
Goodbye Harden! The 76ers continue to sign, George is also going to join, but the Clippers are jumping

author:Nerd basketball

In the basketball hall of the Philadelphia 76ers, those old glories and glory seem to be quietly reviving. Last offseason, Harden faded away, flying from the familiar stadium to the arms of Los Angeles with a championship dream, hoping to ignite another spark of victory with the Clippers. However, fate seemed to play a joke on him, and in the first round of the playoffs, he was hurriedly blocked out of the door.

Goodbye Harden! The 76ers continue to sign, George is also going to join, but the Clippers are jumping

Now, Harden's departure is like a key that has opened the long-dormant treasure trove of the 76ers. Drummond and Gordon, two former court veterans, have become new members of the 76ers' family. Their arrival not only strengthened the team's bench, but also invisibly injected new vitality into the team. And the more exciting news is that George, the star of the Clippers, is also about to say goodbye to his former battlefield and join the 76ers to play alongside Embiid and Maxey.

Goodbye Harden! The 76ers continue to sign, George is also going to join, but the Clippers are jumping

Imagine that when Embiid is raging like a monster on the inside, Maxey is shuttling like a sword on the outside, and George is spreading his wings on both wings like flying wings, how can such a 76er not be in awe? Their strength is already not to be underestimated, and there are rebounding maniacs like Drummond on the bench, as well as Eric Gordon, the former best sixth man, who has just signed with Philadelphia, and the championship trophy seems to be beckoning to them.

Goodbye Harden! The 76ers continue to sign, George is also going to join, but the Clippers are jumping

The Clippers, meanwhile, are in an unprecedented predicament. Tucker and Wei Shao, the two former core players, were ruthlessly put on the shelves after executing the player option. The official statement of the Clippers was more like a resounding slap in the face, completely shattering the friendship between George and the team. And their reinforcement is only a former Rockets problem young Porter Jr., a player who left the NBA league last season, can really bring a turnaround for the Clippers?

Goodbye Harden! The 76ers continue to sign, George is also going to join, but the Clippers are jumping

Chickens fly and dogs jump, this word may be the truest portrayal of the Clippers today. They lost George, lost their former glory, and were left with a group of confused players and coaches. Their future seems to be full of uncertainties and uncertainties. Looking at everything so far, will James Harden regret requesting a trade? No one knows, but one thing is for sure, the 76ers will certainly do a better job than the Clippers this offseason, regardless of whether they end up getting Paul George.

However, in this chaotic world, Harden chose to renew his contract with the Clippers. The 2-year 70 million contract is his commitment to the Clippers and his expectations for himself. He knows that although the Clippers are in trouble right now, their heritage and strength are still there. He believes that as long as they stick together and work together, they will one day return to the top.

Goodbye Harden! The 76ers continue to sign, George is also going to join, but the Clippers are jumping

That's basketball, that's life. Sometimes, we will face choices and difficulties, but as long as we stick to our beliefs and move forward, we will definitely be able to find our own bright path. Goodbye Harden, may you shine again with the Clippers; Hello 76ers, may you continue to achieve great results in the new season; Goodbye Clippers, may you get out of this situation and get back to the top soon.