
When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

author:Doctor's Miscellaneous

Entering middle age, the human body is like a gradually aging machine, and various functions begin to decline slowly, at this stage, middle-aged people are facing many health challenges, among which anemia is particularly prominent.

Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, manifested as fatigue, dizziness, lack of concentration and other symptoms, and even affect the health of the heart and brain in severe cases, so middle-aged people need to pay special attention to iron supplementation and consume enough iron through a reasonable diet to maintain good health.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

1. Why is there a lack of iron?

Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a widespread health problem worldwide, affecting the health of about 2 billion people, whether children, adolescents or adults, iron deficiency can have a serious impact on their health, especially middle-aged people, as the backbone of families and society, this health problem should be given a high priority.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

The Chinese Medical Journal has conducted a detailed study and introduction of iron deficiency, subdividing it into three stages: iron storage deficiency, iron deficiency erythropoiesis (IDE), and iron deficiency anemia, which helps us to understand more comprehensively the different degrees of iron deficiency and its impact on the human body.

Iron storage deficiency is the initial stage of iron deficiency in which the body's iron stores begin to decrease, mainly in the form of reduced ferritin levels. Ferritin is a protein responsible for storing iron and is widely found in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow of the body to release these important minerals when the body needs it.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

When we don't get enough iron in our diet, or when our body's need for iron increases, the iron stores in ferritin gradually decrease until they are depleted. This condition can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as an unreasonable diet, low iron absorption, frequent consumption of iron-rich foods that are deficient, or increased iron requirements due to special physiological stages such as growth and development, pregnancy, breastfeeding, blood loss, chronic diseases, etc.

The iron stores in ferritin are gradually depleted to meet the body's needs, a gradual process that may have no obvious symptoms at first, but as iron stores decrease until they are depleted, the body will experience symptoms of iron deficiency such as anemia, fatigue and weakened immunity.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

Iron deficiency erythropoiesis is the second stage of iron deficiency, in which iron deficiency in the body affects the production of red blood cells, resulting in insufficient iron supply, decreased serum iron levels, and an increase in total iron-binding capacity (TIBC).

Iron deficiency anemia is the most severe stage, iron deficiency seriously interferes with the synthesis of hemoglobin, significantly reduces red blood cell production, causes anemia, typical symptoms include fatigue, fatigue, dizziness and paleness, etc., due to the decline in hemoglobin levels, the body's tissues and organs can not get sufficient oxygen, affecting the normal functioning. Iron deficiency anemia can also increase the burden on the heart and even lead to serious complications such as heart disease.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

In addition to the above three stages, the Chinese Medical Journal further states that iron deficiency also includes two conditions: absolute iron deficiency and functional iron deficiency. Absolute iron deficiency refers to a decrease in the total amount of iron stores in the body, that is, the body does not store enough iron to meet the needs of daily metabolism and red blood cell production; Functional iron deficiency, on the other hand, refers to a decrease in iron use efficiency due to decreased iron release from phagocytes and reticuloendothelial cells, although the body's iron stores may not be completely depleted. In this case, there is a problem with the distribution and transport of iron in the body, resulting in tissues and cells not getting enough iron, resulting in a relative iron deficiency.

In order to effectively prevent and treat iron deficiency, middle-aged people should pay attention to the adjustment of dietary structure, and can eat 3 more "iron-supplementing" dishes every day.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

2. What 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes do people eat more in middle age?

Iron deficiency anemia is one of the common problems in middle-aged people, and in order to prevent and alleviate iron deficiency anemia, reasonable dietary supplementation is particularly important.

The first course: stir-fried pork liver with spinach

Spinach and pork liver are rich in iron, with iron content of 2.9mg and 22.6mg per 100g of spinach and pork liver, respectively, both of which are ideal ingredients for iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is mainly caused by insufficient iron in the body, which leads to impaired hemoglobin synthesis, which in turn affects oxygen transport and various body functions. The non-heme iron in spinach is combined with the heme iron in pig liver, which can effectively replenish iron in the body, increase hemoglobin levels, and improve anemia.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

Spinach is rich in vitamin C, a vitamin that enhances the absorption of iron. Vitamin C can promote the conversion and absorption of non-heme iron, improve the utilization rate of iron, so that the iron in pig liver can be more effectively absorbed and utilized by the body, thereby accelerating the synthesis process of hemoglobin. In addition to iron, spinach and pork liver are also rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B complex and other nutrients. These nutrients are especially important in the health maintenance of middle-aged people, as they can boost metabolism, enhance immunity, and maintain normal body functions.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

Second course: stewed chicken soup with red dates

Jujube is a well-known blood and beauty ingredient, with an iron content of 1.2mg per 100 grams of jujube, and it is also rich in vitamins and minerals, which are effective in promoting hemoglobin synthesis and preventing anemia. Jujube is also rich in antioxidants, which can delay aging and maintain the elasticity and radiance of the skin.

Chicken is a high-protein, low-fat food rich in nutrients such as B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, etc. These nutrients all play an important role in maintaining the normal function of the nervous system, boosting immunity, and promoting muscle growth and repair. In particular, the iron in chicken and the iron in jujube complement each other and play a role in blood tonication. Stewing red dates with chicken is not only delicious, but also fully releases the nutrients in the ingredients. Regular consumption of stewed chicken soup with red dates can effectively prevent iron deficiency anemia in middle-aged people, promote the exuberance of blood qi, and make the body better!

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

Third course: kelp tofu soup

As a marine vegetable, kelp is rich in iron, iodine, potassium and other minerals, especially iron, with iron content of up to 150mg per 100 grams of kelp and 1.9mg of iron content per 100 grams of tofu, which plays an important role in promoting hemoglobin synthesis and preventing iron deficiency anemia.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

In addition to its rich nutrient content, the way kelp tofu soup is cooked also promotes its effect of nourishing and nourishing the blood.

During the stewing process, the iron and other minerals in kelp can be fully dissolved in the soup, complementing the protein and other nutrients in the tofu, improving the body's absorption and utilization of iron. The light cooking method also retains the original flavor and nutritional value of the ingredients, making this soup more suitable for middle-aged people's gastrointestinal function and taste preferences.

In the process of iron supplementation for middle-aged people, in addition to regularly eating the above three iron-rich dishes, several principles should be paid attention to to ensure the effective absorption and utilization of iron.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

3. What are the precautions for iron supplementation?

Middle-aged people need to pay special attention to iron supplementation diet to prevent the occurrence of anemia.

When it comes to iron supplementation, proper food combinations and following some important dietary principles are essential to ensure effective iron supplementation and good health, and here are some things to keep in mind about iron supplementation:

In an iron-supplemented diet, a reasonable combination of foods can improve the absorption and utilization of iron. For example, foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus, strawberries, kiwifruit, etc. can promote iron absorption, and it is recommended that everyone can consume these fruits in moderation when supplementing iron.

Some iron-rich foods such as red meat, pork liver, black fungus, etc. can also be eaten with foods rich in vitamin C to enhance the effect of iron supplementation. There are also some foods that can interfere with iron absorption, such as tea, coffee, red wine and other drinks that contain a lot of tannin and caffeine, which will combine with iron to form insoluble compounds, thereby reducing the absorption rate of iron. Therefore, during the period of iron supplementation, middle-aged people should try to avoid or reduce the intake of these drinks.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

Regarding the recommended daily intake of iron, middle-aged people do need to pay special attention due to changes in metabolic rate.

However, the specific intake may vary depending on factors such as age, gender, physiological status, etc.

In general, the recommended intake of iron is around 8mg for adult men and 18mg for adult women, especially considering that women may have additional iron loss during menstruation.

For patients with iron deficiency anemia, iron supplementation should adhere to the principle of "small amount, long-term". Even if the blood routine test shows that the hemoglobin has risen or reached a normal level, it is recommended to continue iron supplementation for a period of time under the guidance of a doctor to replenish the body's iron stores and prevent the recurrence of anemia.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

In addition to food pairing and appropriate iron supplementation, middle-aged people also need to pay attention to some other dietary taboos when supplementing iron.

For example, avoid consuming large amounts of calcium and iron at the same time, as calcium competes with iron for absorption, which can affect iron absorption. Some oxalate-rich foods such as spinach and celery can also interfere with iron absorption, so you should control the intake of these foods in moderation when supplementing iron. In addition, middle-aged people should also try to avoid fasting iron supplementation, because gastric acid secretion is less during fasting, which is not conducive to iron absorption.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

It is also important to pay attention to how and when you take iron supplements. If you need to take iron supplements, you should strictly follow your doctor's instructions. It is generally recommended to take iron alone 1.5~2 hours after meals to reduce gastrointestinal reactions.

It is also important to avoid taking iron at the same time as other drugs, especially drugs such as tetracycline antibiotics that can form insoluble complexes with iron.

For the extended-release dosage form of iron, it should be swallowed whole, not chewed or broken, so as not to affect the efficacy of the drug or increase adverse reactions.

When people reach middle age, eat more of these 3 "iron-supplementing" dishes to prevent anemia, have strong blood and energy, and have a good body!

In addition to adding iron-rich dishes to the daily diet, we should also pay attention to the diet and the method and time of taking iron.

Of course, regular monitoring of iron intake and hemoglobin levels, as well as timely adjustment of diet and supplementation based on the results of monitoring, is also one of the key steps in preventing anemia.

On the road of iron supplementation, middle-aged people should adhere to the principles of science and law, and formulate a personalized iron supplement plan based on their own physiological characteristics and health status. By cultivating good lifestyle habits and making reasonable nutritional supplements, middle-aged people can better cope with various challenges in life and enjoy a healthy and happy life.


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