
Champions League schedule today! Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong faced their fierce opponents and launched a final charge to the quarterfinals

author:Pushing the boundaries of the new little prince

On July 1, Beijing time, the 2024 Snooker Champions League (ranking match) will continue the second phase of competition after a one-day break. There will be two more quarterfinals today, and the Chinese army Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong will play and will both face their fierce opponents. Si Jiahui challenged "Golden Left Hand" Mark Williams, and Ma Hailong challenged new World Championship runner-up Jack Jones to charge to the quarterfinals.

In this year's Champions League, a total of 19 Chinese players participated in the Champions League (Ding Junhui and Zhang Anda did not sign up for the competition), of which 6 advanced to the top 32, namely He Guoqiang, Long Zehuang, Fan Zhengyi, Wu Yize, Si Jiahui, and Ma Hailong. In the second stage, the 32 players who advanced from the first stage will be divided into 8 groups, and each group of 4 players will play a single round-robin, and the first group will get the only place in the quarterfinals of the group. At present, the second stage of the two-day battle has been completed, and four quarter-final seats have been announced. The Chinese army has 4 people in the battle, including He Guoqiang, Fan Zhengyi, and Wu Yize, and only Long Zehuang has advanced.

Champions League schedule today! Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong faced their fierce opponents and launched a final charge to the quarterfinals

He Guoqiang

In Group B, He Guoqiang's opponents are David "Potato" Gilbert, Stuart Bingham, and Ashley Carty. In the 3 group games, He Guoqiang ranked third with 1 win and 2 losses and 3 points, and David Gilbert won all three games and accumulated 9 points to rank first and advance to the quarterfinals.

Champions League schedule today! Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong faced their fierce opponents and launched a final charge to the quarterfinals

Long Zehuang

In Group C, Long will face defending champion Sean Murphy, Iranian king Hossein Vafi and Jake Jones. In the 3 group games, Long Zehuang, Hussein Wafei and Shaun Murphy both accumulated 6 points with 2 wins and 1 loss, and in the end, Long Zehuang ranked first in the group with a narrow advantage of 2 more games on goal (4 games) and advanced to the third stage of the group stage, and the "magician" ranked third in the group and missed the title defense.

Champions League schedule today! Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong faced their fierce opponents and launched a final charge to the quarterfinals

Fan Zhengyi

In Group A, Fan Zhengyi will face Thailand's Tachaiya and two British "post-90s" players, Chris Wakelin and Scott Donaldson. In the three group games, Fan Zhengyi ranked second in the group with 1 win and 2 draws, and missed the promotion, and Scott Donaldson, who won 2 wins and 1 draw, occupied the only quarter-final spot in the group.

Champions League schedule today! Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong faced their fierce opponents and launched a final charge to the quarterfinals

Wu Yize

In Group E, where Wu Yize is located, due to the withdrawal of "Melbourne Machine" Neil Robertson, the competition in this group was played among the remaining 3 players, and the double round-robin format was changed. In the end, the world's No. 10 England star Ali Carter won the first place in the group with an unbeaten record of 2 wins and 2 draws and advanced to the quarterfinals, while the 20-year-old Chinese teenager Wu Yize ranked second with 1 win, 2 draws and 1 loss, and unfortunately went out.

Tonight, the Champions League will be played on the third day of the second stage, and Chinese players Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong, who belong to Group D and Group H, will play on the same day. Both men will face a tough test of the top 16 players.

Champions League schedule today! Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong faced their fierce opponents and launched a final charge to the quarterfinals

Si Jiahui

In Group D, Si Jiahui's opponents are Mark Williams, Ben Wollaston, and Stuart Carrington. Si Jiahui is the leader of the "post-00s" of Chinese players, reaching the final of the German Open last year, one step away from the first ranking championship, and has been the farthest Chinese player in the World Championships for two consecutive years. I hope that the first ranking of the new season will be able to soar to the sky.

Champions League schedule today! Si Jiahui and Ma Hailong faced their fierce opponents and launched a final charge to the quarterfinals

Ma Hailong

In Group H, professional sophomore Ma Hailong will face new World Championship runners-up Jack Jones, Matthew Stevens and Martin Odennell. Although Ma Hailong has not stepped into the professional arena for a long time and has limited experience, he dares to fight, and in the first stage, he eliminated the old "wizard" John Higgins, the opponent of the same group, and broke out an upset, looking forward to Ma Hailong's replication miracle.