
Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way

author:Quality Binzhou

Binzhou Daily/Binzhou Net News On June 28, the reporter came to Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County and visited the school's labor education practice base - Runxinyuan. Here, students are taking practical classes on labor.

Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way
Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way

The labor education practice base covers an area of 6,000 square meters, with a cultural corridor, a Chinese herbal medicine area, a vegetable area, a crop area and a peach and plum orchard. Students can learn labor skills and experience farming life in different work areas.

Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way
Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way

In the farming experience area, students participate in field work such as pulling weeds, loosening soil, and picking under the guidance of teachers. They excitedly told reporters that through these activities, they learned about the process of agricultural production, felt the joy of labor, and realized the true meaning of labor.

Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way

"Labor is a combination of mental and physical labor, and it made me realize the difficulty of farmers, teachers and parents. This labor also allowed me to apply the knowledge I learned in biology textbooks to the practical process, such as how to pollinate and fertilize flowers. Zhang Xiumin, a student at Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County, said.

Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way

In the sales area, students are displaying and selling freshly picked vegetables. They put the vegetables they picked into self-service vending baskets and put QR codes on them for teachers and parents to buy and sell their own vegetables enthusiastically. Everyone worked together and cooperated tacitly, and they were very busy.

Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way

Shuiwan Town Middle School attaches great importance to labor education. The school has established a labor education practice base, aiming to provide students with a platform for practical operation and cultivate students' labor consciousness and labor habits. The school also pays attention to the cooperation with external resources, and introduces enterprises, farmers and scientific research institutions to enrich the content of students' practical activities. At the same time, the combination of labor education and practical courses has further improved the educational effect. The knowledge and skills that students learn in the practice base can be applied to the study of other disciplines, so as to achieve all-round development.

Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way

"In accordance with the work idea of relying on two combinations, our school integrates the construction of the labor base with the discipline teaching and the construction of six quality campuses, so that the children can combine book knowledge with labor practice through the work in the labor practice base, realize the unity of the two, and then cultivate the children's labor habits and let them realize the beauty of labor." Yu Jingpo, vice principal of Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County, introduced.

Shuiwan Town Middle School in Wudi County: Building a labor education practice base to help students develop in an all-round and healthy way

In addition, the school also encourages students to actively participate in the promotion of labor practice classes, and attracts more students to join through campus publicity and parents' meetings. The school will continue to improve the management mechanism of the labor education practice base and develop new labor practice activities to meet the needs of students.

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