
The upper scorching cold nose is itchy, the middle scorching cold runny nose, and the lower scorching cold sneezing! Cold rhinitis is a Chinese patent medicine to know

author:Zhao Shuping, director of the Department of Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello everyone, I'm Zhao Shuping.

Parents who have seen me should know that whether it is rhinitis or adenoid hypertrophy, the most critical step is to analyze the cause. This is also what our parents are most concerned about.

There are four major causes of rhinitis in children

Typical symptoms: one word - itching, itchy eyes, itchy nose, itchy all over the body.

This kind of child, in daily care, we must pay attention to prevent wind evil, simply put, it is less wind, and the most easily ignored is the wind.

Typical symptoms: stool sticky to the toilet or diarrhea as soon as you eat cold, nasal discharge, always shouting tired.

For such children, try not to use cold water to wash their noses, swim or get drenched in the rain. Wash your face with hot water, dress warmly, and wipe your back with a dry towel after sweating. In terms of eating, eat less raw and cold.

The upper scorching cold nose is itchy, the middle scorching cold runny nose, and the lower scorching cold sneezing! Cold rhinitis is a Chinese patent medicine to know

Typical symptoms: The degree of nasal congestion will change with the body position, such as lying flat on the nasal congestion, but it will be relieved by lying on the side, and the runny nose will be runny after sneezing.

Parents of such children should also pay attention to keeping warm and do not force their children to drink a lot of water.

Typical symptoms: yellow and sticky nasal discharge, love to drink cold water, sweat when sleeping.

Such children should eat less spicy and stimulating food every day and avoid stuffy environments.

Some children may have several causes, but no matter what kind of cause it is, our treatment idea is four words - exorcism + rectification, and rectification is actually to support the defense qi.

The upper scorching cold nose is itchy, the middle scorching cold runny nose, and the lower scorching cold sneezing! Cold rhinitis is a Chinese patent medicine to know

For example, this child, who has a cold and has been dragging into rhinitis, has been suffering from rhinitis for 4 years, and has frequent attacks when exposed to wind and cold, itchy nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, sweating a lot, and shouting tired at every turn.

Grandma brought it here, and she was very distressed: "Since I caught a cold, my physique has been very poor, I wilt every day, I don't like to move, and I don't go out to play." ”

Especially in the spring, catkins are flying all over the sky, and the children are tortured so much that they can't go out, their noses and tears are flowing, and they can't breathe through their noses hard at night, and they don't even want to go to school.

After looking at the child's tongue coating, the tongue is pale red and white, combined with the understanding of the situation, the spleen and lungs are cold and damp, and the camp and health are not harmonious.

The upper scorching cold nose is itchy, the middle scorching cold runny nose, and the lower scorching cold sneezing! Cold rhinitis is a Chinese patent medicine to know

Prescription: Cinnamon soup plus or minus (boiled astragalus, fried atractylodes, parsnip, yellow essence, epimedium weed, schisandra, cinnamon branch, white peony, boiled licorice, xanthium, Xinyi, ginger, jujube, etc.)

At the follow-up visit, the child reported that he was sneezing, runny nose, and the symptoms of head covering were significantly reduced, and he was able to study calmly.

After a slight adjustment of the original prescription and 14 doses, the symptoms of rhinitis basically disappeared, and the treatment is still being consolidated.

The upper scorching cold nose is itchy, the middle scorching cold runny nose, and the lower scorching cold sneezing! Cold rhinitis is a Chinese patent medicine to know

Why is it so open?

It's all the same living environment, why are only our children always bullied by the cold and wet?

Because the body's surface guard qi is insufficient, the energy to resist external evils is insufficient.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says: "Wei Qi out of the lower coke, nourished in the middle coke, and publicized in the upper coke", in which the upper coke, the middle coke, and the lower coke correspond to the lungs, spleen, and kidneys respectively.

Lung deficiency and itching, spleen deficiency and discharge, kidney deficiency and sneezing, isn't this the most common symptom of rhinitis children? As for how to replenish the guard qi, it is still necessary to dissipate the cold of the lungs, nourish the spleen, and strengthen the kidney qi.

The upper scorching cold nose is itchy, the middle scorching cold runny nose, and the lower scorching cold sneezing! Cold rhinitis is a Chinese patent medicine to know

Parents who understand traditional Chinese medicine should be able to see that the cinnamon soup I use is a combination recipe, which is actually Yuping Feng San + Guizhi Tang + Cang'er Zisan plus or minus.


Use the cangzi to disperse the nose and let the child's nose feel comfortable first.


Guizhi soup is a classic prescription for reconciling camp guards, and at the same time can pass through the lungs and disperse cold and evil;

The jade screen is a classic prescription for dispersing and benefiting qi, fixing the surface and stopping perspiration, strengthening the right and dispelling evil;

Epimedium dispels wind and phlegm, warms and replenishes kidney yang;

The combination of various medicines can warm and replenish the spleen, lungs and kidneys, and the three cokes and yang qi are sufficient, so that children will be less sick and rhinitis will not be committed again.

The upper scorching cold nose is itchy, the middle scorching cold runny nose, and the lower scorching cold sneezing! Cold rhinitis is a Chinese patent medicine to know

Finally, the most uncomfortable thing about the child's rhinitis attack is that the nose is not breathing.

Don't take medicine to relieve nasal congestion

1. Sachet party

If you are a rhinitis child, you can directly use this rhinitis sachet prescription.

Xinyi, Angelica Angelica, Tangerine Peel, Peppermint, Borneol, Asarum Spice, Wood Fragrance, Cinnamon Branch, Nepeta, Ginger. (Note: This prescription is forbidden for patients with broad bean disease and pregnant women)

The upper scorching cold nose is itchy, the middle scorching cold runny nose, and the lower scorching cold sneezing! Cold rhinitis is a Chinese patent medicine to know

2. Smoke the nose square

As long as you smell it, you don't need to go through the spleen and stomach to absorb it, and you can directly let the herbs go directly to the nasal passages and dredge the nasal passages, and the effect is very good!

Ingredients: Xinyi, Xanthium, Asarium, Peppermint, Radix Radix, Licorice (the dosage varies according to the severity of symptoms).

Method: Soak the above herbs in water for 20 minutes, put them in a casserole and boil, fry them for another 30 minutes, and then add the mint when they come out of the pot for 5 minutes.

If there is a nasal smoker, pour the liquid medicine into the nasal smoker. If you don't have it, you can pour the liquid medicine into a cup or bowl, seal it with plastic wrap, and prick 2 small holes in the plastic wrap with chopsticks.

The whole process of fumigation takes about 30 minutes, and parents need to accompany the whole process during the smoking process to prevent children from being burned!

The upper scorching cold nose is itchy, the middle scorching cold runny nose, and the lower scorching cold sneezing! Cold rhinitis is a Chinese patent medicine to know

3. Nasal lavage

Cotton dipping it in and stuffing it into both nostrils, or washing the nasal passages with strong coarse tea and adding salt can all achieve the effect of relieving nasal congestion.

(Non-professional readers should learn from and apply the prescriptions mentioned in this article under the guidance of TCM physicians, and do not try them blindly.) )
