
After Xiao Chengji ascended the throne, he insisted on making the sister-in-law, who was already a deposed princess, the queen, a laughing stock

author:Little Plum pushes the book

After Xiao Chengji ascended the throne, he insisted on making the sister-in-law, who was already a deposed princess, the queen, a laughing stock.

But after my sister gave birth, he remembered my kindness again and begged me to let blood to save him.

I fell on my knees, deferential and gentle.

"What the emperor wants, the concubines will give it."

What he does not want, such as death, I will give it to him with my own hands.

After Xiao Chengji ascended the throne, he insisted on making the sister-in-law, who was already a deposed princess, the queen, a laughing stock


Xiao Chengji has been on the throne for almost two months, but he has been refusing to crown me as the queen.

I know that he has never been able to let go of his sister-in-law, and he has never given up looking for her.

In the evening of this day, Xiao Chengji finally stepped into my palace gate.

He gave me a strange look and stopped talking.

I knew in my heart that he had already found Shen Yunxin's traces.

I couldn't hold my breath and opened my mouth for him first.

"The emperor's sorrow has dissipated today, I think I have found my sister-in-law."

Xiao Chengji raised his eyes to look at me, and when he saw that I was obedient and gentle, he softened his voice.

"Back then, you and I had no fate, it was Xin'er who willfully matched you and me. But after all, you are a concubine, and it is difficult to convince the public after naming you. It just so happened that now Xin'er has been found, and I once promised to protect her for the rest of my life, and I don't want to break my promise at this moment. You are sisters, and you can be regarded as the honor of your Shen family."

He's right.

I wasn't his lover in the first place.

Back then, Xiao Chengji was just a lame third prince who was not favored.

Sister Yan admires the imperial power, regardless of the marriage contract with him, and insists on marrying the thriving prince.

Let Xiao Chengji become a joke in the whole capital.

My father was afraid that he would hate the Shen family from now on, and used my mother's life to force me to marry Shen Yunxin.

Fortunately, Xiao Chengji after marriage is considerate and gentle to me, and he raises his eyebrows.

"I know that you don't want to marry me, since you and I have become husband and wife, this is God-given fate. From now on, you will no longer be an inconspicuous concubine in Shangshu Mansion, you are my wife, and I will protect you throughout your life."

I believed in Him and followed Him steadfastly.

suffered a lot of cold eyes, was repeatedly assassinated, was scarred, and lost children and mothers successively.

So far, there is only betrayal left.

The bits and pieces of the past three years are rolling and echoing in my mind.

I fell to my knees and was silent for a long time.

After a while, he raised his head to meet Xiao Chengji's tentative gaze.

"Sister Yan is the wife of the guilty prince, and the emperor's move may not be convincing to the courtiers."

Xiao Chengji frowned.

"Shen Ruoying, how can you be in the same tone with those sour masters in the court, and judge your sister-in-law with a secular eye!"

During this time, the news that Xiao Chengji was going to establish Shen Yunxin as the queen spread far and wide, causing a lot of discussion in the court.

"How can a criminal courtier's daughter be the mother of a country, not to mention that she was His Majesty's eldest sister-in-law, which is not suitable for reason or law.

"Even if the emperor cares about the past and earns a beauty in the harem, how can she be the queen!

"The princess and the emperor are a husband and wife in distress, and the emperor must not let down the princess, so as not to be criticized by the world."

Xiao Chengji was unbearable, but because of the emperor's face, he never tore his face with the old ministers.

He thinks I'm well-behaved and won't refute him.

I didn't expect to find a trace of certainty here.

"Shen Ruoying, it's yours, you can fight. It's not yours, and you should never worry about it.

"I remember your three years of diligent assistance to me, and I don't hold a grudge against you for today's mistakes. From then on, these words need not be said again.

"I have made up my mind, my queen can only be Shen Yunxin."

With that, he brushed his sleeves away.

He had an old ailment in his legs, and he limped and couldn't walk fast, and he looked a little pitiful.

But it can't make me feel a little distressed anymore.

The morning of the second day.

He scepted the old minister who was ready to die, so as to seal the mouth of the official

Immediately after that, the decree of the seal was issued.

Two days later, Shen Yunxin successfully entered the palace.


The red candles of Weiyang Palace were lit all night.

It wasn't until early in the morning that Xiao Chengji was reluctant to leave.

It shows his preference for Shen Yunxin.

But Shen Yunxin was still not satisfied.

At breakfast, she stepped through the doors of my palace.

"I heard that my sister was injured a few days ago, and I came to visit my sister after a long absence, and my sister's injury is healed?"

I paused, laughing, and put down the spoon.

"Your Majesty's archery is excellent, and an arrow pierced the heart of the waste prince's eyebrows and saved me, and I didn't suffer too much."

The abolished prince is her deceased husband, and he has been obedient to her.

Before the rebellion, he was afraid that Shen Yunxin would be injured, so he sent her out of the imperial city overnight.

Such a considerate husband, I don't believe Shen Yunxin is unmoved.

Sure enough, as soon as I finished speaking, she clenched her veil.

"There is no need to talk about the past."

The hatred has reached its peak, but she still doesn't dare to rashly expose her true nature on the second day after entering the palace.

"Coincidentally, Hongu hasn't had breakfast yet, so I happen to be with my sister."

Before I could say anything, her maid graciously served her a bowl of porridge.

"The queen didn't sleep well last night, so she should eat more today, so that she can have physical strength and spirit."

Their masters and servants sang and harmonized, as if they regarded Qingyun Palace as their own territory.

A small bowl of porridge, Shen Yunxin drank it slowly and methodically for half an hour.

It wasn't until Xiao Chengji heard that she was here with me, and hurried over as if he was afraid that I would swallow her alive.

Shen Yunxin heard the footsteps outside, and finally put down the dishes and chopsticks.

"Sister, guess who he cares about more?"

She finished and winked slyly at me.

Then the whole person collapsed down the chair.

The dishes and chopsticks were scattered all over the ground, staining Xiao Chengji's dragon robe who rushed here.


He hugged Shen Yunxin nervously, and his anger almost tore me apart.

"What did you do?"


I have been married to Xiao Chengji for three years, and today is the first time I have seen him so flustered and anxious.

He has always been calm.

Even when the waste prince put the knife on my neck, he held the bow and arrow steadily, and never wavered for half a minute.

"You are my wife, the daughter-in-law of my father. We should focus on the big picture, and all the sacrifices will be worth it."

These words chilled my heart and completely drove the abolished prince crazy.

The blade pierced my shoulder.

Almost at the same time, the abolished prince was pierced through the heart by Xiao Chengji.

Blood splattered all over my body.

The pain and fear gave me no strength to scream.

Xiao Chengji's eyes were still sharp, without a trace of pity.

Not like now.

As soon as Shen Yunxin opened his eyes, he nervously held her hand.

"How does it feel? Whatever happens, you tell me, and I call the shots for you."

Shen Yunxin grabbed his sleeve and wanted to cry.

"Your Majesty, don't blame my sister, it's because I've been away from home for too long, and my sister will be weak if she forgets that I eat lilies, I believe my sister didn't mean to."

Xiao Chengji looked at me with great disappointment.

"You did it on purpose."

He spoke in a firm tone, not giving me a chance to explain at all.

In fact, as long as he glanced at it, he could see that the lilies in the porridge were distinct.

Poisoning doesn't use such stupid tricks that are obvious to the obvious.

It was obvious that Shen Yunxin deliberately framed me.

He gave his whole heart to Shen Yunxin, unwilling to listen to my defense.

I can barely tell whether he is worried about Shen Yunxin's life or has ulterior motives.

But it doesn't matter.

Disheartened, I fell straight to my knees.

"The concubine is right. If the emperor decides that the concubine is at fault, then punish it. It's just that don't tarnish your sister's reputation because of your concubine, it won't be worth the loss."

Xiao Chengji was instantly furious.

But a pair of eyes that I am neither humble nor arrogant, and the high hanging hand has not been able to fall for a long time.

Shen Yunxin has a special identity, and many people are dissatisfied with her.

If Xiao Chengji punished me for Shen Yunxin at this time, he would have given everyone a handle and ruined Shen Yunxin's reputation.

After thinking about it again and again, Xiao Chengji sank his voice.

"I remember that you are a first offender, and I will punish you for thinking about it in Qingyun Palace, and you are not allowed to come out without my permission."

I expected that.

didn't even give him a look, nodded in thanks.

He punched the cotton, so angry that he didn't want to look at me anymore, and left with Shen Yunxin in his arms.

It wasn't until I saw the door of Qingyun Palace close that I stood up slowly.

"All those medicines have been put into the porridge?"

The maid nodded violently at Ning.

"It's all gone! It's enough for the eldest lady to pull two days and two nights!"

I covered my lips and chuckled.

"Silly Chaoning, it's time to change your name to the queen."

What if you are the emperor?

Sooner or later, you will have to pay me back what you owe me.

This is just the beginning.


I know Shen Yunxin too well.

The events of that year were in an uproar in Beijing.

She was suspicious and couldn't tell whether Xiao Chengji loved her to the core, or whether he imprisoned her out of revenge.

So she wants to use me as bait to draw out Xiao Chengji's sincerity.

I will do what I plan and put medicine in the porridge in advance.

Shen Yunxin began to have seizures after returning to the palace.

I heard that she was in unbearable pain and had dropped a lot of objects, and she kept scolding me.

The steward eunuch came to my palace and didn't find any clues, so she could only swallow her grievances alive and make trouble until midnight to be at peace.

Xiao Chengji was always by her side, and he was reluctant to leave half a step.

When I heard this, my eyes darkened.

Then he turned over and didn't think about it anymore.

Unexpectedly, in the dead of night, Xiao Chengji actually came to Qingyun Palace.

He still has some affection for me.

"I know you're jealous, but you shouldn't.

"She has suffered many grievances in the past, you are her only relative in the palace, you should think about her in everything, and you should not hurt your sisterhood because of jealousy.

"But I don't blame you, your jealousy means that you have me in your heart, and I'm very happy.

"Just don't do it next time, I won't be able to protect you every time."


He babbled a lot.

The real and the false are mixed together, and he is touched.

This kind of "both wants" remarks irritates me inexplicably.

simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, and finally fell asleep.

I don't even know when he's leaving.

Chao Ning was puzzled and complained that I was too careless.

"What does the emperor mean by this, does he like the queen, or does he care about you?"

I threw away the mattress that Xiao Chengji had touched last night, and said in a sad tone: "He's sick, leave him alone."

Chao: "......"

I'm telling the truth, Xiao Chengji is really sick.

He didn't want to be a lame emperor, he wanted to leave a perfect name in the history books.

Therefore, it took a lot of effort to let Shen Yunxin enter the palace just to treat his leg disease.

What sincerity, old love, Xiao Chengji doesn't care.

In this world, he only cares about himself.


Half a month later, the ceremony was sealed.

In order to humiliate me, Shen Yunxin begged Xiao Chengji in advance to relieve my grounding.

So now, I knelt respectfully on the ground.

Xiao Chengji and Shen Yunxin stepped on the hundred-meter-long steps hand in hand, and gradually drifted away from me.

"Concubine, meet the queen."

I told myself a long time ago to stop being emotional.

But after my eyes fell on Xiao Chengji's clasped hand with her, I couldn't help but clench my fists.

At the palace banquet, Shen Yunxin was in the limelight.

Seeing that I was unmoved, I took the initiative to come.

"Speaking of which, this palace should be grateful to my sister, if it weren't for your humility and courtesy, this palace would not be where it is today."

I was absent-minded and just wanted to deal with it.

But the moment she turned around, she was snatched away by the white jade mandarin duck around her neck.

It was my mother's dowry.

No wonder I couldn't find it, it turned out that she stole it.

Hatred swells rapidly.

I was about to have a seizure when a delicate voice came from beside me.

"The imperial sister-in-law's mandarin duck is really a treasure. This palace has seen countless treasures, but I have never seen a mandarin duck with such fine carving."

The eldest princess Xiao Ling is the younger sister of Xiao Chengji's mother, and her status is extremely noble.

And she has always been arrogant and arrogant, and she hates me the most when she was born as a concubine.

Shen Yunxin was naturally willing to be close to her.

She smiled and took off the jade pendant and handed it to Xiao Ling with both hands.

"It's rare that the eldest princess likes it, and this palace is willing to cut her love, so I will take it as a gift to you from me, who is a sister-in-law."

Xiao Ling raised her eyebrows lightly and smiled.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

It's just the moment I raised my eyes, and I hurriedly looked at me behind Shen Yunxin.

No one noticed.

The palace banquet was tasteless.

I'm tired of seeing Xiao Chengji and Shen Yunxin's deep affection, so I just find a reason to go out to breathe.

After a while, there was a familiar sound of footsteps behind him.

Xiao Ling gently placed the jade pendant in the palm of my hand.

"Is this thing that important? It's like you've lost your soul when you look at it."

I didn't explain, I just looked at the jade pendant in my palm.

In a trance, I remembered the eve of the wedding, my mother's helpless and worried look.

For a long time, my voice was low and hoarse, almost melting into the night.

"Ah Ling, do something for me again."

I originally wanted to boil the frog in warm water and slowly consume Xiao Chengji and Shen Yunxin.

But now, I don't want to wait.


After the sealing ceremony, Shen Yunxin favored the harem.

The flowing reward was sent to Weiyang Palace, and she was finally raised back to her former appearance of gold and jade, wealth and compelling.

Everyone in the palace said that Xiao Chengji was a loving emperor.

He can spoil Shen Yunxin regardless of his previous suspicions, which is a blessing that she has cultivated for several lifetimes.

Xu is blessed with blessings, Shen Yunxin became pregnant in just one month after entering the palace.

Xiao Chengji was overjoyed.

rewarded the Weiyang Palace and instructed them to take good care of Shen Yunxin.

Xiao Chengji attaches great importance to this child, and he is reluctant to let Shen Yunxin get tired and throw off the burden of governing the harem.

At this moment, he finally remembered me.

In the afternoon, when I was leaning on the soft couch and reading the script, Xiao Chengji came.

He glanced at the notebook in my hand, slightly displeased.

"Books like this, just read them in the past. Now that you're in a high position, you shouldn't indulge yourself anymore."

I didn't refute, obediently slammed the book upside down on the table.

When you raise your eyes again, you are as gentle as water.

It's as if he's back to having nothing to do with him.

"It's been raining a lot lately, is the emperor's leg still hurting?"

Xiao Chengji's movements paused slightly, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

"It's hard for you to remember."

I pursed my lips and said in a sloppy tone.

"The emperor's affairs, the concubines all remember."

I have seen Xiao Chengji's most depressed appearance.

When he first married him, he suffered a severe leg injury and had to walk in a wheelchair.

I've never been disgusted.

personally made medicinal food for him, explained him not to give up on himself, and pushed him through the flowers and blossoms in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Every stormy night, he suffered a leg injury and couldn't sleep.

It was I who hugged him, comforted him softly, and never left.

He said, "If I can stand up one day, I will give you the best gift in the world."

Maybe Xiao Chengji at that time didn't know that he would stand up one day, so he deliberately said these words to coax me.

But I was clumsy, believing my false feelings to be true, and I wanted to break a true heart and feed it to him.

As a result, he was covered in scars.

How can I forget such a lesson!

Xiao Chengji didn't know my intentions, thinking that I was still the same Shen Ruoying as before.

"Ruoying, you are kind to me, I have never forgotten."

He took my hand and slowly draped it over his chest.

"I know you're sad in your heart, but I'm the Son of Heaven. What I promised Xin'er will not fail her. I will not break my promise to you."

Xiao Chengji once promised me that I would be a couple for the rest of my life.

Even if the palace later had a side concubine and a concubine, he didn't take a second look.

"I'm playing with them, and I only have a haunting in my heart."

But now, he has made Shen Yunxin the queen, but he still wants to coax me with the sweet words he used at the beginning.

Just to let me take care of Shen Yunxin's harem and ask me to take care of Shen Yunxin's pregnancy.

It's ridiculous.

I endured my disgust and did not pierce his disguise, pretending to be as obedient and gentle as before.

"The emperor is the Son of Heaven, and the concubines don't ask the emperor to favor him alone, but only hope that everything will go well for you and the world will be peaceful."

Xiao Chengji likes me to be obedient and sensible the most, and he is quite relieved.

"When you say that, I'm relieved. Xin'er is my first child after I ascended the throne, and I know that there are still many people in the palace who don't want to see her, but I take a fancy to this child, and I hope you can take good care of Xin'er for me, and don't let their mother and daughter be wronged."

A cold light flashed in my eyes.

It only dissipated for a moment.

I leaned over slightly and whispered, "Okay."


Xiao Chengji has probably forgotten.

I also had a child with him.

A year after getting married, he returned to the court to show his respect, which attracted the jealousy of the prince.

Not long after, at a banquet, I was entangled by a couple of laughing children and accidentally fell into the water and had a miscarriage.

After I was rescued, I was covered in red.

Helplessly wanted to find Xiao Chengji, but at a glance he saw Shen Yunxin smiling proudly at the end of the crowd.

I told Xiao Chengji about this.

But he was silent for a long time, refusing to investigate thoroughly.

"Xin'er is not that kind of person, she is your sister-in-law, and she will never harm you."

"But she is now the crown princess, and the prince is the prince's sworn enemy!"

Xiao Chengji's figure was slightly sluggish, and he was sure in a deep voice: "She won't."

A chill suddenly spread in my heart, and I couldn't help but ask:

"Lord Wang, do you not forget your sister-in-law, or are you afraid of the prince?"

Xiao Chengji turned his head and raised his voice.

"Shen Ruoying, it's not just you who have lost your child, it's also me! Why do you doubt me so much?"

After saying that, he realized that he was a little out of shape, and persuaded me in a soothing tone.

"You've just lost a child, and it's normal to be dissatisfied. I don't care about you, you take care of it, and don't say it anymore."

That was the first time I had an argument with Siu Seung-ji.

He seemed to want to teach me a lesson, and he didn't set foot in my yard for two months.

I washed my face with tears all night, and I grew thinner.

gradually chilled Xiao Chengji.

No matter how moving the sea oath and mountain alliance is, it is a mirage.

I don't care if he can't forget Shen Yunxin or if he's afraid of the prince.

I only need to be a person with a weak heart, and pay for my unborn poor child.


Xiao Chengji asked me to take care of Shen Yunxin.

Naturally, I did my best and did not slack off.

In order to prevent someone from persecuting Shen Yunxin and the fetus in her womb, I guarded Weiyang Palace like an iron bucket, and not even a fly could fly into it.

Shen Yunxin was dissatisfied with this: "You are taking the opportunity to take revenge!"

She felt that I was abusing my private power and restricting her life, and I could even know who she met and what she said, and I didn't take her as a queen in my eyes at all.

But I didn't care, and asked her with a smile:

"Why did Sister Chang say this? I have always been close to my sister-in-law, so why do I want to take revenge on you?"

Shen Yunxin choked for a moment, subconsciously put his hand on his lower abdomen, and put on a defensive posture.

I didn't care, and curled the corners of my lips.