
Artesian well area: Blessings are dedicated to the party to forge ahead

author:Zigong observes

Sharing and exchanges, theme party classes, and strong blessings...... In the past few days, the education system of Ziliujing District has carried out a series of various activities, enthusiastically eulogizing the glorious history of the party, and celebrating the party's birthday with a first-class attitude. It will provide a strong spiritual impetus and gather new momentum for development in the central urban area to do a good job in people's satisfaction education.

Artesian well area: Blessings are dedicated to the party to forge ahead

Share and communicate

Everyone strives to be a pioneer

On the afternoon of July 1, the Education Working Committee of the Ziliujing District Party Committee held a unique symposium to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers, and representatives of advanced grass-roots party organizations made exchange speeches based on their own realities, and shared innovative practices and successful experiences in the deep integration of party building and education and teaching, which aroused the recognition and resonance of the participants.

The majority of party members and cadres in the education and sports system expressed that they should strengthen their ideals and beliefs, establish the spirit of reform and innovation, constantly temper their party spirit and political character, and continue to carry forward the party's fine traditions and style. Continue to strengthen the party's overall leadership over the education system and party building, and insist on party building and business work to plan, deploy and implement together. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Party members and Party workers should conscientiously study the advanced deeds of advanced Party organizations, outstanding Party members and outstanding Party workers, find gaps against the advanced, summarize experience and innovate the industry, and continue to play the role of grassroots Party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, so as to provide a strong guarantee for comprehensively improving the quality of education and sports work in Ziliujing District.

Artesian well area: Blessings are dedicated to the party to forge ahead

Party Day Activities

The mission is passed down from generation to generation

On the morning of July 1, the Party Branch of Tanmulin Kindergarten in Ziliujing District held a party day activity of "Keeping in mind the party's mission and talking about the future of Tanmulin". The successive secretaries and principals returned to the campus and became a group of special "guests".

Before the symposium, all the party members of Sandalwood Kindergarten accompanied the old secretaries and old principals to visit their hometowns, visited the school's newly built canteen, lecture hall, concert hall, office building, and teaching building, and immersed themselves in the development and changes of the school through "walking, listening, and watching". The participants carried out activities such as reviewing the oath of joining the party and celebrating a collective political birthday. Under the bright party flag, party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, recalled the original intention of joining the party, and also presented greeting cards to party members who had political birthdays in the first half of the year to further enhance the sense of belonging and mission of party members.

Seeing the hard work of the younger generations, the five retired party members and cadres affectionately reviewed the growth process and work experience of the Sandalwood Kindergarten, and combined with their respective thoughts and realities, talked about their understanding, experience, and understanding, and put forward opinions and suggestions for the campus culture construction of the new garden.

The secretary of the party branch of the park said that retired party members and cadres are the witnesses, witnesses and pioneers of the development of the kindergarten, and they are valuable assets and benchmarks for young party members. It is hoped that the veteran cadres will, as always, care about and support the work of the school, continue to be good "propagandists" and "think tanks" of the school, and give full play to their spare energy for the party, the country, and the cause of education.

Artesian well area: Blessings are dedicated to the party to forge ahead

Series of events

The original intention reflects the future

After receiving the "birthday" greeting card sent by the secretary of the party branch of the school, the party members and teachers of the party branch of Yuying Primary School in Ziliujing District sighed that this is not only a blessing, but also a look back at the original intention. This is the morning of July 1, the party branch of the school celebrated the political birthday of the party members.

At the event site, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party and tested their knowledge of party discipline and regulations. It also drew a successful end to the series of activities of the school's party branch to learn party discipline and welcome the "July 1st". In a week, activities such as the special party class on party discipline learning and education, the party spirit education and training of party members, and the centralized study of party discipline regulations have been carried out one after another, guiding party members and teachers not to forget their original intentions, continue to struggle, and contribute to the high-quality development of school education and teaching.

The party branch of the school also conforms to its own reality, leading party members and teachers to visit the paper-cutting base of integrity culture, promoting the normal development of integrity education, and leading party members to make bookmarks of integrity culture to root integrity culture in their hearts. We will further temper the party spirit cultivation of party members, teachers, teachers and students, strengthen the education of red ideology, and inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. (Shi Xiaoqi)

Editor: Peng Yanzhang

Editor: Yu Jia