
Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

author:Yojun theory

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Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

Text, Editor|Xiao Lou

Among the various second-generation children, the second-generation star has the highest appearance, but Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling is an exception.

Bi Ling showed her face in "Avenue of Stars" when she was a child, and her appearance was complained about at that time.

originally thought that "the eighteen changes of the female college, the more she changes, the better she looks", but I didn't expect that Bi Ling was not as good as when she was a child.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

Five years ago, a photo of Bi Ling and her father Bi Fujian leaked out, and she became a complete "tomboy".

On June 29, Bi Ling posted a set of photos on social platforms, and now her image has become "wild" to the point where it can make people's jaws drop.

Looking at Bi Ling's changes over the years, netizens are very curious, does Bi Fujian, as an old father, not care about his daughter?


The current situation of Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling is controversial

Since the 2015 "Disaster from the Mouth" incident, Bi Fujian has hardly appeared in the public eye.

Although he made mistakes, the works and fame he left behind cannot be erased.

It's just that the entertainment industry has been updated too quickly, and no one has mentioned Grandpa Bi's name over the years.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

However, as long as there is new information related to him, it can still cause a small discussion on the Internet, and his daughter Bi Ling is a good example.

On June 29, Bi Ling posted a set of photos on her social account, in which she had several friends besides herself, including foreigners and Chinese.

Although there are many people who appear on the camera, the most eye-catching is Bi Ling.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

This is not only because she is Bi Fujian's daughter, but more importantly, Bi Ling's current style of dressing.

Among the second generation of stars, it is extremely rare for Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing's son Harry to like to wear women's clothes.

Unexpectedly, Bi Ling and Harry took the same route.

Although Bi Ling is a daughter, her dress is very masculine.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

The first is her hairstyle, a handful of long hair is tied up on the top of her head, but the hair on both sides has been shaved clean, and the green skin is exposed.

This kind of punk look is really rare.

In addition to the hairstyle, Bi Ling's earrings, necklaces and rings on his hands are also very wild styles, which are very in line with foreign bold styles.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

Bi Ling's clothes are not overly complicated, a dark shirt with a dark pants looks very low-key.

It's just that her figure is a lot rounder now, and she feels that her clothes are about to burst in the next second.

Foreigners are known for their big skeletons, but in a group photo, Bi Ling looks even stronger than the foreign brother on the side.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

Compared with the foreign beauty wearing a floral skirt and long hair next to her, with Bi Ling's style, if it weren't for people who knew her, they really couldn't see that she was a girl.

When taking a group photo, Bi Ling not only has a domineering side, but also a naughty and cute side.

She has a solo selfie with a wine bottle in her hand, smiling at the camera, and naughtily sticking her tongue out, which looks so cute.
Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

Bi Ling will be 28 years old this year, but she still looks like a child, not at all like a person who is about to enter the age of establishment.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she didn't get married and have children.

This time, netizens discussed not only Bi Ling's style, but also many people complained about her appearance.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

It is said that the daughter looks like her father, although Bi Fujian is not a handsome guy, but she looks okay.

It's just that Bi Ling doesn't seem to have inherited his father's appearance, with single eyelids and small eyes, a weak nose bridge, and a relatively large face.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

Some netizens ridiculed Bi Ling as a female version of Yue Yunpeng, and some people even said that she was a combination of Gazi and Yingzi (Wang Shasha).

Bi Ling's appearance is indeed not excellent among the second generation of stars, but she doesn't seem to care much about her image.

Perhaps for Bi Ling, this kind of real and unadorned self is the most comfortable and happy.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy
Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

What is the relationship between Bi Fujian and his daughter?

In fact, Bi Ling's style is still relatively normal abroad, because the acceptance of foreigners is relatively high, and the environment is relatively open.

But in the eyes of domestic netizens, Bi Ling's current style is a bit off the normal track.

For Chinese, no matter how old a person is, he is a child in front of his parents, so some people wonder if Bi Fujian doesn't care about his daughter?

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

In fact, there are many aspects to look at this matter.

Some parents pursue "free-range" in education, and judging from Bi Fujian's style of acting, perhaps he prefers to let his daughter grow up freely.

Secondly, Bi Fujian's daughter has not lived by his side, and even if she wants to, she is powerless.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

33 years ago, Bi Fujian and his college classmates entered the palace of marriage, and this person was Bi Ling's mother.

In the fifth year of their marriage, their daughter Bi Ling was born.

For this only child, the couple loved each other very much, but Bi Fujian was on the rise in his career at that time, and he had very little time to spend with his daughter.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

Later, Bi Fujian's mother suddenly fell ill and died, and his father was also sick and paralyzed in bed because of his mother's departure.

Because he has to take care of his father while busy with work, Bi Fujian has no time to spend with his wife and daughter.

When Bi Ling was 7 years old, she was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia due to fever.

The daughter was seriously ill, but Bi Fujian couldn't get out because he was busy with work, which also made the relationship between the couple begin to deteriorate.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy
When Bi Ling was 8 years old, Bi Fujian's career finally improved, but he and his wife divorced.

After the divorce, Bi Ling followed her mother to live abroad.

Although Bi Fujian and his daughter are no longer together, the relationship between the father and daughter has not weakened.

When Bi Ling was 10 years old, he specially mailed a New Year's card to his father, and wrote a paragraph on it.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy
"Dad, I'm proud that I'm your daughter, not because you're the host, but because you helped me get an A+. Hey hey"

A year later, Bi Ling also came back from abroad to visit his father, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Later, on Bi Fujian's birthday, Bi Ling, as a daughter, specially gave her father a small umbrella, and the blessings were also very heartwarming.

"Dad, this is a gift I specially selected for you, I hope it can also give you shelter from the wind and rain."

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

Although Bi Ling has not been able to stay with his father all these years, the relationship between father and daughter has always been very good, and it is also very enviable.

There has been no emotional news about Bi Fujian over the years, and now that he is older, many people think that he is going to die alone.

Actually, no, although my daughter can't accompany her, Bi Fujian's nephew has a good relationship with him, and the nephew will also share some news about Bi Fujian on the Internet from time to time.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

Bi Ling - the second generation of stars who take the most unusual path

There are many second-generation stars, but their development routes are not quite the same.

Some went abroad to study under the protection of their parents, and some made their debut as stars with the resources of their parents.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

In fact, this is not because Bi Ling's father is no longer in front of the stage, but because it has something to do with her own thoughts.

Bi Ling has been different from the average second-generation star since she was a child, which may have something to do with the divorce of her parents when she was very young.

Although he did not enter the showbiz, what Bi Ling did also had something to do with art.

Biling University is an art university located in Canada at the Ontario College of Art and Design.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

The reason why she chose this university is not only because it is a major in art, but also because it has a certain relationship with the location.

When Bi Ling and her mother left China, they went to live in Canada, and after staying here for so many years, it is normal for her to choose to go to school in a familiar environment.

It is precisely because of his experience of living abroad that Bi Ling was able to speak fluent English at a very young age.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy
When she was 9 years old, Bi Ling also participated in the "Avenue of Stars" hosted by her father, when she spoke fluent English in front of the camera and stunned many audiences.

However, compared with Bi Ling's foreign language level, more people discuss her appearance.

At that time, Bi Ling had long hair, dark skin, and a pair of Sven glasses, and looked very well-behaved.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

I thought that Bi Ling didn't grow up, but I didn't expect that she would directly become a "tomboy" with short hair in the Father's Day photo of her 25-year-old and her father.

Over the years, Bi Ling has had long hair and an explosive head, although he is not beautiful, but he has a full artistic atmosphere, maybe this is the artist's style.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy

A person's life seems to be very long, but in fact it is very short, decades and hundreds of years at most.

Time is fleeting, and if you live this life according to other people's ideas, it will be too worthless.

Bi Ling's state is incompatible with the lives of most second-generation stars, although she is not the perfect second-generation star in the eyes of the world, but she lives freely and freely.

Being able to live according to your own preferences, the sound of the outside doesn't seem to be very important.

Bi Fujian's daughter took a recent photo, 28-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her shaved hair on both sides is becoming more and more like a boy
[Disclaimer] The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

Information sources:

[1] "Bi Fujian's daughter's recent situation has been exposed, her hair is messy like a bum, and her appearance has not changed much"

[2] "Bi Fujian's daughter was ridiculed for her appearance, but these advantages of hers are what ordinary children dream of"