
Wu Zetian's father was Li Yuan's confidant, why didn't Li Shimin kill him after the Xuanwumen Change

author:Zealous a rose

Samurai Tong, this name is not conspicuous in the long river of history, but he has an unusual life. His story is about how a businessman found his place in turbulent times through his wisdom and courage.

Although the family of the samurai is described in the history books as having a prominent family background, in fact, they were just ordinary merchant families at first. In those days, merchants did not have a high status, but they held the lifeblood of the economy. Through the efforts of several generations, the family of the samurai has gradually accumulated a certain amount of wealth and influence. However, this wealth did not bring them the respect they deserved, but because of the accumulation of wealth, it caused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of some powerful people.

Wu Zetian's father was Li Yuan's confidant, why didn't Li Shimin kill him after the Xuanwumen Change

Growing up in the family, he inherited his family's business acumen and pursuit of wealth. He made a living in business in his early years, and with his keen business instincts and unremitting efforts, he gradually established himself in the business world. His business activities were not limited to the local area, but also expanded to the surrounding states and counties, and even overseas. Through these business activities, the samurai not only amassed wealth, but also accumulated a wide range of contacts and influence.

However, the good times did not last long, and Samurai Tong accidentally offended Yang Su, a powerful minister at the time, during a business transaction. Yang Su was an important figure in the imperial court at that time, and his dissatisfaction was undoubtedly a disaster for the samurai. Under Yang Su's suppression, Wu Shitong's business activities were greatly affected, and his wealth and status were in jeopardy. Faced with this predicament, Samurai Tong did not choose to give in, but made a bold decision - to abandon Shang and follow Rong.

Wu Zetian's father was Li Yuan's confidant, why didn't Li Shimin kill him after the Xuanwumen Change

Samurai's decision seemed undoubtedly risky at the time, as a military career was fraught with uncertainty and danger. But Samurai Tong has his own plans. He knew very well that only through military exploits could he truly change his destiny and gain a higher status and respect. So, he resolutely joined the army and started a new career.

In the army, Samurai Tong quickly rose to prominence with his wisdom and courage. Not only did he excel on the battlefield, but he also showed extraordinary talent in military strategy and command. His military prowess was recognized by his superiors, and he was gradually promoted to general. In the army, the samurai made many like-minded comrades-in-arms, and they experienced the trials of life and death together and established a deep friendship.

Wu Zetian's father was Li Yuan's confidant, why didn't Li Shimin kill him after the Xuanwumen Change

Bushi's military career was not all smooth sailing, and he also faced failures and setbacks. But with every fall, he was able to get back up quickly, learn from his failures, and emerge stronger. His tenacity and unyielding earned him the respect and love of his soldiers. In the army, the samurai also gradually established his prestige and power.

As time passed, the fame and status of the samurai grew higher. His name began to spread among the imperial court and even attracted the attention of the emperor. However, Samurai was not complacent, he always maintained a humble and low-key attitude, and continued to work quietly in the army to contribute his strength to the country and the people.

Wu Zetian's father was Li Yuan's confidant, why didn't Li Shimin kill him after the Xuanwumen Change

The story of Samurai Tong is a story of courage, wisdom and perseverance. His life was full of twists and challenges, but he never gave up and kept looking for his own path. His experience teaches us that no matter what your background, with determination and courage, you can create your own glory. Samurai's early career was only the beginning of his legendary life, and his story was far from over......

The cooperation between Wu Shi Tong and Li Yuan is a historical story full of wisdom and courage. In the last years of the Sui Dynasty, the world was in turmoil, and Li Yuan, as a left-behind guard in Taiyuan, had great ambitions, but also faced many challenges. At this time, Wu Shi Tong established contact with Li Yuan, and the cooperation between the two laid a solid foundation for the later founding of the Tang Dynasty.

Wu Zetian's father was Li Yuan's confidant, why didn't Li Shimin kill him after the Xuanwumen Change

The acquaintance between Wu Shi Tong and Li Yuan originated from a chance opportunity. At that time, Li Yuan was inspecting Taiyuan and met Wu Shi Tong by chance. The two hit it off at first sight, and during the conversation, Li Yuan discovered that Wu Shi Tong not only had extraordinary intelligence, but also extraordinary courage and foresight. Li Yuan felt that Wu Shi Tong was a rare talent, so he invited him to join his camp and plan a great cause together.

When Li Yuan raised his army, Wu Shi Tong played an important role in logistics management. With the rich experience and contacts accumulated in his early years of business, he provided a stable supply of materials for Li Yuan's army. In that era of scarcity of materials and inconvenient transportation, it was undoubtedly a difficult task for the samurai to be able to ensure the supply of food and grass for the army. However, with his own wisdom and hard work, Wu Shi Tong successfully completed this task, providing a solid logistical support for Li Yuan's army.

Wu Zetian's father was Li Yuan's confidant, why didn't Li Shimin kill him after the Xuanwumen Change

Li Yuan's trust in Wu Shi Tong is not only reflected in logistics management. In military decision-making and strategic planning, Li Yuan also often consulted with Wu Shitong. Wu Shitong's insights were often unique and profound, providing an important reference for Li Yuan's decision-making. The cooperation between the two can be said to complement each other and jointly promote the development of Li Yuan's career.

After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Shi Tong was named the founding prince of Yiyuan County and became one of the "Taiyuan Yuanmou Heroes". This honor is not only a recognition of his contribution to the founding of the Tang Dynasty, but also an affirmation of his personal ability and quality. As the "Taiyuan Yuanmou Hero", the samurai Tong enjoyed the privilege of avoiding death, which was a very high honor and trust at that time.

The role of the warrior in the founding of the Tang Dynasty was not only reflected in the logistics management. He has made important contributions in many fields such as politics, military and economics. His political wisdom helped Li Yuan stabilize the newly established regime; His military prowess provided strong support for the Tang Dynasty's military expansion; His economic vision laid the foundation for the economic development of the Tang Dynasty.

The story of Samurai Tong is a story of loyalty, wisdom, and contribution. His cooperation with Li Yuan is a good story full of trust and respect. In the process of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Shi Tong played an irreplaceable role, and his contribution will always be remembered by history. However, the story of Samurai Tong is far from over, and there are many more wonderful things waiting for us to discover in his life......