
An important reason for the emotional instability of contemporary adults is the sensitivity to order

author:Yuhan Nutrition

In the fast-paced modern life, many adults often face emotional instability, irritability, and irritability. These emotional problems can stem from a variety of factors, but one of the most overlooked but extremely important reasons is "order sensitivity".

An important reason for the emotional instability of contemporary adults is the sensitivity to order

1. What is order sensitivity?

Order sensitivity refers to an individual's strong demand for things to be arranged or presented according to certain rules, and once the order is broken, it will cause discomfort or stress. This sensitivity can be expressed in the form of strong requirements for the display of objects, the rules of daily life, time arrangement, etc. When things deviate from your expectations and are out of your control, even the smallest things will cause chaos and even collapse in your heart.

An important reason for the emotional instability of contemporary adults is the sensitivity to order

2. Performance in adults:

Annoying the broken rules: This type of person has a hard time tolerating behaviors that don't follow the rules and order, such as cutting in line, playing videos in public, playing games, etc. They expect the world to run according to the order they envision, and any act that breaks that order will make them uncomfortable.

Difficulty accepting "change": "Change" here can include unexpected events, people or things that disrupt one's behavior, and an aversion to "uncertainty". For example, they may feel anxious and irritable when their plans are disrupted by unexpected tasks or unexpected events. They tend not to like waiting and ambiguous situations because it makes them feel like they have lost control of the world.

An important reason for the emotional instability of contemporary adults is the sensitivity to order

3. The influence of order sensitivity on emotional stability

Order sensitivity has a significant impact on the emotional stability of adults. When an individual is confronted with a disorder-breaking situation, they may feel restless, anxious, irritable, or even break down. This emotional response not only affects their daily life and productivity, but can also have a negative impact on relationships.

Specifically, order-sensitive can lead to the following problems:

Difficulty adapting to change: In modern society, change is the norm. However, for order-sensitive people, they often struggle to adapt to this change. They may stubbornly stick to their plans and expectations and be reluctant to accept any changes. This can lead them to show malfitting and anxiety when facing challenges in life and work.

An important reason for the emotional instability of contemporary adults is the sensitivity to order

Over-control: In order to maintain order in their minds, order-sensitive people may have excessive control over their lives. They may have detailed plans and rules in place and work to make sure everything works out as they envisioned. However, this excessive control can leave them feeling exhausted and frustrated because they are unable to take full control of everything in their lives.

Interpersonal tension: People who are sensitive to order may have conflicts and contradictions with others due to difficulty accepting different opinions and ways of behaving. They may become angry and resentful of others' unruly behavior, which can ruin relationships with others.

3. Suggestions for responding to order-sensitive issues

Although order-sensitive is a relatively common psychological phenomenon, there are a few things we can do to deal with it in order to maintain our emotional stability.

Embrace change: First, we need to recognize that change is an inevitable part of life. We need to learn to embrace change and try to find new opportunities and possibilities in it. When we are able to face change with a more open and flexible mind, our emotional stability also improves.

An important reason for the emotional instability of contemporary adults is the sensitivity to order

Relax control: We need to learn to loosen control over ourselves and allow ourselves to face some uncertainty and ambiguity. We can try to make some flexible plans instead of overly detailed rules. At the same time, we also need to learn to trust our own abilities and the abilities of others, and not to interfere too much with the behavior of others.

Seek support: When we feel unable to cope with the emotional issues that come with the sensitivity of order, we can seek support from family, friends, or professionals. They can help us see the other side of the problem and offer some helpful suggestions and solutions.

In conclusion, order sensitivity is an important cause of emotional instability among contemporary adults. We need to recognize its existence and take steps to deal with it. By embracing change, relaxing control, and seeking support, we can better maintain our emotional stability and enjoy a healthier and more active life.

An important reason for the emotional instability of contemporary adults is the sensitivity to order

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