
If you don't love it, a woman's attitude towards you will undergo these changes

author:Nozomi Sekiyama

The writer Su Cen once said: "Women are dedicated and ruthless, and once an infatuated woman wakes up, nothing can keep her." ”

When you love someone too much, you may often use lies to convince yourself. But once you don't love, you will become sober at any time.

Love or not love is often manifested in every move, word and deed of two people getting along.

When you are in love, she looks at you with a tender look in her eyes, as if there is an indescribable ambiguity. When she doesn't love, she seems to have a thick barrier with you in her heart, isolating the former love and honey.

The fading of emotions is like a fading tide in her heart, and when the tide recedes, she will gradually see your feelings for her, and she will see her heart clearly.

If you don't love it, a woman's attitude towards you will undergo these changes.

If you don't love it, a woman's attitude towards you will undergo these changes

1. No longer tolerant and impatient with you

When someone loves you, she has a huge sense of tolerance for you. She doesn't magnify your shortcomings and bad habits, but instead thinks that everyone is not perfect; She won't think you're worse than your best friend's boyfriend, after all, everyone has their own feelings in love; She doesn't think you're directing her when you ask her to help out with something, but she thinks she's happy to be able to help you......

But when her feelings for you change, her attitude towards you will also change.

She no longer tolerates the flaws in you that are visible to the naked eye; No longer coaxed by your words; I won't be moved for a long time because of the cup of milk tea you bring back at any time...... She began to think about your relationship from a realistic point of view, and finally stopped being endlessly tolerant of you.

She has lost patience with you and the ability to love you.

If you don't love it, a woman's attitude towards you will undergo these changes

2. No longer gentle, annoyed when I see you

When a woman falls in love with someone in a relationship, she will become gentle unconsciously.

She may be a big grin person in private, but in front of her beloved, she will disguise her flawed side, speak softly, and act lightly.

On the contrary, if she doesn't love you anymore, then there will not be such tender moments when she gets along with you, and more often she will feel annoyed when she sees you.

Maybe you didn't do anything wrong, but once she saw you appear in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but suppress the irritability that was surging in her heart. She can't look at you with appreciation, she can only see you as a "nuisance".

There is a saying, "When you don't love, you can't even breathe wrong." "That's kind of what it feels.

When she becomes no longer gentle, it's time for her to get tired of you and not love you.

If you don't love it, a woman's attitude towards you will undergo these changes

3. No longer caring, keep a distance from you

If she doesn't love you emotionally, she won't care about anything related to you anymore.

In the past, she would often ask you where you were going, ask you to report to her in every detail, or check your phone information frequently, etc.

But now that her feelings for you have changed, she won't bother to do these things anymore. She just wants to live her life and no longer bother with your private affairs.

Sometimes she's right next to you, but it's as if you're far apart. This is actually because the distance between the two hearts has become distant, even if they are close to each other, it is difficult to take the initiative to get closer.

Her loss of attention and control over you is a sign of unlove.

If you don't love it, a woman's attitude towards you will undergo these changes

When you don't love, a woman's attitude towards you will change.

She loses patience with you and becomes no longer tolerant; I have lost my former gentleness, and now I am annoyed when I see you; I no longer care about your private affairs and keep my distance from you...... This little thing shows that I don't love you anymore.

Catch out what's wrong with her and stop thinking she's just throwing a tantrum.

By the time she really figured it out, maybe she'd turn away!