
Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

author:Wilderness Trailblazer PT
Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? In our big universe, every little life has an innate curiosity and desire to explore. Especially those young children, they feel new to everything they see, and they want to understand everything

But then again, because of their young age, they haven't grown enough "wisdom wings", so sometimes they fly too hard and are easy to hit a wall

They don't really do those "stupid things" on purpose, it's just because they're young and don't know that there are some things they can't do, and they don't know that some behaviors are dangerous

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

The electric baking pan is so hot, and I dare to stretch out my finger to press it, I am really scared to death~

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

Okay, okay, I'm not the only one doing this [awkward laugh]

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

I actually stuffed mung beans in my nostrils for several days, and I didn't tell anyone, how uncomfortable it was! However, fortunately, when I sneezed while eating, the mung bean came out on its own, otherwise I really don't know what to do

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

Learn how Spider-Man climbs the climbing wall, but he has to climb down upside down, and he falls and breaks his bones [crying silently]

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

When you were a child, you were really "defeated and defeated, defeated and defeated"! They also fell into it twice each. You're really "what's the magic in the water that fascinates you so much?"

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

You even dared to poke the light bulb with a sweater needle, and you were electrocuted. This operation is really sweaty! Appliances are not something that can be played with casually

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

Oh, you're so curious to kill a cat! Parents don't let them touch the knife, there must be their reason [crying silently] In the end, it took half a year for the hand to heal, which can be regarded as a profound lesson

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

Dare to use your fingers to test the single-sided blade of the flying eagle, this courage is not ordinary! But fortunately, your mother didn't use much force at the time, otherwise something would have happened

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

He actually wanted to try to see if he could use the big magnet outside to suck out the magnet beads in his stomach, and he also wanted to feel what it was like for the magnet beads to be attracted by a big magnet in his stomach. This brain hole is too big!

But ah, this attempt is still too dangerous, but fortunately the doctor finally removed the magnet beads through surgery, otherwise it would be troublesome!

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

Haha, you were so curious when you were a child! I actually wanted to try which of my nails or the sewing machine was harder, but I didn't expect to pierce my nails. This is really a "blood lesson"!

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky
Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

The tester is still conservative, and it would be terrible if he fell

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

Oops, that sounds scary! Fortunately, the baby was flushed in time, which can be regarded as a first aid measure in place. The baby may still be ignorant and don't know what's going on, but you, the mother, must be distressed

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

Obviously, they have already told them that they can't do dangerous actions, but they provoke you while doing it, picking their noses and gouging their eyes, which really makes people cry and laugh [crying silently]

Imagine, when we were young, did we also do some "stupid things"?

And after we have experienced and grown up as parents and educators, we have to support our children and prevent them from being harmed in the same way

They have to be taught what they can and can't touch; What behaviors are safe and which ones are dangerous

Of course, this does not mean that they are completely restricted, but that they have to be given the freedom to explore

Children need our love, patience and guidance

Let's work together to create a safe, fun and loving environment for children to grow up

Let them explore freely and grow happily under the sun

Why speculate on young children with the greatest stupidity? The truth in the comment area is live! That's pretty against the sky

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