
How do I delete something from a USB flash drive? Where do the deleted files go to the USB flash drive? Five ways to delete files

author:Transmission of network information

How do I delete things from a USB flash drive? Over time, the USB flash drive will accumulate a large number of files, and unwanted files need to be cleaned and deleted. So how to delete the things in the USB flash drive? There are several deletion methods that will be detailed below.

演示环境:荣耀MagicBook 16 Pro,Windows 11

How do I delete something from a USB flash drive? Where do the deleted files go to the USB flash drive? Five ways to delete files

1. Delete it directly in the USB flash drive

1. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port of the computer, and wait for the computer to recognize and display the icon of the USB flash drive. Open "My Computer" or "Computer", find the drive letter of the USB flash drive, and double-click to open it.

How do I delete something from a USB flash drive? Where do the deleted files go to the USB flash drive? Five ways to delete files

2. In the file window of the USB flash drive, select the file or folder that needs to be deleted, right-click, and select the "Delete" option. Your computer moves the files or folders to the trash.

How do I delete something from a USB flash drive? Where do the deleted files go to the USB flash drive? Five ways to delete files

Note that this deletion is not complete, as the files are actually still saved on the USB stick, just marked as overwritten. If you need to delete it completely, continue to refer to the method below.

2. Delete it completely through the recycle bin

When a file is deleted from a USB flash drive, the file is moved to the recycle bin. In order to delete the files completely, the Recycle Bin needs to be emptied.

1. Open the recycle bin and find the deleted files or folders in the USB flash drive. Select the Chinese part or folder, right-click and select the "Delete" option.

How do I delete something from a USB flash drive? Where do the deleted files go to the USB flash drive? Five ways to delete files

2. In the pop-up confirmation dialog box, click the "Yes" button. At this point, the files will be completely deleted from the USB flash drive and can no longer be recovered.

How do I delete something from a USB flash drive? Where do the deleted files go to the USB flash drive? Five ways to delete files

3. Use shortcut keys to delete completely

In addition to the above two methods, you can also use shortcut keys to delete files from USB flash drive completely.

1. After selecting the files or folders to be deleted, press the "Shift" + "Delete" key combination.

2. In the pop-up confirmation dialog box, click the "Yes" button. In this way, the selected files or folders will be deleted directly and completely without being moved to the recycle bin. This method is suitable for situations where a quick and thorough deletion of files is required.

How do I delete something from a USB flash drive? Where do the deleted files go to the USB flash drive? Five ways to delete files

4. Use professional data deletion tools

If the above methods still do not meet your needs, such as a large number of files that need to be deleted, or you need to ensure that the deleted files cannot be recovered, then you can consider using a professional data deletion tool.

Thorough removal tools usually have more powerful removal features and higher security. These tools can be searched and downloaded on the internet and then follow the tool's instructions.

5. Format the USB flash drive

If you need to completely erase all data in the USB flash drive, you can consider formatting the USB flash drive. Formatting is an operation to restore a USB flash drive to its initial state, which deletes all the files and folders in the USB flash drive.

1. First of all, make sure that the USB flash drive has been inserted into the computer and is correctly recognized. Open "My Computer" or "Computer", find the drive letter of the USB flash drive, right-click and select the "Format" option.

How do I delete something from a USB flash drive? Where do the deleted files go to the USB flash drive? Five ways to delete files

2. In the pop-up format dialog box, select the appropriate file system (such as FAT32, NTFS, etc.) and check the "Quick Format" option (if required). Finally, click the "Start" button to perform the formatting operation.

How do I delete something from a USB flash drive? Where do the deleted files go to the USB flash drive? Five ways to delete files

Please note that the formatting operation is irreversible, and once executed, all data in the USB flash drive cannot be recovered. Therefore, be sure to back up the data you need to keep before performing a formatting operation.


There are many ways to delete files from USB flash drive, and you can choose the most suitable method according to your actual needs. However, no matter which method you use, you should be cautious to avoid accidentally deleting important files. At the same time, it is also a good habit to regularly clean and organize the files in the USB flash drive, which can help keep the data clean and organized.

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