
The courtiers rejected the proposal to make me the empress dowager on the grounds that I did not serve my mother and had no filial piety

author:Little Plum pushes the book

The courtiers rejected the proposal to make me the empress dowager on the grounds that I did not serve my mother and had no filial piety.

My father couldn't do anything about me, so he just said that I would deal with it myself.

I carried the pile back to the palace and burned it all.

Under the light of the fire, he took a glass of poisoned wine and walked to the queen mother's bedroom.

The courtiers rejected the proposal to make me the empress dowager on the grounds that I did not serve my mother and had no filial piety


When my father promulgated the decree that I should be the crown princess, the ministers were furious and quarreled in the court for a long time.

It's not because I'm a woman, the reason they give me is that I'm disobedient and unfilial, and I'm not worthy of being a prince.

Defending the country and ruling the world with filial piety is reasonable for this reason.


A notebook slammed into me, and I didn't dodge.

The hard fold smashed against the forehead, making a clear sound in the silent hall.

"Take a good look for yourself, this table full of folds is all about impeaching you, how do you let me end!"

The decree of canonization has been promulgated, but now the ministers are furious, and they are all writing to make their father think twice.

On one side is the majesty of the emperor, and on the other side is the will of the people.

The father was set up.

The holy decree cannot be revoked, and the change of the order is not done by the Ming monarch.

The crowd is leisurely, even if you are an emperor, you can't stop it.

So, my father poured his anger on me.

Ignoring the blood on my forehead, I reached for a notebook.

As soon as I opened it, I saw a sentence "The princess is unbearable."

The rest of the text is a detailed count of how I have misbehaved, disobeyed and unfilial over the years.

It's all these things over and over again, and I've long since listened to them.

I closed the fold and threw it farther away, "Erchen is not gold, how can I make everyone like me."

I raised my head, looked directly at my father, and smiled meaninglessly: "Father just listens to these words, if you don't set up a son, who else can you expect?"

It's arrogant, but I have the capital.

I am the princess of the kingdom and the only child in the palace.

Over the years, whether it is poetry or dispatching troops, I have stood out in every way, and I am not inferior to men.

No one can question my ability, and it is my personal virtue that they oppose me.

To be exact, it's my filial piety.

Defending the country and valuing filial piety, if ordinary people disobey their parents, the light ones will be expelled from the family tree, and the heavy ones can be sunk into the pond to show the public.

Even the imperial examination screening, the righteousness of filial piety is also an important basis for measurement.

As a princess, I was scolded by the world as an unfilial daughter, but now I am going to be crowned the crown prince, how can those who claim to be benevolent and filial to be allowed.


My words undoubtedly added fuel to my father's anger, and he brushed off the mountain of folds on the table, turned around and picked up the genealogy in the hand of his grandfather, and shouted angrily at me:

"Rebel girl! You have shown me clearly, you are not the only child in this royal family."

"I can choose a child from the side branch to pass on."

The blood on my forehead was pouring more and more, almost covering my eyes.

I raised my hand to wipe a handful of blood stains and asked my father, "Then who does my father want to succeed?"

"Is it the son of Uncle Duanwang's family? I'm afraid that before the successive holy decree enters the Shengyang realm, Uncle Duanwang's cavalry has already invaded Kyoto."

Duanwang Shizi is the most outstanding of all the grandmasters, Duanwang loves his wife deeply and has only one son.

Duanwang's family just wants to live in a corner of peace and live a free life guarding the fiefdom.

If the father really wants to succeed, there is no need to wait for foreign enemies, Uncle Duan Wang is the first to level the palace.

Tired of kneeling, I changed my posture and sat on the ground, and intimately helped my father choose a candidate again.

"Or the eldest son of Uncle Chengwang's family? I'm afraid that by then, this country will no longer have the surname Wei, and it will be time to change the surname to Shen."

King Cheng's wife is too prosperous, and although his son is outstanding, he is a person who only listens to his mother's words in everything.

Because of this, he has a good reputation and is a praised filial son.

Although the filial piety of the mother and son is a good story, the royal family is not as good as the people, how can the relatives be autocratic.

"If the concubine can't do it, it shouldn't matter if the concubine is out, the third son of Uncle Chengwang's family seems to be good, but the rumors seem to say that he broke his sleeves."

"Anyway, it's all a family, and the son-in-law of my aunt's family can also think about it, but it's a pity that he is too weak, and when he was ten years old, he lost to me with a sword, and the cry was heard by the whole palace."

"And ......"

"That's enough!"

I will say again, interrupted by my father.

Of course, my father knows that whether it is a descendant or an heir of the clan, as far as the eye can see, I am the only candidate for the prince.

But now that the courtiers are so strongly opposed, my father has no choice.

When the study was silent, I no longer choked my father.

After a long time, my father's deep voice came:

"Deal with these twists and turns, and the prince of the country will still be you."


The folds were spread all over the floor, and I didn't ask anyone to help me, so I bent down and picked them up one by one and held them in my arms.

When I left the main hall gate, I almost tripped over the threshold, but my grandfather sent me out and helped me.

I thanked him, "Father-in-law."

Grandpa Zeng waved his hand again and again, "Slaves are in charge of internal affairs, how can they be worthy of a thank you from the princess."

I turned around to leave, but Grandpa Zeng opened his mouth to speak.

"Is there anything else going on with my father-in-law?"

After hesitation, Grandpa Zeng still said the words in his heart.

"Princess, you can still have pity and respect for such a subordinate as the old slave, why, ......why?"

My father-in-law didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but I knew what he wanted to say.

"Is my father-in-law going to ask me why I am so disrespectful to my mother?"

Seeing that I didn't shy away from saying it, Grandpa Zeng's brows furrowed even deeper.

"The princess is the meat on the tip of the mother's heart, Your Majesty cares about the mother, if you hurt the mother's heart, it is equivalent to hurting Your Majesty's heart, the princess must stop being willful."

"Even if it's for your own good, you have to be more restrained."

I looked at the study behind him, a sneer tugging at the corner of my mouth.

"Thank you father-in-law for mentioning it, Fu Yang wrote it down,"

After I left, the people in the temple came out and said in a wrenched voice, "I wish she could understand my heart."

Grandpa Zeng looked away, remembering the lovely princess Yuxue when he was a child, and raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

If that incident hadn't happened back then, how could the princess be separated from the emperor and queen.


I carried them back to the dormitory and placed them on the desk one by one.

Every word is talking about how I have disobeyed my mother over the years and what things I have done that violated filial piety.

At the Shangyuan banquet, the queen mother served me with vegetables, and I smashed the wine glass in public, so that she couldn't get off the stage, and was ridiculed by Concubine An.

The queen mother couldn't see coral, but I gave her a purple-red coral at her Qianqiu banquet, which made her so angry that she was sick for half a month.

The peace and blessing that the queen mother asked for me, I said bad luck, and threw it into the thousand carp pond.

All of this is known to all.

If you don't know, you will even think that the queen mother is my enemy.

After all, no daughter in the world will be as stubborn as me, and everything must be directed at her biological mother.

Throwing the fold aside, I rolled over and got onto the bed.

In my sleep, the voice that frightened me reappeared.

"If your mother doesn't die, she'll never wake up, won't you do it?"

Immediately afterward, there were many voices mixed together.

Some people are crying, and some people are shouting, "Jin'er, will you wake up and see your mother?"

"Gu Jin, wake up, you can't sleep!"

The sound of cold machinery sounded dripping, and the scene in the dream was chaotic.

I was awakened, and as soon as I looked up, I saw the bright moon outside the window, and tears fell silently.

But for a moment, I closed my eyes, got up, put on my shirt, and poured all the wine on the table into my mouth.

The maidservant outside the door heard my movement, opened the door and asked, "It's late at night, where is the princess going?"

I walked past her and said, "Bring the wine from the table, and I'll go see the queen mother."


The queen mother has not yet slept, and the candles in Changle Palace are bright.

Someone in the hall was talking, and I leaned close to the door of the hall and heard Aunt Cui's voice.

"Niangniang and relieved, the princess used to be young and ignorant, but now she is about to be crowned a prince, and she will definitely be more sensible than before."

The queen mother sighed softly and asked, "Fuyang, will you really become sensible?"

Aunt Cui didn't reply, and the queen mother talked to herself.

"Yang Yang is my only concern in this world, I just want her to be happy and healthy, it doesn't matter whether she is a prince or not, whether she is in power or not."

The queen mother still looks like she doesn't fight or grab, as if everything in this world is not worth her attention.

But I know it's not like that at all.

The queen mother still has people and things that she can't let go.

I feigned drunkenness and pushed open the temple door.

When Aunt Cui saw me coming late at night, she thought I was here to make trouble, so she vigilantly guarded her mother.

My heart ached, and I asked with a drunken smile, "Is my aunt afraid of what I will do to my mother if she guards me like this?"

Aunt Cui didn't reply, and her body didn't move.

The queen frowned and asked me, "Why did you drink so much?"

With the help of the wine, I staggered to the side of the queen mother, staggering to the side.

I tugged at the sleeve of my mother's coat, and my voice was low.

"Queen Mother, do you know that as soon as my father proposed to make me the crown princess today, I was refuted by the courtiers."

"The Imperial Historian participated in my unfilial piety, and wrote a long book to impeach me."

"The Silkworm, the Bandit Yisong. Mourn my parents, and give birth to me."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and my eyes were misty:

"But Queen Mother, what have I done wrong? Obviously, you don't want me first."

The past was brought up again, and several people in the hall were silent.

I took a few steps forward on my knee, snuggled up to my mother's hind legs, and said:

"The Queen Mother has put me in danger, and the thief's knife is so cold and piercing that every time I dream of it at midnight, I think I'm going to die again."

"Mother, I'm afraid, why didn't you come to save me at that time, why?"

The queen mother's hands trembled, as if the sight of the day was right in front of her.

She took me into her arms and gently patted me on the back.

"The queen mother, the queen mother is just ......"

I took her words:

"The queen just doesn't love me. You used to love to hold me in your arms and sing to me."

The past was like yesterday, and my tears fell down in big pieces.

"Queen Mother, your sons won't be against you in the future, don't want me."

When the words fell, even Aunt Cui on the side was already crying.

The queen mother stepped forward and hugged me into her arms, "It's the queen mother who failed to protect you when Yang Yang needed it the most, and it's all the queen mother's fault."


This is the secret of the palace.

Five years ago, King Huai pretended to return to Beijing to celebrate his father's birthday, and left a concubine in the palace in the capital as a hostage.

That concubine took advantage of my kindness and sneaked into my palace.

He's smart and he's very good at taking advantage of people's hearts.

He said that he had no one to take care of him in the house, and the maids and maids could bully him, which was extremely pitiful.

I was born a princess with a golden spoon in my mouth, and I never knew that a child would suffer so much injustice in the house.

He was well-behaved and quiet, and he easily gained my trust.

One day at the palace banquet, he and Huai Wangfu conspired to assassinate and was broken by me.

In desperation, he held me hostage and asked my father to bring the jade seal in exchange for me.

The assassination was a big gamble.

is done, he is the hero of Huai Wangfu, and he attained the Tao with his biological mother, and he is extremely rich.

If he loses, it means that the concubine has bad intentions and wants to use the Huaiwang Mansion as a shield.

The father was talking secretly with the minister, and the messenger went to Changle Palace.

When I was young, I used to pretend to be sick and scare my mother, and every time my mother believed it and hurried to see me.

But only that time, the queen mother was sick and in a bad mood, thinking that I was doing the same trick again, and I didn't pay attention to it.

When the concubine saw this, he accidentally injured me in a hurry, and he fell asleep for seven days before he woke up.

After I woke up, my temperament changed drastically, and I was almost cold-blooded towards my father and queen mother.

Especially for the queen mother, it is not an exaggeration to say that I regard her as an enemy.

If I hadn't pretended to be sick, maybe the queen mother would have believed me and saved me in time.

Besides, that concubine was my own chosen companion, and I led the wolf into the house.

These are the truths known to outsiders, and they are also the reasons for the sadness of the queen mother.

She only thought that it was her ignorance of me that put me in danger.

Over the years, no matter what I did to hurt her, she never blamed me.

Mourn my parents, give birth to me, and work hard.

How could I not know that my mother loved me, and how could I not know that she had done so much for me.

But the queen mother must die.

I pressed the pounding blood in my chest and looked up at my mother.

"Queen Mother, over the years, Yang Yang has disappointed you."

The queen mother shook her head, "It's the queen mother's incompetence that can't help Yangyang."

I hugged my mother and cried, explaining all the feelings and estrangements in the past five years.

At last, I motioned for the maidservant to bring the wine she had brought.

"Does the Queen Mother remember this wine?"

The queen mother was puzzled and looked at me suspiciously.

I explained to her, "This is the old wine that my mother gave me on that day."

"I heard Suiwen say, this is brewed by the queen mother herself, I have been reluctant to drink it, today I specially brought it to the queen mother to make amends, hoping that the queen mother will forgive Yang Yang for her previous reckless behavior and hurt the queen mother's heart."

I raised my hand and poured the queen mother's wine, and the wine shook in the glass, and my hand trembled like a sieve.

The queen mother had tears in her eyes and stroked my hair with relief.

I handed the wine to the queen mother with my own hands and said softly, "Can the queen mother forgive Yang Yang?"

The queen mother took the glass and brought it to her lips without hesitation.

Just as he was about to touch the queen mother's lips, the door of the dormitory was suddenly pushed open, and the hilt of the sword came out of the air, picking off the wine glass in the queen mother's hand.

The wine falls to the ground, bubbling.

"Wei Fuyang! How dare you poison your birth mother with your own hands!!


I regained clarity in my eyes, turned my head to look at Suiwen who was trembling beside me, and tugged at the corners of my lips: "You betrayed me?"

She was the only one who came to Changle Palace with me, and she also served the wine.

Suiwen knelt down and cried, "Princess, this is a great sin to be cut by a thousand knives, and the slave maid can't watch you go astray!"

I sat down on the floor in a daze, knowing that not only would I not be able to do it today, but I would not have a chance in the future.

"A thousand cuts? Gone astray?"

"Then what is the right way?"

My father stepped forward and kicked me in the heart, and said angrily:

"Hindrance! I should have sunk you in the pond sooner, or there wouldn't have been a scandal like today."

After my father scolded me, he hurried to see the queen mother on the other side, who was already stunned.

The queen mother didn't seem to want to believe what was in front of her, and pushed away her father and looked at me in a daze.

"Yangyang, you're not drunk?"

The poisonous wine on the side was still bubbling weirdly on the ground, and my stupid queen mother, who was full of stolen goods, still didn't want to believe it.

Seeing that the matter was discovered, I simply stopped pretending to be drunk.

"The queen mother probably doesn't know, the sons are not drunk with a thousand cups, and what the queen mother saw was all pretended by me."

"So, you're going to kill me?"

The queen mother looked at me stupidly, with a look of disbelief.

As soon as I thought of everything in my dream, I was so angry that I smashed the flask in my hand.

"Yes! I'm going to kill you!"

"I am not filial to you, why? You have already given up on me, why should I be filial to you?"

"My father and emperor only have one child, and among all the clan relatives, only I am the most talented, but if you are in one day, I will not be able to be the queen daughter for one day, why do you want to live in my way?"

I saw me in the eyes of the queen mother, almost mad, my eyes wide open, and my hatred was monstrous.

My father raised his sword and tried to come forward to dispose of me, but I swung it away.

"Father, what kind of husband and wife are you playing here, you are the same as me, but you just want to win an affectionate name."

"You use the queen mother's novel talents to benefit the people, once the queen mother is no longer useful to the defense of the country and the government, you will take your green plum into the palace, you let Concubine An Guifei take charge of the six palaces, and when you break the oath with the queen mother, you don't necessarily love the queen mother."


The queen mother is kind and never doubts her father's sincerity.

Young couples always think that deep affection can overcome everything.

But living under the oppressive imperial power of generations, how can you allow your good name to be left to others.

My father knew early on that the queen mother had thoughts and skills that were different from ordinary people.

Open the river, promote the imperial examination, and emphasize agriculture and commerce.

Every single one of them is stunning.

The father took the lead and won the heart of the queen mother with the so-called affection.

I have to say that my father has a good bet.

At the time of the change of imperial power, the queen mother was behind him, and with those wonderful ideas, he successfully made his father stand out among the princes.

With the authority in his hands, sit back and relax, and after everything settles, his father is no longer content with his husband and wife.

He began to miss his own green plum, the young lady of the imperial historian family-Wang Ruoan.

Now the only concubine in the palace, Concubine An.

How affectionate the father is, a wife and a concubine, while enjoying the blessings of all people, he also has a reputation for not forgetting the old love.

No one knows how my father swore to heaven that he would never have two hearts, and that he would only love his mother and queen mother, regardless of whether he had children or not.

Such a vigorous oath easily coaxed the queen mother to be willing to plan everything for him.

These extremely secret things were exposed in this way.

My father's face turned red, and he plunged his sword into my shoulder blade.

"Reverse Woman !!"

Far from feeling the pain, I laughed louder.

The father and the queen have always taken advantage of the mother.

I don't know if there is love for my only daughter.

I only know that even my father can't stop me from forcing my mother to kill my mother.

The queen mother was stunned for a moment when I said this, and then she slid to the ground, choked up and threw herself in front of me, and shed a tear.

"Wei Fuyang, you are going to kill your mother!!

When the words fell, the queen mother spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell into my arms.

Everyone around me panicked, and there was a noise in my ears, and my father pushed me away and shouted for the imperial doctor.

And I remembered it woodenly, and the queen mother just said that.

Wei Fuyang, you killed your own mother.