
Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

author:Xiao Peng's brilliant notes
Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died
Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Text: Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

Editor|Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

The official sources of information referred to in this article are reproduced at the end of the article.
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"Eating Chinese rice and smashing Chinese pot!" This kind of thing seems to be happening all the time, and many talents who are obviously cultivated by us in China end up turning their backs on their own countries because of some "petty profits".

One of the representative figures is the softball player Ren Yanli, who is the captain of China, but abandoned her team members to join the Japanese team, changed the name of Japan, and even played with a Japanese flag.

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

For what Ren Yanli did, there was nothing more angry than her old father of the Anti-Japanese War, and until her father was dying, he did not choose to forgive Ren Yanli......

Why did Ren Yanli do this? What is her situation now? Do you regret your decision?

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

【Registered Japan name】

In order to make mainland softball to a higher level, mainland athletes often go abroad for exchanges, and sometimes do some intensive training, and Ren Yanli, as a bright star in the Chinese softball world at that time, was the first to be sent to exchange.

At that time, Ren Yanli made a name for herself in China with her outstanding baseball talent, but the Chinese baseball environment at that time was not mature, which prompted her to go to Japan to develop.

While in Japan, she got more professional training and competition opportunities, gradually integrated into the local culture, and even made a Japanese confidant, Taeko Utsuki.

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Utsuki Taeko is very smart, she took a fancy to Ren Yanli at a glance, and saw her potential to become a rising star in the future, so while the two got acquainted, Utsuki Taeko was also imperceptibly instilling Ren Yanli with the idea of "Japan is good, Japan has more development prospects".

In 1986, Ren Yanli has made great achievements, she also represented our Chinese team, and achieved outstanding results, it can be said that as long as Ren Yanli did not go the wrong way, then her future journey will be full of flowers.

With her unusual softball talent, Ren Yanli soon became the captain of the Chinese softball team, also known as the "Asian Heavy Artillery", and won the titles of home run king and batting king.

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Ren Yanli, who has these achievements, began to be a little fluttering, especially under the deliberate praise of Taeko Utsuki, Ren Yanli was even more unable to find the north.

At that time, in order to "fool" Ren Yanli to Japan as soon as possible, Taeko Utsuki often used phone calls to tempt Ren Yanli, and persuaded Ren Yanli with a high salary and a fictitious future.

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Under this temptation, Ren Yanli finally chose to become a Japanese citizen and changed her name to Utsu Mu Lihua, which caused a lot of waves between the two countries.

And Ren Yanli named herself "Utsu Mu Lihua" has another meaning, and the last word "Hua" alludes to that she is still a son and daughter of China.

In fact, as early as after Ren Yanli left the Chinese team and joined Japan, she no longer deserved to call herself a "Chinese son", after all, it was precisely because of her departure that she gave the mainland softball team a hard blow......

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

[The father of the Anti-Japanese War did not forgive "to the end"]

In 1995, after Ren Yanli officially became a Japanese citizen, she began to regard herself as a Japanese, and even held the Japanese flag in the game, and was proud of defeating the Chinese team.

In the 1998 Bangkok Asian Games, Ren Yanli led the Japanese team to defeat our Chinese team.

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Ren Yanli can have today's softball skills, which are carefully cultivated by our China, but I didn't expect that when our country "raised soldiers for a thousand days and used soldiers for a while", she was stabbed in the back by her own people.

And Ren Yanli did not have the slightest shame when she was interviewed, she actually said in an extremely excited tone: I am very happy to be able to defeat the Chinese team!

In fact, this is not the first time that Ren Yanli has shown her loyalty to Japan in front of the public media, and she even said unashamedly: "It is my greatest wish to represent the Japanese national team to defeat the Chinese team!" ”

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Although many years have passed since this incident, the Internet has a memory, and many netizens will always take out this sentence regularly, satirizing Ren Yanli's wolf heart and dog lungs.

And this is not the most excessive, Ren Yanli also said unashamedly: In front of our Japanese team, the Chinese team is vulnerable, we are the strongest in Asia, and when we meet China again, we will win big.
Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

At the Tokyo Olympics at that time, she also led the Japanese team to defeat the Chinese team twice, causing the Chinese team to lose the Olympic medal.

And the reason why Ren Yanli targeted our Chinese team like this is not only because she is wolf-hearted, but also because in 1996, she was unable to participate in the Atlanta Olympics due to a change of nationality, and she held a grudge against us China......

For Ren Yanli's radical approach, her team members only felt disgusted, and it was Ren Yanli's father who hated and did not forgive until death.

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Her father was a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, and because he had experienced the darkest moment that Japan had brought to China, he was even more unable to understand and forgive his daughter for becoming Japanese.

Originally, when Ren Yanli won glory for our China, her father regarded it as his pride and often brought his daughter to his mouth.

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Unexpectedly, the daughter who was supposed to be the pillar of China's new softball star turned out to be the Japanese he hated the most.

But even so, it couldn't change Ren Yanli's determination to join the Japanese team, so the unbearable old man Ren directly broke off the father-daughter relationship with Ren Yanli......

And Ren Yanli is still stubborn about this, and she didn't even come back until Old Man Ren died, and Old Man Ren didn't forgive Ren Yanli for what she did until he died!

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

[Now the end is bleak]

Although Ren Yanli has achieved a lot of glory for the Japanese team, she has not been treated well, perhaps in the glory days, she was regarded as a "god" figure by Japan, but when she had no use value, she completely disappeared from Japan......

It is rumored that Ren Yanli is still an older unmarried leftover girl, she lives alone in Japan and rarely shows up, only knowing that she lives a very lonely and miserable life.

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Many netizens have the mentality of watching the excitement and sarcastically mocking Ren Yanli for eating the consequences......

However, there has been news recently: Ren Yanli said that she would like to go back to China to see, and even consider retiring in China.

For such news, all netizens who knew the rights and wrongs of the year expressed their rejection and diswelcome.

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died


For what Ren Yanli did at the beginning, it is really unforgivable, although it is her own choice, but it is really unacceptable to betray the national team that has been cultivating herself.

So even if she wants to return to China now, she will not be forgiven and agreed, what do you think of this after reading the article?

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died
Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died


On August 15, 2008, Beijing Weekly reported on "Ren Yanli: My Heart Will Always Be China's Heart".

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

Sina Sports News reported on July 21, 2021 on "Beijing Weekly on August 15, 2008 on "Ren Yanli: My Heart Will Always Be China's Heart".

Shameless! The Chinese captain became a Japanese citizen, threatening that China was vulnerable, and his father would not forgive until he died

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