
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

author:Cultural tourism Linyi
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~


Warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Continue the red blood and carry forward the spirit of Yimeng

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

On the occasion of the founding day of the party

Let's step into this red land

Check in red Yimeng together

"Red Yimeng Tour"

Yimeng Mountain Revolutionary Base - Hongsao's Hometown Tourist Area - Menglianggu - Birthplace of "Yimeng Mountain Minor" - Daqing Mountain - Yimeng Revolutionary Memorial Hall - Shandong Provincial Government and the former site of the 115th Division Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army - Red Zhucun Tourist Area

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Yimeng Mountain Base Scenic Area is located in Xia Wei Town, Yishui County, Shandong Province, which is one of the four famous base areas in the country, known as "Little Yan'an in East China", and is a revolutionary holy place in the pioneering period of the founding of the Party and the Army in Shandong Province. The older generation of proletarian revolutionaries Liu Shaoqi, Luo Ronghuan, Xu Xiangqian, Chen Yi, Su Yu and others all worked and fought here.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

The eastern and western cultural heritage in the scenic area is profound, and there are many historical relics: the former site of the Shandong Branch of the Communist Party of China, the former site of the Shandong Column Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the founding place of the Dazhong Daily and the former site of the Menglianggu Chen Yi Command Post, the Centennial Catholic Church, the Church of Our Lady of Our Lady Mountain, the Yimeng Mountain Memorial Hall, the base square and the Yimeng Spiritual Education Base and other scenic spots integrate education, patriotism, leisure and participation.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Group source: Yimeng Mountain Base Scenic Area

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Relying on the Anti-Japanese War fortress village "Changshan Village", Hongsao's hometown tourist area and Yimeng Red Film and Television Base Scenic Area is a comprehensive scenic spot integrating red tourism, party spirit education, leisure and sightseeing, research travel, and film and television shooting.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

As one of the important birthplaces of the Yimeng spirit and the Hongsao spirit, the Hongsao's hometown tourist area is also a must-choose place to carry out red research. Here, you can experience the pleasant beauty of "China's Top Ten Most Beautiful Villages" in Changshanzhuang Village; relive the touching military and civilian fish and water situation in the immersive courtyard; In the quaint courtyard, pancakes, tofu, handmade tie-dyeing feel the Yimeng folk customs; Travel back to the Republic of China era in Yizhou City, and you can even meet the crew filming here.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Menglianggu tourist area is located in Mengyin County, Duozhuang Town, national 4A-level scenic spot, because during the Liberation War, Chen Yi and Su Yu led our East China Field Army to annihilate the Kuomintang ace 74th Division in one fell swoop, and killed the lieutenant general Zhang Lingfu and became famous at home and abroad, this battle is a classic example in the history of world wars, and is included in the textbook of the United States Military Academy at West Point. With this creation, he has filmed many film and television series such as "Hero Meng Lianggu", "Yimeng", "Red Sun", "Liberation" and "The Great Cause of the Founding of the People's Republic".

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Menglianggu Tourist Area is composed of two parts: the memorial park under the mountain and the battle site area on the mountain, with a memorial hall, a 5D cinema, a watchtower, a Yimengqing sculpture garden, a monument, a weapon exhibition, a chariot experience, an archery hall and other attractions and participatory projects.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Source: Guxiang Tourism

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

The birthplace of "Yimeng Mountain Minor" is located in Baishiwu Village, Xuezhuang Town, Feixian County, Linyi City, and the east foot of Wanghailou, the third peak of Mengshan Mountain.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

In the autumn of 1953, Li Guangzong, deputy head of the Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Shandong Military Region, Wang Yinquan, head of the research group, and Li Ruiyun, leader of the band, revised the notation, changing the anti-Japanese theme in the original lyrics to the theme of praising his hometown.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Group source: Cultural Tourism Fei County

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Daqing Mountain is located at the eastern foot of Mengshan Mountain, with an altitude of 686.2 meters, and is the highest peak at the junction of Feixian, Yinan and Mengyin counties. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the area around Daqingshan was the central area of the Yimeng Anti-Japanese Base Area. The Daqingshan Breakout Battle that took place on November 30, 1941 was a heroic and tragic battle fought by the party, government, military and people of Shandong in the history of the World Anti-Fascist War and China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

The Daqingshan Victory Breakthrough Memorial Hall is located 11 kilometers north of Xuezhuang Town, Feixian County, and is composed of the Daqingshan Victory Breakthrough Memorial Pavilion, Memorial Square, Memorial Hall, Martyrs' Cemetery, Comprehensive Lecture Hall and other parts.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Group source: Cultural Tourism Fei County

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

The Yimeng Revolutionary Memorial Hall is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Yinqueshan Road and Yizhou Road in Lanshan District, Linyi City, and is adjacent to the East China Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in the east. The memorial hall covers an area of 34,000 square meters, with a total construction area of 50,000 square meters and 458 revolutionary cultural relics.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

The former site of the Shandong Provincial Government and the 115th Division Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army is located in Dadian Town, Junan County, which is a national key cultural relics protection unit, a national patriotism education demonstration base, a national women's patriotism education base, a national AAAA-level tourist area, and is included in the national red tourism classic scenic spot list, the national anti-Japanese war memorial facilities, the site list and the 100 boutique routes of red tourism in the centenary of the founding of the party.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

There are mainly exhibition halls arranged by 22 provincial departments, such as the former site of the Shandong Provincial Government, the former site of the 115th Division Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the Historical Exhibition Hall of the Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Area, the Mass Work Exhibition Hall of the Yimeng Base Area, and the Cao Yuhai Memorial Hall. The scenic spot is rich in content and diverse in expression, vividly reproducing the demeanor and achievements of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Liu Shaoqi, Luo Ronghuan, Zhu Rui, Chen Guang, Li Yu, Xiao Hua, Chen Shiyu, Gu Mu and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation who led the military and people in Shandong to carry out arduous revolutionary struggles.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

Zhucun tourist area is located in Caozhuang Town, Linshu County, Linyi City, leaning on Qishan Mountain in the west, Shuhe River in the east, where the two rivers of Yi and Shu meet, there are three rivers and five weirs in the territory, and the natural ecological environment is beautiful. This is the place where the battle of Zhucun of the old Fourth Regiment of the Eighth Route Army "Steel Eighth Company" took place and the birthplace of "Gunshots are Orders". He left behind touching revolutionary stories such as the Eighth Steel Company fighting against the Japanese invaders and the Yimeng people's enthusiastic support for the front.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

At present, six functional areas have been built, including the open red cultural area, the Ming and Qing Dynasty village customs area, the river cruise sightseeing area, the Yishu intersection ecological leisure area, the pastoral fruit picking area, and the Liuyun slow life homestay area.

The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~
The founding day of the party|Start a bloody red Yimeng journey~

It's a red earth

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the folk customs are simple

The Yimeng spirit originated here

The tradition continues here


In the height of summer

Let's unlock the exclusive "Red" of Linyi

Let's pursue that magnificent history together

Experience a journey of heart and spirit