
The man pretended to go out, but secretly climbed onto the roof, wife: I don't want to do anything

author:Li Bian please 03

【Title】"Surprise" on the roof of Li Dashan

Hey, folks, let's tell you something new today, although it's not our northeast, but the flavor of our northeast people's storytelling, we have to add enough to you, make sure you listen to it, as if you saw it with your own eyes. Let's tell you about it.

It is said that there is such a small village, called Luoxia Village, don't look at the small village, everything is complete, our fellow villagers, all of them are enthusiastic, especially the household in the east of the village, the male owner is called Li Dashan, that is a strong man, with a simple face, laughing, and the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes can kill mosquitoes. His daughter-in-law, called Cuihua, is a flower in our village, with good eyes and skillful hands, and the woven cloth is softer than the clouds in the sky.

The man pretended to go out, but secretly climbed onto the roof, wife: I don't want to do anything

These two people should be the most enviable couple in our village, but recently, the village has spread that Li Dashan is a little wrong! Let's start a month ago. That day, Li Dashan, as usual, said to Cuihua early in the morning: "Daughter-in-law, I will go to the mountains to chop wood today, and I won't come back for dinner at noon." Cuihua nodded, telling him to be careful not to fall again. But who would have thought, not long after Li Dashan went out, the little second dog in the village ran to find Cuihua in a panic: "Auntie, it's not good, I saw that Uncle Dashan didn't go to chop wood, he, he climbed on the roof of his house!" When Cuihua heard this, she "chuckled" in her heart, thinking: This old boy, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

She quickly put down the work she was doing, quietly came to the backyard, and looked up, hey, it's true! Li Dashan was bent on the waist, looking around on the roof, like an oil thief. Cuihua was so angry in her heart, but after thinking about it, she had to figure out this matter, and she couldn't wronged a good person. So, pretending to be fine, she went back to the house, got a ladder, and climbed up to the roof.

"What are you doing here, O mountain? What are you looking for? Cuihua tried to make her voice sound calm. When Li Dashan heard this, he was so frightened that he almost fell off the roof, and when he looked back and saw that it was Cuihua, he breathed a sigh of relief, scratched his head, and said with a smile: "Oh, daughter-in-law, why did you come up too?" I'm not, I'm not......"""What isn't? You mean! Cuihua's eyes widened, and the fire in her heart burned vigorously.

The man pretended to go out, but secretly climbed onto the roof, wife: I don't want to do anything

Li Dashan saw that his daughter-in-law was really anxious, so he said hesitantly: "I'm not, I want to surprise you." You see, the roof tiles are loose and leak when it rains, and I think I'll fix it myself, so I don't have to pay for it. When Cuihua heard this, the fire in her heart was instantly extinguished by a warm current. She looked at Li Dashan, then at the loose tiles, and sighed: "Oh, you dead ghost, if you want to repair the roof, just say it, and sneak around, so I think you ......" "What do you think I'm wrong?" Li Dashan smiled and got closer. As soon as Cuihua's words came out, the smile on her face bloomed like a spring flower, but her heart kept ringing like a small drum: Can this matter be turned so easily? In the next few days, Li Dashan was busy like something, repairing the roof all day long, and Cuihua was not to be outdone, and the two of them cooperated seamlessly. But the little knot in Cuihua's heart just can't be solved.

Until one day, a merchant from a foreign country came to the village, pushing a small cart, which was full of all kinds of treasures, and the sound of selling echoed in the village. The things in the merchant's hand are really varied, and there are all kinds of strange things. The most eye-catching thing is a small jade bracelet, which is as bright as the light on the moon, and Cuihua sees it at a glance.

But as soon as I touched my pocket, Cuihua felt the "alas" in my heart, and I was shy in my pocket. When the merchant saw this, he smiled and said, "This eldest sister, if you don't exchange something for it, I'm honest and don't deceive customers." Cuihua thought about it, there are not many valuable things at home, except for ...... She suddenly thought of Li Dashan's recent running to the roof, and as soon as her heart moved, she had an idea.

The man pretended to go out, but secretly climbed onto the roof, wife: I don't want to do anything

"Okay, you wait, I'll go get it." Cuihua said, turned around and went home, and turned out an ancestral jade pendant from the bottom of the box, which was handed over to her by Li Dashan and his mother when she got married, saying that it was a family heirloom. Cuihua held the jade pendant, and her heart was mixed, but when she thought of the jade bracelet, she still gritted her teeth and exchanged it with the merchant.

In the evening, Li Dashan came back, and when he saw the jade bracelet on Cuihua's wrist, his eyes lit up: "Oh, daughter-in-law, this bracelet is so beautiful, where did it come from?" Cuihua smiled and told her about changing the bracelet, but after Li Dashan heard it, his face sank: "Daughter-in-law, that jade pendant is our family's heirloom, how can you ......?"

"Why can't I? You've been sneaking around these days, I thought you had someone out there! I'm just going to do a lot of things, and I'm trying to change things to see if you still care about me! Cuihua said, her eyes turned red.

The man pretended to go out, but secretly climbed onto the roof, wife: I don't want to do anything

When Li Dashan heard this, he regretted it in his heart, he took Cuihua's hand and said, "Daughter-in-law, you misunderstood, I was preparing a surprise for you." You see, the roof has been repaired, and it won't leak anymore on rainy days, and I'm going to use the rest of the money to buy you a silver hairpin." ”

As soon as Cuihua heard this, the tears fell down with a "click", she looked at Li Dashan, and then at the jade bracelet on her wrist, the taste in her heart was indescribably complicated. "Oh Shan, I'm wrong about you. This jade bracelet, let's go and exchange it back tomorrow, that jade pendant, we have to keep it, that's our family's root, our soul. Cuihua said, snuggling in Li Dashan's arms.

Li Dashan nodded, the warmth in his heart was warmer than the sunlight on the roof. He secretly swore that if anything happened in the future, he would have to tell Cuihua Ming that he couldn't make her sad anymore. As soon as the sky was bright, Li Dashan got up from the kang, and the energy in his heart was like a fire in his stomach, and he had to go to the merchant from a foreign country and exchange the jade bracelet back. But as soon as he stepped out of the door, he bumped into the old king head in the village, and the old king's face was mysterious, and he said to Li Dashan: "Dashan, did you exchange our ancestral jade pendant for a jade bracelet yesterday?" This has spread all over our village. As soon as Li Dashan heard this, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and quickly explained to the old king, and then hurriedly went to find the merchant.

The man pretended to go out, but secretly climbed onto the roof, wife: I don't want to do anything

The merchant's buddy was very happy, and when he heard that Li Dashan wanted to change it back, he immediately agreed. But just when the two were exchanging, a group of people suddenly poured in the village, led by a middle-aged man dressed in fancy clothes. "Oh, this is my family's ancestral treasure, why did it fall into your hands?" The middle-aged man snatched the jade pendant, his face was gloomy as if a dark cloud was pressing down, and he looked at Li Dashan.

Li Dashan was stunned at that time, he looked at the middle-aged man on the left and the merchant on the right, and the mess in his heart was like a knotted ball of yarn. He hurriedly told him what happened yesterday, but the middle-aged man didn't believe it, so he didn't say that Li Dashan stole his family's treasure. As soon as this matter was disturbed, the people in the village gathered around as if watching a play, and there was a lot of discussion.

Cuihua also heard the movement, and hurriedly ran over, and when she saw this scene, she panicked as if she had lost her soul. "Big mountain, what's going on?" Cuihua took Li Dashan's hand and asked anxiously. Li Dashan shook his head, he was also confused.

The man pretended to go out, but secretly climbed onto the roof, wife: I don't want to do anything

At this time, the merchant spoke: "This uncle, don't wronged the good person, this jade pendant was exchanged with me by this eldest sister with a jade bracelet, I didn't steal or rob it." When the middle-aged man heard this, he turned his head to look at Cuihua, looked up and down, and then sneered: "Hmph, it turned out that you husband and wife collaborated to steal my family's treasure, and today I have to send you to the government!" ”

When Cuihua heard this, she trembled with anger, she pointed at the middle-aged man and scolded: "Why are you spewing blood? This jade pendant is my family heirloom, when did it become your family? If you can't come up with a reason today, I'm not done with you! When the middle-aged man heard this, he became even more angry, he waved his hand and motioned to his subordinates to arrest Li Dashan and Cuihua.

At this time, the old and young masters in the village stopped doing it, and they stood up one after another to speak for Li Dashan and Cuihua. "Hey, what are you doing? What for? The people in our village can't let people bully them! Old Wang Tou was the first to stand up, and he waved his arms in front of Li Dashan and Cuihua. The others chimed in, forming a human wall around the middle-aged man and his men.

The man pretended to go out, but secretly climbed onto the roof, wife: I don't want to do anything

When the middle-aged man saw this formation, he was also a little worried in his heart, he thought about it, and then snorted coldly: "Hmph, you are lucky today, but I won't give up, you wait and see!" With that, he walked away with his men. The gang in our village took a look, it was called a happy one, and everyone surrounded Li Dashan and Cuihua like a swarm, and welcomed them back to the village all the way. Although this matter has turned the page, the stone in Li Dashan and Cuihua's hearts is still heavy. The two of them beat drums in their hearts, who is the middle-aged man? Why are you sure that our family's ancestral treasure is his? Just when they were thinking about it, Uncle Zhao, the old hunter of our village, came. Uncle Zhao, who has seen the world, frowned when he heard this: "Hey, this matter is not simple, I guess the middle-aged man is a tomb robber, and the treasure in his hand is dug out of the grave." When Li Dashan and Cuihua heard this, they were shocked in their hearts, like a roller coaster. As soon as the two of them put it together, they decided to go to the merchant to ask for an explanation. When the merchant heard this, he was also confused, he patted his chest and swore an oath: "I swear, I received this jade pendant from an old man, he said that this is his family's heirloom, how can I know so much." When Li Dashan and Cuihua heard this, their hearts were even more confused, as if they had tied a knot. The two of them pondered that they had to find someone who understood this matter, so they found Mr. Li, an old scholar in the village. When Mr. Li heard this, his eyes lit up: "Hey, I have to talk to you about this." Did you know? Our village used to be an ancient tomb group, and then it slowly became a village. I estimated that the treasure in the middle-aged man's hand was dug up from the ancient tomb in our village. When Li Dashan and Cuihua heard this, they suddenly realized. As soon as the two of them put it together, they decided to tell the villagers about it, so that everyone could wake up and not let those thieves who robbed the tomb be deceived. When the villagers heard this, they were excited, and they all said that they had to protect the ancient tombs in our village and not let those thieves cause trouble. So, they discussed setting up a tomb protection team to protect the ancient tombs in the village. What about Li Dashan and Cuihua? They also became part of the grave guard. They not only protected the ancient tombs in the village, but also became the heroes in the hearts of the villagers!

But did you know? The Patronus Saint is not having a good time either. Why? Because the thief who robbed the tomb was as cunning as a fox, and he spent his days thinking about how to steal the treasures of our village. That night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, Li Dashan and Cuihua were eating at home, when they suddenly heard a "clang" outside, and they were so frightened that they almost threw away their rice bowls. "Oh, what's that?" Cuihua's face turned pale with fright, and she grabbed Li Dashan's hand tightly. When Li Dashan heard this, his heart was tight, he quickly put down his job, picked up the guy's business and rushed out: "Don't be afraid, daughter-in-law, I'll go out and have a look." As soon as Li Dashan went out, he saw a few black shadows shaking at the entrance of the village, and he was so angry in his heart that he thought: This tomb thief is really bold, and he dares to come to our village to spread wild! He yelled, "Who? Stop me! Then he rushed over like a tiger. Oh my God, as soon as those dark shadows heard the movement, they were so frightened that they ran away. Li Dashan's kid chased him like a rabbit until he reached the desolate place outside the village. At this moment, there was a sudden "whoosh", and an arrow shot out of the black rumbling coldly, pointing directly at Li Dashan's heart! Li Dashan saw that his soul almost didn't fly out, he hurriedly flashed to the side, and the arrow was nailed to the tree with a "whoosh". "Hey, hey, this thief is really ruthless!" Li Dashan gasped, the fire in his heart, he looked around, and those black shadows were long gone. Li Dashan had no choice but to go home first.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Cuihua's girl, who was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and when he saw him coming back, he hurried up to meet him: "O mountain, what's wrong?" Did you catch the tomb robber? Li Dashan shook his head and sighed: "Hey, I didn't catch it, that thief was a thief and a thief, and he almost hurt me." When Cuihua heard this, tears were about to fall: "Oh mom, what's going on?" Don't let the thief steal the treasure in our village. When Li Dashan heard this, he was so anxious, he patted his chest and swore: "Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, I will go to the city tomorrow to ask for a catcher, and I have to catch this tomb thief!" ”

The man pretended to go out, but secretly climbed onto the roof, wife: I don't want to do anything

Early the next morning, Li Dashan entered the city. He found a famous head catcher, and as soon as he told the story, the head catcher's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Oh, this matter has to be taken care of, the thief who robbed the tomb is infinitely harmful!" So, the head catcher took a few of his men and followed Li Dashan back to the village. As soon as they put it together, they decided to set up an ambush in the village, and when the tomb robber came, they would give them an urn to catch turtles!

That night, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, Li Dashan and the head catcher hid in the grass at the entrance of the village, their eyes were as wide as copper bells, waiting for the thief who robbed the tomb to come. At this moment, they suddenly heard a "whooshing" sound in the distance, Li Dashan and they heard it, and they were so happy in their hearts, they thought: This tomb thief is really on time! They hurriedly crept up and looked, oh, it was really the thief who robbed the tomb! They are digging the ancient tombs in our village with shovels and hoes! When Li Dashan saw them, he was furious and yelled: "Who is it? Stop me! Then he rushed over like a tiger descending from a mountain.

When the tomb robbers heard this, they were so frightened that their souls were about to fly, and they quickly threw down their shovels and hoes, turned around and ran. But Li Dashan, where can they let them go? They pursued them until they reached the wasteland outside the village. At this moment, suddenly "bang bang" a few gunshots, the tomb robber saw it, frightened even more souls, they quickly threw down the treasure in their hands, turned around and fled. Oh my mother, Li Dashan's gang took a look, these tomb robbers are really well prepared! But they were not scared, they chased all the way to the deep mountains and old forests. The result? In the end, they really stopped the tomb robber! As soon as the villagers heard about this, they all hurried over, and when they saw that the thief was caught, they were so happy that they slapped louder than anyone else!