
Cultivating talents and helping the industry丨In 2024, the "Fanchang E-commerce Live Classroom" will be successfully completed

author:Anhui beautiful style

"I opened a pigment factory, I am over 70 years old, but I like new things very much, after contacting Douyin live broadcast, I have always wanted to learn, this time I have the opportunity to participate in the free training organized by Fanchang Digital Economy Industrial Park, so I quickly signed up!" Under Uncle Liu's folded skin was the excitement that could not be concealed.

Cultivating talents and helping the industry丨In 2024, the "Fanchang E-commerce Live Classroom" will be successfully completed

In order to enhance the vitality of the e-commerce economy in our district and cultivate e-commerce talents, the Fanchang District 2024 "Fanchang E-commerce Live Classroom" hosted by Fanchang Digital Economy Industrial Park was successfully opened. This training has a total of 60 hours, and the training objects involve traditional business self-employed people, young entrepreneurs, e-commerce practitioners, farmers and other groups, and a total of more than 60 trainees participated in the training.

This training is aimed at people with different live broadcast experience, and sets up two distinct training stages of basic class and advanced class, supplemented by live broadcast competitions to promote training. The main content includes the introduction of the live broadcast platform, product launch, self-cultivation of the anchor, live broadcast operation and practical operation, etc.

Cultivating talents and helping the industry丨In 2024, the "Fanchang E-commerce Live Classroom" will be successfully completed

This training also specially invited Mr. Qiang, the person in charge of Lanyu E-commerce, a well-known e-commerce company in Fanchang District, to serve as a lecturer and a judge of the live broadcast competition, to tell everyone about his e-commerce journey and teach the live broadcast experience on the front line of the e-commerce live broadcast industry.

At the end of the training, the teacher set up a live broadcast scene in the classroom to restore the live broadcast scene, and the students actively signed up for the live broadcast competition on stage to show their learning results. Mr. Qiang said that it is not easy to train anchors, and the effect of this training is unexpectedly good, and the performance of many students is comparable to that of professional anchors.

Cultivating talents and helping the industry丨In 2024, the "Fanchang E-commerce Live Classroom" will be successfully completed

Among the trainees are self-employed agricultural products, white-collar workers in the workplace, small businesses, and unemployed mothers. Although their identities are different, what they all have in common is that they are very interested in the e-commerce industry and hope that through this training, they will have more possibilities for their future.

Cultivating talents and helping the industry丨In 2024, the "Fanchang E-commerce Live Classroom" will be successfully completed

Fanchang District has held e-commerce live broadcast training for 4 consecutive years, and is committed to making e-commerce live broadcast training long-term, systematic and standardized. In the future, Fanchang District will continue to use Fanchang Digital Economy Industrial Park as a platform to create a good e-commerce atmosphere through e-commerce training, continuously enrich the stock level of local e-commerce live broadcast talents, connect enterprises and individuals, send talents to the e-commerce live broadcast industry, promote the integration of e-commerce and industry, drive the sales of agricultural products, and help rural revitalization. (Huang Xudong)