
The United States has come to Ukraine's aid to resist Russia from two directions, Putin is preparing to deploy intermediate-range missiles, and Belarus is preparing to use nuclear weapons


Whether the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will continue depends on the United States and Russia! Judging from the current situation, the United States will not give up supporting Ukraine for the time being without completely dismembering Russia. And as long as Russia increases its war, then American aid will continue to increase.

The United States has come to Ukraine's aid to resist Russia from two directions, Putin is preparing to deploy intermediate-range missiles, and Belarus is preparing to use nuclear weapons

At present, the United States is stepping up its efforts to "aid Ukraine and resist Russia" from two directions. The first is to produce land-based intermediate-range missiles and deploy these mass killers in Europe and the Philippines in the Asia-Pacific region. This provoked strong resentment in Russia. Putin made it clear that the United States has violated its commitment not to produce or deploy intermediate-range missiles, so Russia will also resume manufacturing banned intermediate-range missiles to counteract the United States.

Putin mentioned that the United States is deploying intermediate-range weapons in the Philippines, not to help China reduce pressure, but to use this incident to develop the famous deployment of Russian intermediate-range weapons. If China does not object, then it is not illegal for Russia to deploy intermediate-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific region.

Moreover, Russia inherited the mantle of the USSR and has rich experience in deploying medium-range weapons. The Soviet Union once deployed intermediate-range missile weapons in Eastern Europe and Cuba and aimed at large cities in the United States and Europe, and this experience was completely inherited by Russia. Therefore, we saw that the Russian nuclear submarine visited Cuba with hypersonic weapons and launched a cruise missile 180 kilometers from the coastline of the United States, which is a warning to the United States not to give Ukraine lethal weapons, otherwise the Russian missiles will fall on the United States mainland.

The United States has come to Ukraine's aid to resist Russia from two directions, Putin is preparing to deploy intermediate-range missiles, and Belarus is preparing to use nuclear weapons

In addition, Russia has also deployed the Iskander missile system on Belarusian soil, which can launch cruise missiles at a distance of 500-5,000 kilometers, effectively preventing the United States and the West from using nuclear weapons.

The second is to support Ukraine's attempt to launch an attack on Belarus. A few days ago, the Belarusian military said that about 10 "NATO tactical battalions" of the Ukrainian army, numbering more than 20,000 people, are being transferred to the Belarusian-Ukrainian border, of which half of the weapons of these tactical units come from the United States. In addition, the Belarusian side also confirmed that Ukraine is laying mines along the border line, and has also deployed a "drone + electronic monitoring system" to conduct reconnaissance of the situation on the border between Belarus and Ukraine.

The Russian press believes that this is a signal to attack Belarus. So will Ukraine launch an attack on Belarus with the support of the United States and the West? Judging from the battle situation, Russia and Ukraine are in a stalemate on the front line in eastern Ukraine, and no one will advance an inch, and no one will take a step back. In addition, the strength of the Belarusian army is inferior to that of the Russian army, so it is not ruled out that in order to turn the tide of the war, the Ukrainian army will launch an attack on Belarus.

What's more, Belarus and Russia are completely "cold lips and teeth" relations, and once Russia falls, then Belarus will be the next to be cleaned up. This is an important part of the dismemberment of the Russian camp by the United States and the West, and it will never give up.

In the face of a possible attack by Ukraine, Belarus can only choose to resist. In the words of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, if Belarus is attacked, then there will be no hesitation in using nuclear weapons. From June to the end of April last year, Belarus asked Russia to deploy dozens of nuclear warheads on its territory, and Belarus has mastered the ability to use these weapons.

If NATO and the United States support Ukraine in a military strike against Belarus, then Belarus will have to use nuclear weapons to defend its sovereignty and right to exist.

The United States has come to Ukraine's aid to resist Russia from two directions, Putin is preparing to deploy intermediate-range missiles, and Belarus is preparing to use nuclear weapons

In short, now the United States and Russia have no intention of negotiating a solution to the conflict, they will continue to engage in military contests in Eastern Europe, and in the process there will always be countries that will be sacrificed, the United States can sacrifice Ukraine, then Russia can also sacrifice Belarus. The so-called elephants fight and ants suffer, as small countries, Ukraine and Belarus seem to have no other choice!

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