
Mingyue Community, Songguantun Street: Sing a red song to the party

author:Texas Depth
Mingyue Community, Songguantun Street: Sing a red song to the party

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, stimulate children's feelings of loving the party, the country and socialism, and promote the spirit of patriotism, on July 1, Mingyue Community of Songguantun Street and Lanyue Kindergarten carried out a theatrical performance of "Sing a Red Song to the Party".

Mingyue Community, Songguantun Street: Sing a red song to the party
Mingyue Community, Songguantun Street: Sing a red song to the party

Before the start of the activity, the community staff came to the park in advance to help the teacher arrange the scene, at 9 o'clock in the morning, the activity kicked off on time, the children performed the "Twinkle Red Star" and "I am a soldier" and other moving red songs with full spirit and infectious singing, some were lively and cheerful, some were euphemistic, some were passionate, the children stood on the stage, all of them were energetic, vivid, and their faces were full of pride and joy. The immature and sweet children's voices convey the children's purest love and sincere blessings for the party and the motherland. Each child conscientiously devoted himself to the collective singing and sang his love for the party and the motherland.

Mingyue Community, Songguantun Street: Sing a red song to the party
Mingyue Community, Songguantun Street: Sing a red song to the party
Mingyue Community, Songguantun Street: Sing a red song to the party

Through this co-construction activity, the patriotic education of children was strengthened by singing, so that children imperceptibly accepted red education, sowed the seeds of love for the party and patriotism in the depths of children's young hearts, inherited the red spirit, and rooted the feelings of family and country in the hearts of children. (Correspondent: Ji Yuejie)