
On the first working day after the opening of traffic, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage continued to "fire"

author:South + client

July 1 is the first working day after the completion and opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor. After experiencing the full passenger flow on the opening day on June 30, what was the traffic situation on the first working day? After the opening of traffic, what changes will it bring to the surrounding cities?

Nanfang + reporters walked into Zhongshan City, the landing point of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage on the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary, to see how the city after experiencing the "explosive" heat can catch the "continuity" proposition.

Traffic Conditions:

There is no traffic jam in the morning and evening rush hour, and one foot of the accelerator to Shenzhen

How popular is the Shenzhong Channel? According to the news of Guangdong Provincial Communications Group at about 15 o'clock on July 1, 24 hours after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, a total of 125,000 vehicles passed on both sides of Zhongshan and Shenzhen. The peak traffic on the first day of operation was 8,000 trips per hour.

However, according to the group's statistics at 7 o'clock on July 1, on the day of opening, "sightseeing traffic accounted for a large proportion". On the first working day after opening, the traffic has returned to its normal state.

Nanfang + reporters learned at the scene that at about 8 o'clock on July 1, there was no congestion at the Cuihengdong toll station located on Ma'an Island, Cuiheng New District, and vehicles entered the toll station in an orderly manner, and the traffic flow on Future Avenue in Cuiheng New District, which was connected to the toll station, was also generally smooth.

On the first working day after the opening of traffic, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage continued to "fire"

At about 17:50 on July 1, the road conditions of the Shenzhong Passage. Nanfang + Ye Zhiwen shooting

"Originally, we also wanted to try it yesterday, but when we saw the news of the rush hour, we dismissed the idea." Zou Yufeng, who often runs between Zhongshan and Shenzhen, went to Zhongshan last weekend to visit his parents, who often live in the Torch Development Zone, and returned to his home in Shenzhen on the afternoon of June 30 as planned. "We pay attention to the traffic conditions of the navigation in real time, yesterday I saw that the road conditions were more congested, I discussed with my wife to delay the day and then set off, this morning at eight o'clock from Zhongshan, sure enough, all the way unimpeded, it is indeed 'one foot on the accelerator to Shenzhen', on the bridge 20 minutes to complete the Shenzhong channel." Zou Yufeng said that although he missed the "jackpot" on the first day, as an ordinary resident, what he values most is the practical function of the Shenzhong Channel. "Our parents are in Zhongshan, my wife and I work and live in Bao'an, Shenzhen, and we usually come back once a week or two, but in the future, we will have the conditions to increase the frequency, and if it goes well, we can go from our home in Shenzhen to our home in Zhongshan in one hour."

By around 12 noon, there was a certain congestion at the exit of the Cuihengdong toll station connecting the Zhongkai Expressway and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, and the traffic flow on the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary through the Zhongkai Expressway and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage gradually increased, but the congestion process lasted less than half an hour.

On the first working day after the opening of traffic, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage continued to "fire"

At about 12:30 p.m. on July 1, the urban section of the Zhongkai Expressway was road-like. Nanfang + Ye Zhiwen shooting

After exiting the toll station, the traffic entering Ma'an Island mainly enters the Cuiheng Express Line through Future Avenue, Heqing Road, Wugui Road, etc., and then enters the central urban area of Zhongshan. Therefore, on the first working day, the Southern + reporter found that the traffic flow on the main road in Cuiheng New District increased significantly, but the road was generally smooth.

During the evening rush hour on July 1, from the perspective of road conditions, the traffic flow of Cuihengdong and Zhongkai Expressway, the two expressway junctions of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage on the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary, was also relatively orderly.

Intercity buses:

Each trip is almost full, and tickets have been sold out in the past 2 days

In addition, on the first working day after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus also operated in an orderly manner.

At 12 noon on July 1, Nanfang + reporters came to the cross-city bus hub of the Expo Center and encountered a cross-city bus from Shenzhen to Zhongshan, all 41 of which were full. Passengers got out of the car one after another, some walked out of the hub as instructed, and some surrounded several staff and volunteers to inquire about the situation.

"Hello, may I ask where is the Shiqi restaurant?" Mr. and Mrs. Lin, who live in Futian, Shenzhen, asked for help from volunteers. Mr. Lin told the Southern + reporter that he has not been to Zhongshan for many years, and today he deliberately took his wife to experience the "Century Project" across the Pearl River Estuary, and also wanted to taste Zhongshan food. "There are occasional road congestion today, and overall it should be much better than yesterday."

"To the east is Ocean Plaza, not far away, it should only be two or three hundred meters. Sanxi Village is not far away, and there are many characteristic overseas Chinese houses and cafes in it, and you can visit it after eating. "In order to let Shenzhen tourists have fun and eat in Zhongshan, the Urban Construction Group and the Public Transport Group continue to arrange volunteer services at cross-city bus stops after investing a large number of volunteers on June 30.

"The overall situation is still relatively orderly, and there are many Shenzhen tourists who came to visit yesterday." The relevant person in charge of the hub station of the cross-city bus expo center said, "Although yesterday was delayed because the traffic flow far exceeded expectations, the passengers were still very satisfied with the overall service of the cross-city bus, and everyone felt that Zhongshan was sincere and warm-hearted to treat tourists from all over the world." It is understood that yesterday, the Zhongshan Municipal Transportation Bureau, urban construction group and other departments linked, mobilized more than 200 volunteers to the two major cross-city bus stations to do a good job of traffic guidance, and arranged free tea, bread, milk and other materials at the Expo Center hub station and Cuiheng International Talent Port, so that late guests can feel the "Zhongshan temperature" as soon as they get off the bus.

At Zhongshan International Talent Port Station, the first train on July 1 departed from Zhongshan International Talent Port Station at 6:20 a.m. By 12 noon on the same day, more than 10 buses had been dispatched from the station. The staff said that the shuttle bus that morning was basically full, and more than 300 passengers were on board.

On the first working day after the opening of traffic, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage continued to "fire"

On July 1, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus Zhongshan International Talent Port station. Photo courtesy of Zhang Yanbing, a photographer from the South

Mr. Wong, a Hong Kong citizen who had purchased a property on Ma On Island in Tsui Hang New District, was one of the passengers that day. The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has opened up a "fast lane" for him to and from Zhongshan and Hong Kong, and the distance between Zhongshan and Hong Kong will be shortened from the original 3 hours to 1.5 hours. By taking the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus at the doorstep, both time and cost will be greatly reduced.

The Southern + reporter saw at the scene that some citizens who did not buy tickets in advance also arrived to wait. "Tickets are selling out too fast, come here today to try your luck and take a look at the Shenzhong Passage." Ms. Huang, who lives in Zhuhai, took a bus that day and came to Zhongshan International Talent Port Station after about 2 hours, planning to take the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus to board the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor.

According to statistics, on June 30, a total of 33 cross-city buses were sent from Zhongshan, sending more than 2,000 passengers, which has reached the largest capacity load at present. It wasn't until 12:30 a.m. on July 1 that the last train arrived at the Zhongshan Expo Center. On the first working day after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus entered the regular mode, and the scene was orderly. As of 2 p.m., a total of 33 trains were sent to the hub of the Expo Center that day, sending about 1,100 passengers; A total of 14 trains were sent to the Zhongshan International Talent Port, sending about 360 passengers. It is expected that about 1,500 passengers will be sent on the first working day.

The relevant person in charge reminded the public that the tickets for the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus from Zhongshan to Shenzhen in the past two days have basically been sold out. Members of the public can pay attention to the "Shenzhen-Zhongshan Cross-city Bus Line" mini program to keep an eye on the latest ticketing situation to avoid running out of stock.

Cultural tourism popularity:

Food is the most popular, and tourism products are still hot

On the morning of July 1, 300 Shenzhen residents took a bus through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor and arrived at Ma'an Island, Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan, the western landing point of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, to experience the majesty of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor up close and take intimate photos with the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor.

"It's shocking! It turns out that Shenzhen is so close to Zhongshan! Mr. Zhang, a citizen of Shenzhen, said excitedly, "Before the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, it took two hours to go to Zhongshan, but now the distance has been shortened by nearly half, and it will be more convenient to bring your family here in the future." "From Ma'an Island, the Shenzhong Passage is like a dragon, winding above the deep blue sea and leading directly to Qianhai in Shenzhen.

"It feels really close!" Early in the morning of July 1, Cheng Yang, executive vice president of Shenzhen Travel Agency Industry Association, and others set off from Shenzhen and came to Zhongshan through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, which took more than 20 minutes to arrive at Ma'an Island. "With the official opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, it not only shortens the physical distance between the two places, but also shortens the distance between our hearts, providing convenience and opportunities for the development of cultural tourism in the two places. We also hope to work with Zhongshan's cultural and tourism counterparts to create cultural tourism products with their own characteristics. Cheng Yang said.

On the first working day after the opening of traffic, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage continued to "fire"

On July 1, the "One Bridge Connects Shenzhen Chinese Tourism New Development" Shenzhen Chinese Tourism Exchange Activity and Cooperation Signing Ceremony sponsored by Shenzhen Tourism Association was held in Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan City. Photo by Nanfang + Yuan Shimin

Yang Yihui, a staff member of the marketing department of CITS (Shenzhen) International Travel Service Co., Ltd., said that the biggest feeling of this trip is that the speed of coming to Zhongshan from Shenzhen is really much faster: "In the past, the fastest way to go back to Zhongshan was to take the urban rail, and the bus had to pass through the Humen Bridge, and traffic jams were the norm. And the scenery on the road of Shenzhong Bridge is very beautiful, looking at the endless sea, time passes in a flash. ”

On the first working day, there is more than one group to travel to Zhongshan. At the same time, the first Shenzhen tour group to come to Zhongshan East District through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage organized by the East District Street of Zhongshan City and Shenzhen International Travel Service New Scenic Area also walked into the beautiful ancient village of Zhongshan. The tour group has more than 40 Shenzhen tourists, and the registration has been open since June 27. The relevant person in charge said that half an hour after the product was launched, the quota had been "snatched up" by the people of Shenzhen.

Shuttling through the quaint Sanxi Village in Zhongshan, Yi Yanyu, a tourist from Shenzhen dressed fashionably and wearing sunglasses, has been busy taking photos with his mobile phone. "I'm here to help my parents 'step on the point', and the next time I come with them, I'll have experience!" Yi Yanyu said excitedly, "I have just sent the name of the restaurant and the signature dishes for lunch to several groups, telling my family and friends that I must check in this restaurant next time I come to Zhongshan, and the grunt meat and roast goose are very delicious!" ”

On the first working day after the opening of traffic, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage continued to "fire"

On July 1, tourists from Shenzhen played in Sanxi Village, a street in the East District. Nanfang + Ye Zhiwen shooting

In the bustling city, find a piece of nostalgia. Yi Yanyu was also impressed by the ancient charm of the countryside in Zhongshan East District, "I have been to the ancient city of Zhangzhou in Fujian Province before, which is very similar to Sanxi Village in Zhongshan East District. Zhongshan has red tourist attractions such as the former site of the Pearl River Column Headquarters, which also provides more choices for the party building activities of Shenzhen enterprises. In the future, we can also consider organizing company employees to come to the red scenic spots in Zhongshan to learn and check in. ”

"When the vehicle passed through the Shenzhong Passage, I really felt the grandeur of this project of the century! The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor connects the cities on the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary. I think Shenzhen people are really happy to be able to enjoy such a convenient mode of transportation in the Pearl River Delta. Yi Yanyu said with emotion, "I think after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, many people working in Shenzhen will also consider buying a house and setting up camp in Zhongshan, and Zhongshan will develop better and better in the future." ”

According to the feedback from the relevant persons in charge of many local specialty food stores in Zhongshan, such as Harbour City and Shiqilao, from June 30 to July 1, the customer flow in the store increased more than usual. "Many people come from Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other places to taste the food, and everyone's enthusiasm is still relatively high." The person in charge of a restaurant in Sanxi Village said that judging from the current flow of people, he has great confidence in the future business situation.

Home Purchase Drive:

The "house viewing group" continues to come, bringing prosperity to the business of Ma'an Island

In the traffic that entered Ma'an Island on July 1, there were many tourists who checked in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and there were also "house viewing groups" from Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other places.

After exiting from the Shenzhong Passage, Zhongcheng Commercial Plaza, which is a few hundred meters away from the exit of the Cuihengdong toll station, has become a popular choice for outbound tourists to rest and dine. At around 12 noon on July 1, the Southern + reporter found that the number of vehicles in the parking lot of the square gradually increased, of which vehicles in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou and other places accounted for the majority.

On the first working day after the opening of traffic, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage continued to "fire"

On July 1, the number of people viewing a sales real estate (Poly) in Ma'an Island, Cuiheng New District, increased. Photo courtesy of Zhang Yanbing, a photographer from the South

According to the on-site staff, on the first day of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor on June 30, the parking lot was "overloaded", with more than 500 vehicles parked, more than 10 times that before the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor. On July 1, more than 100 vehicles entered the parking lot that morning alone.

The increased traffic and people have directly led to the prosperity of the surrounding shops. Located in Zhongcheng Commercial Plaza, a chain brand Hunan restaurant that opened in May this year ushered in a peak of customer flow in the past two days. The person in charge of the restaurant said that the restaurant was full at meal time on both days. On June 30, it received nearly 300 guests. In response to the passenger flow brought by the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the company has urgently deployed nearly 10 staff reinforcements from stores in other areas of Zhongshan City.

A few kilometers away from the Shenzhong Corridor, Ma'an Community Ma'an Square is another food and beverage service cluster on Ma'an Island. In the parking lot of the square, the traffic flow from Shenzhen and other cities on the east bank of the Pearl River Estuary has also increased significantly, and many restaurants have also said that their turnover in the past two days has increased by two to three percent compared with normal days.

【Author】Luo Lijuan, Lei Haiquan, Yuan Shimin, Su Zhiyan, Wu Jie

【Photography】Ye Zhiwen, Zhang Yanbing, Yuan Shimin

【Author】 Luo Lijuan; Ye Zhiwen; Lei Haiquan; Yuan Shimin; Su Zhiyan; Wu Jie

[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client


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