
The results of the "My Favorite Class Teacher" selection in Luohu District were released, and these 31 teachers were on the list

author:South + client

A strong country must first strengthen education, and a strong education must first strengthen teachers. In the "14104" strategic layout of Luohu's high-quality development of education, building a high-quality teaching team is a key part.

A few days ago, the 4th "Vientiane Cup" Primary and Secondary School Class Teacher Carnival in Luohu District and the "My Favorite Class Teacher" Style Contest in Luohu District were held in Cuibei Experimental Primary School. The contest lasted for more than a month, and was divided into preliminary, semi-final and finals. Through the preliminary selection of the school, a total of 60 class teachers were selected to participate in the semi-finals, and finally 31 class teachers entered the finals.

The results of the "My Favorite Class Teacher" selection in Luohu District were released, and these 31 teachers were on the list

The competition is divided into two parts, namely a 4-minute micro-video display and a 2-minute educational Q&A. This year's contestants include the post-60s, post-70s, post-80s and post-90s class teachers in Luohu District, who represent different educational eras and backgrounds, and each carries different educational experience and wisdom.

The results of the "My Favorite Class Teacher" selection in Luohu District were released, and these 31 teachers were on the list

Feng Yanbo, a teacher from Cuibei Experimental Primary School, has 24 years of work experience as a class teacher, and she used "Beauty" as the theme to talk about the poetic life of finding and creating "classroom beauty, classroom beauty, and teacher-student beauty" with children; With the theme of "Life Mirror, Reflection Growth", Wang Suyue, a teacher from Cuiyuan Middle School, shared her educational story of using the three-mirror method of love to create a colorful class collective, empower life, and provide majestic power for every child in the classroom...... In the education Q&A session, the contestants grasped the wisdom of the core questions to answer, calmly, reasonably, and fully demonstrated the comprehensive quality and educational wisdom of the class teacher. Wang Letian, a teacher from Jade Garden Junior High School, started from the background investigation of class construction, created a multi-activity culture based on the development of students' personalities, and refined the concept of wheat ears growing jointing. Teacher Pan Yue, the youth class teacher of Beidou Primary School, led the children to swim in the poetry culture, moisten the child's heart, and understand the happiness of education in the professional growth of the class teacher with cultural people.

The results of the "My Favorite Class Teacher" selection in Luohu District were released, and these 31 teachers were on the list

Wang Qingping, president of the magazine "Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Schools", made a wonderful comment on the style display of the contestants, and she used "beauty", "seeing" and "detail" to summarize the core concepts and practices of high school, junior high school and primary school class teachers respectively. She pointed out that these keywords not only reflect the class teacher's attention to the spiritual growth of students, but also reflect how the class teacher guides students through beauty education, in-depth observation and meticulous care, helping them build a positive attitude towards life, enhance self-awareness and sense of value under the infiltration of beauty, and finally cultivate a responsible social citizen.

Zhu Xu, director of the class teacher department of the Guangdong Provincial Moral Education Research and Guidance Center, praised the on-site performance of the class teachers with "digital portraits", "professional portraits" and "future portraits". Behind the specific figures is the hard work and persistence of accumulating over time and gathering sand into a tower; In each video, there is immersive resonance, rendering empathy and enlightening empathy formed after transcending the form of pictures and texts. At the professional level, the class teachers showed their love and professionalism for their posts, and showed their meticulous teaching skills through six major education channels. The depiction of the "portrait of the future" not only shows the diversity and professionalism of the class teachers, but also foresees the infinite possibilities for them to shine in the field of education.

The results of the "My Favorite Class Teacher" selection in Luohu District were released, and these 31 teachers were on the list

Gao Yanyong, Secretary of the Education Working Committee and Director of the Luohu District Party Committee, made a concluding speech for the competition. He said that the class teacher is the backbone of the school's education work and an important guide for the growth of students. On the fertile soil of Luohu education, they work silently with love, patience and responsibility, lead students to grow physically and mentally healthy with warm, happy and inspiring education, and cultivate students' ability to meet challenges with future-oriented education. In this brand-new information age, in the critical period of social and economic development, how to find a new path for educational development requires continuous thinking and exploration. Luohu class teacher is the vanguard, the new force, is an important guarantee, to take responsibility and mission with heart and affection, with professional wisdom to lead the growth of students, with team sharing to create a Luohu sample of the class teacher team construction.

The results of the "My Favorite Class Teacher" selection in Luohu District were released, and these 31 teachers were on the list

At the event site, the studio of Deng Xiaodong's famous head teacher in Guangdong Province was officially unveiled. Chen Yaqiao, deputy director of the Luohu District Education Bureau, said in his speech that this is the first provincial-level class teacher studio in Luohu District, marking another important step in the construction of the class teacher team in Luohu District. As the leader of the studio construction, it is necessary to drive the development of the three-level studio in the urban school and create a professional growth community for class teachers; It is necessary to pay attention to the establishment of an exchange and sharing mechanism, build an exchange and sharing platform, and focus on professional development in a down-to-earth manner, so that the construction of the studio will become an excellent business card of Luohu Education.

In recent years, Luohu District has made every effort to build a "3456 Heights" for the construction of primary and secondary school class teachers, anchored the fourth-level class teacher studios in provincial and municipal schools, and paved the "Avenue of Stars" for the professional growth of Luohu class teachers, providing fertile soil for the growth of more than 3,000 class teachers.

With the in-depth promotion of the 3456 project of class teachers, the training channel of class teachers has been completely opened, and more Luohu class teachers have been seen on the national, provincial and municipal stages. At present, Luohu has 1 provincial-level "Famous Class Teacher Studio", 12 municipal-level "Famous Class Teacher Studios", and 3 class teachers have been selected as the training objects of millions of class teachers in Guangdong Province, incubated more than 40 excellent moral education special courses, and held 15 sessions of "Huizhi Forum...... From the National Famous Class Teacher Studio Alliance Development Forum to the inauguration ceremony of the Guangdong Provincial Moral Education Center Class Teacher Studio and the National Forum of the "Primary and Secondary School Class Teacher" magazine, Luohu Class Teacher has appeared on the national stage again and again, and has built a "peak" on the "plateau" with professionalism and professionalism.

The results of the "My Favorite Class Teacher" selection in Luohu District were released, and these 31 teachers were on the list
The results of the "My Favorite Class Teacher" selection in Luohu District were released, and these 31 teachers were on the list
The results of the "My Favorite Class Teacher" selection in Luohu District were released, and these 31 teachers were on the list

【Author】Ye Shuping

Correspondents: Ma Meng, Zheng Rouqiong


[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client