
What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

author:The evening breeze is still there

Awkward experiences are inevitable in people's daily life, especially in a family environment, where intimacy and relaxation are more likely to occur. Parents may inadvertently make some inappropriate jokes, only to be heard and imitated by their children, which makes parents feel very embarrassed.


That's a dazed sleep, you're the brightest cub in the class

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

You're still talking

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

It's not that you're going to laugh at me, I'm going to beat me up when I go back

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

Then you have spent money unjustly, next time you buy something for your mother to bring

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

It's not that you're asking redundantly, this sister has a bit of a weird temper

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

Then I don't dare to look up, and I sleep in class

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

Then the sky is full of feathers

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

At this moment, you can really deduct three bedrooms and one living room

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

Isn't that then you don't recognize her?

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

It's okay to cook and eat, you're outrageous, you can't tell the difference between fruit and vegetables

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

Then you will be the class representative from now on

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

At this time, it was really desperate, when there was no service area

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

No wonder there are seats, there are good Samaritans

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

Didn't know you were the leader

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

Then why don't you buy these clothes?

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

People didn't leave, it's embarrassing

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

There's someone in the back

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

It's all a dream

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

You're thinking too much

What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children

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What are the embarrassing experiences? Netizen: Pay attention to Ao in front of children