you add me to WeChat, and I'll look for you if you have any questions."


He's really annoying!

Ruan Tang felt that his calmness was on the verge of collapse.

But because of the doctor-patient relationship, she can't show her impatience too much.

Seeing that she was silent, Qi Yue let go of his hand and put his arms around her shoulders instead.

He said to her in a consultative tone, "In the end, it is a meeting, you help me, how about I cover you in the future?" In the future, if any bastard who doesn't have long eyes bully you, I'll stand up for you! ”

Ruan Tang brushed his hand away, a little disgusted with his self-acquaintance.

She took his phone with an impatient face and typed in a series of English letters.

"Okay, this is my WeChat, don't bother me if it's okay."

Throwing the phone back to him, along with the medical notebook, she turned and left, going about her business.

Holding his mobile phone, Qi Yue saw the message that his friend's application was approved.

Gao Shen's gaze moved to Ruan Tang's figure gradually moving away.

His lips hooked up a smile of unknown meaning.

Before he could do it, he retracted his gaze, went to the Chinese medicine counter and grabbed three pairs of Chinese medicine, and then walked out of the Chinese medicine hall.

Just now, Su Mingliang called.

"Brother Yue, I formed a game to drink and play billiards at night, and called a few beauties, are you coming?"

After hearing this, Qi Yue's thick black brows raised.

"Su Mingming, don't look for me in the future for the erosive life of drinking and staying up late."

“…… Brother Yue, have you fallen into the evil spirit, don't you look at any beautiful women? ”

Su Mingming's ghost over there screamed.

"You're a little prince of billiards! There are beautiful women! How about I steal my dad's 20-year-old bottle of liquor and give it to you? ”

"Don't go!"

Qi Yue refused very simply, "Lao Tzu will cultivate his mind and temperament in the future, soak wolfberries in a thermos cup, I want to be a real and honest man who stands up to the sky!" ”


Su Mingliang over there asked hesitantly, "Brother Yue, have you been stimulated by anything today?" ”

Qi Yue glanced at the bag of Chinese medicine he was carrying in his hand.

The stimulus is stimulated.

But he would never tell him that he was at risk of kidney deficiency.

"Su Mingming, I didn't drive out, you come and pick me up."

He changed his tune.

"Okay, where are you?"

"Where? It's right on the street. ”

“…… My eldest young master Qi, my little ancestor, where is your old man's house now, don't you tell me how I got over! ”

Qi Yue narrowed his wild eyes and snorted, "Didn't you say that you are a roundworm in my stomach, why don't you know where I am now?" ”


Su Mingming: I am blessed to have you.

The phone in the pocket of the white coat vibrated non-stop.

Ruan Tang knew that it was Lu Yici who called.

Last night she lost face in front of so many of his friends, and he had already questioned her many times on WeChat.

She didn't reply.

Right now, the phone calls are non-stop.

If she doesn't answer again, it will be even more endless.

Taking advantage of the toilet moments, she took out her phone from her pocket.

I don't know when it started, but she became more and more afraid of receiving a call from him.

In the past, she could be happy for most of the day if he gave her any message.

Now, his phone calls felt like a nightmare to her.

The mobile phone in his hand was still vibrating, like a deadly soul chasing call.

After taking a deep breath and being mentally prepared, she pressed answer.

"Are you finally willing to answer my call?"

A cold male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ruan Tang, is it true that if I give you some face, you will forget what you are?"

"I warn you, as long as I don't want to, I can cancel the marriage at any time and let your Ruan family go to drink the northwest wind!"

The right hand holding the phone subconsciously tightened.

Ruan Tang's eyelashes were half-drooping, her face was expressionless, and his threatening words kept stuffing into her ears.

My heart was uncomfortably blocked.

She tried not to care.

But he didn't let her go.

"Why did you leave last night without my permission? Ruan Tang, this is your attitude towards me now? You seem to be taking me less and less seriously! ”

Her throat was unusually dry, and she opened her mouth, unable to say anything to refute it for a while.


Her silence seemed to make Lu Yici even more angry.

"Ruan Tang, I order you to speak!"

Ruan Tang closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths uncomfortably.

When she opened her eyes again, she squeezed the words out of her throat.

"If nothing else, I'm going to hang up, I'm busy with work."

Her right hand almost trembled and hung up in a panic.

At the moment of hanging up, she heard Lu Yici's angry cry clearly.

Leaning limply against the wall, she stood there with her head bowed like a wooden carving.

It had been nearly two minutes before she moved, and she couldn't see any emotion on her raised face.

She exhaled deeply and exhaled.

Turn off your phone, stuff it back in your pocket, straighten your waist, and walk out of the bathroom.


When she returned home that night, there was no doubt that Ruan Zhengping had attacked her.

"Ruan Tang, are your wings stiff now, you don't even answer Lu Yici's phone, and you still turn off your phone? Are you trying to off your dad and me? ”

Ruan Tang looked at him fixedly.

His hideous face felt the same as when Lu Yici was angry, as if.

No wonder every time she comes home, she feels a sense of suffocation.

She even felt that this home had become a prison pet, and just looking at it from the outside gave her a sense of powerlessness and oppression.


With an angry sound, a teacup was thrown on her forehead.

There is also some warm tea in the cup.

With such a smash, the tea wet her face.

Bang bang.

The teacup also turned into a crush on her forehead, near the upper left of the hairline.

Crimson blood slowly slid down her temples with the tea.

Ruan Tang felt a little tingling.

But it's still not as good as heartache.

"Husband, if you have something to say, don't do it."

Wen Jingzhu on the side said a word.

"This is going to hurt badly, it's hard for the Lu family to say."

"She still has the face to say? It's not bad if I don't beat her to death. ”

Ruan Zhengping pointed at Ruan Tang and scolded.

"Not to mention killing my biological mother, I still want to collapse our family now, if it weren't for her falling to the Lu family, I would still let her live here? Kicked her out earlier! ”

Grief wells up in my heart.

Ruan Tang's face turned pale, her hands were clenched into fists, her body trembled faintly, and she refuted herself palely.

"I didn't kill my mother......"

"None? Do you dare to say no? ”

Ruan Zhengping snorted angrily and raised his voice to scold her.

"You have always been jealous of others, you can't see others well, you know what you have done in the dark in your heart, isn't it you who hurt Ruan Mei? Isn't it because of you that your mother died? ”

The bloody facts are torn apart.

It was as if her heart had been violently pounded by a rumbling train, leaving nothing but blood on the ground.

Ruan Tang's red eyes were full of unspeakable sadness and despair.

His words were even more ruthless than killing her.

And this person is still her biological father.

So no matter what she does, she can't offset the hatred in his heart, right?

"You go to the Lu family for me tomorrow, no matter what method you use, just beg him to kneel him, and let Lu Yici not take up the cooperation with our family, if you can't do it, you don't have to come back to this family!"

Ruan Zhengping closed his eyes coldly and never looked at her again.

The invisible shackles and guilt on his body had already overwhelmed Ruan Tang.

Hearing him say this again, in my heart, the heart that was hit by the train, was only a hollow filled by a cold wind.

Sad and cold.

She nodded gloomily.

"Well, I'll go and beg him, don't worry."

After saying that, she dragged her body, which seemed to have no soul, and walked upstairs with heavy steps.

Because of Ruan Mei's appearance, her home is gone.

Her father didn't like her much because she wasn't a son.

However, due to physical reasons, his mother can no longer get pregnant and cannot give him another son.

In her limited memory, as long as she doesn't talk about her son, they are still affectionate.

It wasn't until Ruan Mei came to her house that she was sweet-mouthed, caring, and coaxing, and her father simply held her in the palm of his hand like his own daughter.

What she has, Ruan Mei will have.

What she didn't have, Ruan Mei also had.

Even her mother flattered her.

The grand piano that was bought for her, because Ruan Mei also wanted to learn piano, they asked her to give it to her.

Well, she let.

I just bought the skirt I liked, because Ruan Mei liked it.

Well, she let it too.

It wasn't until later that Ruan Mei was already pervasive about her.

Whatever she likes and wants, she will secretly snatch it.

Even her parents are increasingly ignoring her.

On her seventeenth birthday, she finally practiced a piano piece and wanted to play it to her classmates at the birthday party, but as a result, they only let Ruan Mei perform, taking away all the limelight from her.

She took the piano exam.

excitedly told her parents and Lu Yici, but none of them came that day.

Because Ruan Mei caught a cold, everyone sent her to the hospital.

She sat alone in the venue, accompanied by her parents.

And there's more......

There were so many that she couldn't list them.

And every time she got into trouble, they said she was ignorant.

Is she really ignorant?

The memories are vivid.

pressed her already uncomfortable heart.

Suppressed to the point that it made her physiologically sick to her stomach and want to vomit.

Ruan Tang couldn't stay any longer.

She turned around and fled for her life.

Drive into the night.

Ruan Tang drove aimlessly down the road at nearly twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Originally, she wanted to go to the cemetery to see her mother.

But the cemetery was closed to the public at night, so she had no choice but to give up.

She is alone, and she really doesn't know how to get rid of the discomfort, sadness, and sadness in her heart that is about to bury her like a monstrous wave.

She's really uncomfortable, so uncomfortable......

The tense heart was throbbing.

She didn't know where she could go.

I called Fang Yan several times, but she didn't answer.

She's a financial journalist, and she's going to be interviewing a rising star in the business world these days, and she's so busy that she doesn't seem to have much time to pay attention to her.

In a trance, she didn't notice that a car suddenly rushed out at the intersection in front of her.

The glare of the headlights irritated her eyes, and by the time she came to her senses, the front of the car was on the verge of crashing into the halfway out of the road.


There was a screeching sound of brakes, which shook the sky.

In the next second, the crash of the vehicle crashed into the ground.


in the billiard hall.

Qi Yue, who was holding a club, was playing intently in front of a billiard table.

Fair enough.

He's scored four goals in a row.

Do not give your opponent a chance to come to power at all.

"Handsome guy, let's have a glass of wine to cheer up."

A beautiful woman in a tank top and skirt walked up to him and tenderly handed him a freshly mixed cocktail.

Qi Yue was indifferent, pushed the wine away, and turned a blind eye to her proud curves.

"Stay away from me, I have a strict family education, don't drink strangers' wine, and don't let strangers touch the edge."

He picked up the thermos cup on the side, unscrewed the lid and took a sip of tea.

Well, red dates soaked in wolfberry are still delicious in this health tea.

"Brother Yue—"

After wiping the rod, I heard that Su Mingming, who had gone out to pack supper, was back, and he shouted to him excitedly.

"Who do you think I saw when I passed by the street just now?"


Qi Yue replied casually, he had a half-lit cigarette in his lips, and he bent his strong waist again, aiming.

This shot scored two goals in a row.


His pair of dark black flamboyant eyes jumped a little proudly.

The cigarette also landed between the slender and bony fingertips of his right hand, and the cloudy white smoke slowly exhaled from his lips.

The table hall is dimly lit, and spotlights fall overhead.

The hard lines of his already superior face are even more wild and uninhibited, and his upright body just stands there, which fascinates many girls in the table hall.

Originally, he didn't want to come to play, but he couldn't help but be a little bored, so he simply asked Su Mingliang to play.

This rookie, if he can't beat it, he makes an excuse and says that he goes out to buy supper.


Su Mingliang walked up to him, his eyes lit up, and he was as excited as a paparazzi who had collected gossip.

"It's Ruan Tang, I saw her just now!"

He said vividly, "Lu Yici's childhood sweetheart, Ruan Tang, she crashed at the turn of the intersection in front of her, and she is dealing with the accident, I think she is quite pitiful alone, why don't I help her?" ”

Ruan Tang?

This name made the casual Qi Yue have some subtle changes.

In particular, the word car accident grabbed all his attention.

Reach out and put the cigarette out in the ashtray on the side.

"You guys, I'll go to the bathroom."

Put the ball stalk in your hand on the table.

With a casual remark, he walked out with a step.

And Su Mingliang grabbed his hair in place and shouted at his back.

"Brother Yue, do you think I'm going to help?"

The front of the vehicle driven by Ruan Tang was half-destroyed, and thick white smoke kept coming out.

The BMW that was hit by her waist, the passenger door of the passenger seat collapsed into it, so it was not miserable.

A stumbling figure got out of the driver's seat.

After experiencing the violent collision of life and death, Ruan Tang's whole body was trembling.

The wound on her forehead worsened, and blood kept pouring out, crawling horribly all over half of her fair and beautiful face.

Her expression was pale with panic, as if she had not recovered from the accident, and she crouched on the side of the road with a pair of empty and dull eyes, propping up her weak knees.

The male car owner, who also got out of the car but was not injured, came over and pointed at her and scolded.

“…… Can't you women drive with your eyes wide open? If you want to die, don't drag me to be buried with you, I haven't lived enough, damn, Lao Tzu's heart attack is about to scare you......"

Looking at the car where the door was completely destroyed, the male owner was even more angry.

"Do you know how much my car costs? 1.3 million, my car is 1.3 million, just bought a new month, you drive a 100,000 yuan broken car, just hit it so unsightly, can you afford it? ”

The head was tingling and aching.

Ruan Tang frowned, and stroked his head uncomfortably with one hand.

"Talk, can you just pretend to be dead?"

The male owner reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

"I can tell you, you hit it, you are fully responsible, you don't want to leave if you don't pay me for the repair fee!"

Being pulled by him so brutely, Ruan Tang, who was already in pain and soft, swayed his body.

In the end, I couldn't help but sit on the ground.

Blood flowed into his left eye socket, and the front of his nose smelled of blood.

The head hurts even more.

She took a deep breath, and then slowly raised her eyes to look at the male car owner in front of her.

He still refused to let her go, and the insults in his mouth were higher than one another.

Several passers-by who were watching couldn't stand it and spoke one after another.

"People are hurt like this, and you still say that, do you have a conscience?"

"Yes, call 120 now."

"Who let her bump into her own eyes without long eyes!"

The male owner scolded them back.

"My car has only been picked up for a month, and it cost me 1.3 million, in short, no one is allowed to leave without losing money to me!"

A wry smile appeared on his lips.

Yes, she hit it, and she should pay for it.

Grabbing the street sign pole on the side with her right hand, she struggled to stand up dizzily.

Just as he was about to say something, the male car owner saw the traffic police coming and dragged her over there.

"Comrade traffic policeman, it was this woman who hit my car!"

She was dragged to a staggering pace.

The toes also accidentally tripped over the protruding pavement on the ground.

The body is weightless.

Seeing that she was about to fall, the male owner immediately withdrew his hand, not wanting to let himself get into trouble.

Ruan Tang thought that he would fall and get injured this time.

But suddenly.

A strong arm reached out in the air and grabbed her by the waist.

"Be careful."

With the slightly familiar man's voice sounding overhead, a pair of out-of-focus eyes opened in a trance, and Ruan Tang looked at the passers-by.

A handsome, wild man's face met her eyes.

Unexpectedly, it was him again.

The man named Qi Yue.

The flesh-cut on her forehead, and the bloodstained look that covered half of her face also fell into his eyes.

Su Mingliang didn't say she was injured.

He smiled meaninglessly, "Doctor Beauty, I haven't seen you for a few hours, why did you get hurt?" ”

She frantically pushed his arm away, turning her face away from him to see her vulnerability.

"I'm fine."

Raising his hand, he rubbed the bloodshot around his eyes that had slipped into his sockets.

"Don't wipe it."

Qi Yue grabbed her hand, and he pretended to be teasing.

"Beware of wound infections, it's a shame if such a beautiful face is scarred."

"Comrade traffic police, it's that woman."

The male owner pointed at her and kept talking.

"My car is newly bought, more than a million bought, I don't want anything else, I want her to pay me, I see her like that, maybe it's drunk driving, you check her ......"

Ruan Tang held on to his spirits and was about to step forward to deal with him.

Qi Yue grabbed her arm with one hand and pulled her behind him.

The meaning of his move is clear.

But Ruan Tang didn't want to end up in a situation where even he felt pitiful.

Expressionlessly, she nudged his palm away and looped it out from behind him.

"I can handle it myself."

Under Qi Yue's interested gaze, she walked over with firm steps.

The male car owner was still as unrelenting as a shrew, and kept talking about how much his money was worth and how hard his backstage was......

"It's not that you don't have insurance, what are you talking about!"

She snorted back.

"I didn't run away, and when the responsibility determination comes down, I won't lose a penny less than you, what are you anxious about?"

"Isn't it just a broken BMW, it's worth your crying and mourning, and it's not a dead wife, chattering, and it's not over?"

Qi Yue, who came over, also interjected slowly.

"It's not, it's like an old woman's stinky feet, this mouth is so stinky, I don't know if I ate too much and drank too much in the toilet."

The male owner was so angry by the words of the two of them that his face turned red.

One hand pointed at the two of them who were speaking disrespectfully, and they were so angry that they couldn't finish their words, and they kept "you" all the time.

In the end, under the mediation of the traffic police, he temporarily stopped talking.

Someone from the insurance company also came.

Responsibilities have not yet been clearly defined.

It is necessary to wait for the traffic police to transfer the monitoring of the intersection before processing, and the two parties agreed to deal with it three days later to the traffic police brigade.

In the end, the cars of both sides were towed away by a tow truck.

Without a car, Ruan Tang could only bury his head and walk aimlessly on the sidewalk in front of him.

Qi Yue put his hands in his pockets and followed her slowly.

Ruan Tang noticed that he had no intention of leaving, and asked expressionlessly, "Are you idle?" ”

"How do you know I'm idle?"

Qi Yue smiled and snapped his fingers with one hand, "Doctor Beauty, you are really ice and snow smart, I am really idle, you said that this is not a coincidence, I am bored looking for supper on the street, and I just happened to meet you, we are quite fateful." ”

Ruan Tang still didn't have any expression.

"Then you can go eat your supper."

This man is so annoying.

I have been following her, and I don't have any eyesight.

"No, no, no, I don't want to eat supper now, I have to follow you, in case you get dizzy and want to fall, I can also play the role of a telephone pole."

He glanced meaningfully at the wound on her forehead.

“…… Doctor, you see that we can be regarded as having an acquaintance, or shall I take you to the hospital to have a look? ”

He was really afraid that she would bleed too much and faint.

"What hospital to go to, forget if you're dead, it's annoying to be alive anyway."

She threw the sentence out in a soft tone.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart.

At this time, Qi Yue sensitively found that her current mood seemed to be a little wrong.

She had a kind of disheartened sadness in her whole being.

I haven't seen her for a few years, and she has changed a lot.

He silently watched in his heart.

"Who said that you are annoying, I have to rely on you to help me cure my illness, I want to worship you like a god."

Reach out and clasp her right wrist, and pull her to stop as she rushes forward.

"Don't leave yet, can you be considerate and considerate of me, an old man who is seriously ill?"

It's not easy to take a taxi at night, so he directly took out the mobile phone in the back pocket of his jeans and pressed Su Mingming's phone.

Su Mingming, who was still in the billiard hall, complained as soon as he opened his mouth whether he had kidney deficiency and why he hadn't come back after going to the toilet for so long.

Kidney deficiency?

He interrupted him with a blank face.

“…… Su Mingming, drive to pick me up, it's on the street of Suhe Street, give you three minutes, hurry up! ”

Dead on the street, why does Su Mingliang want to mention the word kidney deficiency!

Don't you know that he hates these two words?

With that, he hung up the phone.

Ruan Tang wanted to break free of his hand, but he grabbed it tighter and tighter.

She was slightly angry, "Let go, I don't have to worry about me!" ”

was already in a bad mood, and now that she had a car accident, Ruan Tang felt that she was about to explode with so much discomfort in her heart.

Qi Yue is not the kind of man who really lets go when she casually says let go.

Who knows if this woman will go berserk again.

Seeing her pale face, if she didn't go to the hospital, she would really fall on the street.

"I'll let it go when I get to the hospital."

He's really a scoundrel!

Ruan Tang stared at him angrily with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Qi Yue's skin is also super thick.

He smiled at her, shrugged his shoulders, oblivious to her anger.

Just as they were at a stalemate, Su Mingliang appeared in a bright yellow Lamborghini sports car.

"Brother Yue......"

He poked his head out of the window in a rage.

When he saw the people around him and Ruan Tang, his eyes burst out in shock.

"You, you ......"

Qi Yue stuffed the reluctant Ruan Tang into the passenger seat without any reason.

Then he went around to the driver's seat, pulled the door and took Su Mingliang down, and sat in by himself.

There are only two positions in the sports car, and as soon as they sit down, there is nothing to do with Su Mingming.

"Yue, Brother Yue, what about me?"

He asked stupidly.


Qi Yue closed the car door unceremoniously in front of him.

"You go home and sleep."

"Boom-" sound.

The sports car flew out.

Su Mingming, who was left in place, looked at the butt of the car in the distance and blinked his confused eyes.

Qi Yue, the little ancestor, was actually with Ruan Tang?

Ruan Tang had just had a car accident, why didn't she ask Lu Yiqi to deal with it?

There is a problem.

There must be a problem.

The gossip soul in Su Mingming's body instantly burned to the highest point.

It just so happened that a taxi had just stopped on the side of the road to drop off passengers.

He rushed over with both feet and sat in the back seat.

"Driver, help me chase the sports car in front of me."

Such a gossip thing, he said that he had to rush over to make a scene.

The taxi driver was a little confused.

“…… I, I'm just a taxi ......"

Su Mingliang patted him on the shoulder.

"Every taxi driver is a hidden racer, big brother, I believe in you."

"I'm grass, I love to hear what you say, sit tight......"

His rainbow fart was so demoralized that the taxi brother stepped on the accelerator.

There was another bang.

"Who wants you to be nosy!"

In the speeding car, Ruan Tang, who was forced into the car, roared unhappily.

"Stop, let me down!"

Qi Yue looked at the road intently.

"Doctor, you are a doctor yourself, it is impossible not to know the dangers of wound infection, right? Do you really want to have a bad face? ”

As soon as he said this, the pain from the wound instantly invaded his head.

Ruan Tang felt that his whole head was heavy and swollen.

His distracted eyes stared at his hands, which were stained with scarlet blood.

For a moment, she suddenly felt that if she died, would she be able to escape from these heavy and suffocating shackles she carried?

Ruan Mei's.


Lu Yi's resignation.

Is it possible to offset their hatred as long as she is dead?

Qi Yue glanced at her with complicated eyes.

I sighed slightly.

Her gray mood is visible to the naked eye.

Not so much at noon.

It seems that in the past few hours, something has happened that has seriously hit her mood.

In silence, the hospital arrived.

The injury was more serious, and Ruan Tang went directly to the emergency room for treatment.

While Qi Yue was waiting outside the emergency room, Su Mingliang also arrived.

"Brother Yue, what's the situation?"

He asked with interest.

"Didn't you say you went to the bathroom, why did you suddenly run to find Ruan Tang?"

Qi Yue crossed his arms and glanced at him speechlessly.

"Su Mingming, do you know what you look like now?"

"Hey, look at what you said, what else can this handsome guy be besides being like a handsome guy."

Su Mingliang handsomely flicked his bangs back, and threw an electric eye at him.

He and Qi Yue are both outstanding handsome guys.

However, compared to his sunny and cheap swish, Qi Yue, who is half a head taller than him, looks more stable, nearly one meter nine tall, with a long and lean body, even if he is lazily wearing a white English T-shirt, black ripped denim pants, and board shoes, it does not damage his naturally noble handsome charm.

even let the innate flamboyant and unbridled aura on his body be brought into full play.

Although sometimes his mouth is poisonous and unbeatable.

Just like now.

"Handsome guy?"

He snorted disdainfully, "You're exalting yourself too much, you're about the same as used toilet paper in the trash can at best." ”


Su Mingliang smacked his mouth.

"Brother Yue, we are also childhood sweethearts who have known each other since childhood, can you give me a little thin noodles so that the reputation of the second young master of the Su family will not be too ugly?"

Qi Yue sat down on the bench on the side, raised his left foot wantonly, and narrowed his unfathomable phoenix eyes.

"It's not impossible, you have been in Haicheng for so long, and you can be regarded as an old ass in the circle, I am very curious about this Lu Yici and Ruan Tang ......"

"Hey, I may not know about other national affairs, but I know all this gossip."

Su Mingliang sat down in the empty seat next to him, and his eyes were as bright as the hundred-volt light bulb when he talked about gossip.

"How can I say it, Ruan Tang and Lu Yici were very good in the past, didn't you see them when you came to live in my house before, at that time, the two of them were too good, and they were in and out of the right place, even I envied them, but since her mother died, the relationship between her and Lu Yici has become very strange.

The two of them are not boyfriend and girlfriend, but this Lu Yici seems to be deliberately playing tricks on her, often asking her to do this and that, flirting with other women to show her face-to-face, and often telling her to lick the dog......"

Speaking of this, he thumped his chest with some regret.

"Didn't I go to study abroad with you after graduating from high school, I didn't know about it for several years, it was all told to me by others, and I don't know if it's true or not, I heard that Lu Yici empathized and didn't fall in love, I like other women, don't want Ruan Tang......"

Hearing this, Qi Yue's expression became a little deep.


"Hey, Ruan Tang is out."

Su Mingming's words brought back his mind.

He looked up.

Ruan Tang was wrapped in gauze on his head and was helped out of the emergency room by a nurse.

Her thin face was pale like a ghost, her eyes were open, and her spirit was worried.

"You sit down first."

The nurse helped her sit down on the bench opposite Qi Yue and asked, "Are you her friends?"

"Yes, we're her friends, how is she doing?"

Qi Yue stood up and took the initiative to walk over in response.

"The wound is relatively deep, the doctor gave eight stitches, she said that she will not be hospitalized, but she has given her a local anesthetic to the wound, you may have to wait for half an hour, and she can only leave when all the effects of her anesthetic have passed."

After the nurse finished speaking, she went to work first.

Su Mingliang and Qi Yue stood side by side.

He stared at Ruan Tang curiously, stretched out a hand, waved it in front of her familiarly, and said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, Ruan Tang, I'm Su Mingming, I used to live next door to your house, do you remember me?"

Hearing this, Ruan Tang, who was half-drooping his eyes, raised his eyelids and looked at him in high spirits.

Qi Yue didn't know if he was a little uncomfortable looking at his self-acquaintance, and gave him an elbow.

"With your ordinary face, who would bother to remember you."

His complaint made Su Mingliang scream.

"What is a public face, is the public face as charming as me, I went clubbing last night, and I ignored several beauties who asked me for my phone number, Brother Yue, what you said hurt my heart too much."

Hearing this, Qi Yue's contemptuous gaze glanced at him from head to toe.

With his hands around his arms, Yingxi's face was not smiling, he steadily played his usual poisonous tongue nature, "Su Mingming, don't eat too many peanuts, it's easy to daydream, it's good if you don't pester other girls to ask for mobile phone numbers, and they still pester you?" ”

“…… Obviously! ”

Su Mingliang was so angry by his words that he beat his chest.

"But they're not the type I like, I didn't give them, otherwise my phone's address book would explode."

"Ah, yes, yes, who doesn't know that your address book is your sister in addition to your mother."


Su Mingliang was aggrieved and wanted to cry.

What's going on with this Qi Yue tonight, he is all caught and scared.

Glancing at Ruan Tang, he sat down on the vacant seat next to her, and brought the sunny and handsome, sword-eyed face to her.

His actions made Ruan Tang slightly frightened.

"Sister Ruan Tang, do you think I'm handsome?"


Looking at this fairly familiar male face, it took Ruan Tang a while to find the neighbor's big brother in his memory.

Yes, he is Su Mingming, the second son of the Su family.

Their family used to have a villa in the same community as theirs, and people from the Su family would occasionally come to live for a while.

Later, the Su family sold the villa, and speaking of which, they hadn't seen each other for nearly eight or nine years.

Under his expectant and eager gaze, Ruan Tang nodded, agreeing with his words.

His handsomeness is undeniable.


Su Mingliang burst out with a loud and happy cheer, "Sister Ruan Tang, you have a vision......

Before he finished speaking, Qi Yue, who had a bad expression, picked up the back collar of his clothes with one hand, picked him up with his whole body, and then stretched out his foot and kicked his ass.

Kick him far away.

"Didn't you see that people were hurting, what are you trying to do so closely?"

“…… No, I said Brother Yue, what are you doing tonight, you will scold me for whatever I say and do. ”

Su Mingliang rubbed his aching buttocks and accused him loudly.

Qi Yue raised his eyebrows, "Can't you see you're an eyesore?" ”


Su Mingliang is the kind of man who is arrogant, he doesn't care about his violence, but hooks up with Qi Yue's shoulder with one hand, and says cheaply, "Brother Yue, just admit it honestly, are you jealous that I look more handsome than you?" ”

Qi Yue waved his arm away speechlessly, "Men and men don't kiss, don't get so close, I said Su Mingming, if you don't have a mirror, you can pee and take a picture, I need to be jealous of you, a white-cut chicken?" ”

"What do you mean by white chopping chicken?"

This unfamiliar word made Su Mingliang ask him curiously.

"It's useless."


His words almost made Su Mingliang vomit out a mouthful of old blood.

He stomped his foot reluctantly, hid his face and pretended to cry.

"Uh......h Why did I make such a bad friend of you, it's so sad, I obviously like it and use it......"

Someone didn't even bother to raise his eyelids, "It's too much......"

They were arguing there, and Ruan Tang quietly watched their interaction.

It's funny.

Especially Su Mingming's angry appearance and didn't know how to reply, which made her want to laugh.

Who did he learn from that stomping action, it is quite quintessential, why didn't she find out that Su Mingliang was such a lively personality before.

Being so noisy with them, it doesn't seem to be so bad.

But there are some doubts in my heart, are Su Mingliang and this Qi Yue so familiar?

Looking at their familiar interactions, they are not like ordinary friends.

The Su family is a big family in Haicheng, and the Lu family is even worse than him, and it is rare to be so close to the second young master of the Su family, and to make him so deflated.

Qi Yue also noticed that her expression loosened, and she was no longer so depressed.

"I'm sorry, this guy made you laugh."

He sat down in the empty seat next to her.

"He's usually spirited, not serious."

"I'm not serious?"

Hearing this, Su Mingliang pointed at himself with one hand, and was a little stunned.

The ghost screamed again to defend himself, "Brother Yue, I don't like to hear what you say, I'm very serious, I've never had a girlfriend at present, I'm clean, I just occasionally go out to drink a little wine and play billiards......"

Qi Yue smiled at Ruan Tang.

"Look, I said he was a little divine."

Su Mingliang put his hands on his waist and glared at him angrily.

He shouted unconvinced, "Security, where is the security, fork him out for me!" ”

Hearing this, Ruan Tang couldn't hold back any longer, and the corners of his mouth curved.

These two people are really living treasures.

It's really funny when they get together.

The mood is really, much better.

Soon, half an hour passed.

The three of them walked out of the hospital.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning.

Ruan Tang originally wanted to call an online car-hailing car to go to Fang Yan's by himself, but Qi Yue thought that it was unsafe to take an online car-hailing car in the early hours of the night, so he stuffed her into the passenger seat.


Su Mingming, who was left in place, was dumbfounded.

"Hey, Qi Yue, that's my car, my car!!"

He wailed and yelled at the ass of the car in the distance.

By the way, I also ate a mouth full of dust.

Bastard, he was left alone on the streets in the middle of the night!

Looked left and right.


It's scary.

He hid in a nearby 24-hour convenience store and called Qi Yue to come back and pick him up.

In the middle of the night, he was also scared of taking online ride-hailing alone.

In the car, his wanton behavior made Ruan Tang slightly surprised.

"You...... Really leave him alone? ”

Qi Yue didn't feel anything, and shrugged his shoulders, "He's such a big person, he knows the way home, you don't have to worry about him." ”

Friends, isn't it just to lose?

If you lose it, you get used to it.


After a while, Ruan Tang asked silently, "Have you always gotten along like this?" ”

She felt a kind of unrestrained chic in them.

You can say whatever you want, do whatever you want, and never care about other people's eyes.

Quite that, she envies it.

Since her mother's death, in the face of everyone's blaming eyes, she seems to have forgotten what she is like.

"yes, we're good brothers who grew up together in open crotch pants, and that's how we get along."

He said in a soft voice.

"If you want to deal with the truth, you will find that Su Mingming's guy looks serious, but in fact he is swishing, and sometimes you will be laughed to death by him."

Ruan Tang thought of his sentence again, the security guard, fork him out for me.

The level of hilarity of this sentence is really full marks.

The corners of his lips curled slightly.

Soon, the car came to the downstairs of the apartment building where Fang Yan lived.

Before getting out of the car and leaving, Ruan Tang still said to him, "Thank you." ”

Although he pulled her to the hospital.

However, before she walked out of the debridement and suturing room, she thought that he had already left, but she didn't expect him to be waiting there, even Su Mingliang came.

Just because of his kindness, her thank you still has to be said.

Qi Yue stretched out a hand from the falling car window and waved at her in a dashing manner.

"You're welcome."

Ruan Tang watched the sassy sports car drive away from his eyes.

Only then did she turn around and walk into the apartment building and come to the house where Fang Yan lived.

Fang Yan was furious when she saw her appear in the middle of the night, with a bandage on her forehead again.

"Did Lu Yici beat you up with that bastard?"

She grinded her fists, thinking that if she dared to say the word "yes", she dared to rush to Lu's house with a stick to vent her anger for her.

Ruan Tang shook his head gloomily.

"It's not him, it's my dad."

Fang Yan turned off the flame dumbly.

She knew that Ruan's father had a hatred for Ruan Tang.

However, people have been dead for so long, why do they still torture their daughters so much?

"Why did he hit you?"

"What else could it be."

Ruan Tang pretended to laugh indifferently, "Because I didn't answer Lu Yici's phone call and didn't reply to his message, he started to cooperate with Ruan's company, and my dad was angry with me." ”

"It's Lu Yici again!"

Fang Yan was indignant, eager to slaughter that bastard with a knife.

"What does he want, he doesn't cherish your good person in front of him, he has to find one woman after another, what, does he want to die in the pile of women?"

Speaking of this, she persuaded her bitterly.

"Xiaotang, the current Lu Yici is no longer the original Lu Yici, he just wants to torture you now, don't die anymore, leave him, okay?"

As her good sister from elementary school to the present, Fang Yan asked herself if she knew the two of them well, and she also knew the things between them.

Since the moment Ruan Mei appeared at Ruan's house and secretly snatched Lu Yici from her side, he had changed.

He is no longer the same Lu Yici as before.

The more Lu Yici tortured her, the happier he became.

It is said in the circle that Ruan Tang is Lu Yici's licking dog, who can stand this kind of bad reputation? She couldn't wait to tear the mouths of those young masters several times.

Who remembers their former relationship?

Ruan Tang has memorized so many crimes such as viciousness and nemesis, how long do you want her to carry them?

It's been eight years, and she thinks it's really enough.

Ruan Tang didn't make a sound, just buried his tired self deep into the soft single sofa.

Leave him?

Bitterness welled up in her heart.

In her mind, she still remembers the boy who called him Xiaotang one after another.

The bright boy who was waiting for her at the school gate as soon as school was out, took her schoolbag, took her hand, and asked her what she wanted to eat today.

Every time she was unhappy, he coaxed her to be happy first.

Every time his parents quarreled, he was the first to find her who was hiding because he was afraid.

In her life until she was eighteen years old, he was everywhere.

But now, the reality is that everyone has changed, but she is still nostalgic for the past......


deliberately ascended to the position, and the little ancestor of the Hong Kong circle secretly coaxed and flirted

If it is invaded and deleted