
DNF: Lightweight gameplay is the mainstream, and the importance of the group is diluted! Legion Ben + Single Regiments Rise

author:Gaming Esports Express


Starting from Bakar, the plan began to weaken the group base, and the legion book first appeared, and when it came to the fog god group book, the fog god Ni difficulty could completely replace the group book. In this way, the regimental book is not the ultimate graduation copy, but only an optional copy, and the importance of the regimental book is gradually replaced by the clan book and the solo team book.

DNF: Lightweight gameplay is the mainstream, and the importance of the group is diluted! Legion Ben + Single Regiments Rise

First of all, the group-based gameplay is aesthetically fatigued.

After all, the group-based gameplay has gone through 4 major versions from the beginning of 86 to the present, and the group-based gameplay has been aesthetically fatigued, and the planning needs to develop a fresh gameplay, after all, the 60 version of the ancient copy, the 70 version of the otherworldly copy, the 80 version of the soul town, and after 86, the group-based gameplay, this lack of innovative gameplay has led to the final tide of getting out of the pit.

DNF: Lightweight gameplay is the mainstream, and the importance of the group is diluted! Legion Ben + Single Regiments Rise

Secondly, plan to try new ways to play many times.

Hanbok tried a copy of Warcraft in version 95, but the development failed. Now try to replace the multiplayer team with a gradual replacement of the gameplay, so that the clan and the single team can replace the multiplayer team book. This kind of attempt is also a last resort, but the effect is not obvious. This year, I even plan to withdraw from 2 group books, using the number to ensure the freshness of players, obviously this measure is just to buy time, and in the end we have to develop new ways to play.

DNF: Lightweight gameplay is the mainstream, and the importance of the group is diluted! Legion Ben + Single Regiments Rise

Hanbok employee strikes affect development.

In fact, the strike negotiations have been going on since the beginning of the year.,You can see that this year's game activities are seriously insufficient.,The anniversary celebration of the national costume is deserted.、The summer version directly copied the 2019 event.,All the professions of fashion are a model.,Basically, there's no decent development.。 At the end of the year, the artificial god group was also deleted at the latest press conference, and there was no mention of it. Therefore, the normal operation of the game cannot be guaranteed at present, let alone the degree of innovation.

DNF: Lightweight gameplay is the mainstream, and the importance of the group is diluted! Legion Ben + Single Regiments Rise

To sum up, while the status of team quests in Dungeons & Champions has declined, that doesn't mean it's lost its importance. On the contrary, we should see that planners are actively exploring new game mechanics with the aim of bringing a more diverse gaming experience to players. At the same time, we also look forward to more surprises and touches from Dungeons and Warriors in the near future.

DNF: Lightweight gameplay is the mainstream, and the importance of the group is diluted! Legion Ben + Single Regiments Rise

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