
From the dean to the security guard

From the dean to the security guard

Looking at CAFA from a different perspective

In 1918, the predecessor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the National Beijing Academy of Fine Arts, was born. A century later, in 2018, after a century of vicissitudes, the Central Academy of Fine Arts is 100 years old. In the depths of the memory of the Academy of Fine Arts, the school went from Wangfujing Xiaowei Hutong to the Second Factory, and later moved to the new campus of Huajiadi South Street. For more than half a century, how many stories have happened here, and how many memories have remained in the hearts of the Academy of Fine Arts.

From the dean to the security guard

Wangfujing Xiaowei Hutong No. 5 Campus

01 Jin Shangyi (53rd Painting Department) did not have an oil painting major when he first entered the Academy of Fine Arts, and it was not opened until 53 years later, and then the painting department became three departments: China, oil and print. At that time, all the teachers were very serious, and their cultivation in literature and other aspects was very good, except for painting. During my four years as an undergraduate, I came into contact with many teachers, all of whom had a great influence on me, and after attending the oil painting training class, I received the education of the Soviet painter Masimov, who was also very serious. At that time, the society was stable, and the things we came into contact with and absorbed were very useful, most of which came from 19th-century literature, music, drama, painting, etc. So when I was in school, the teachers were very good, and the evaluation and standards of painting at that time were very uniform. If the work is good, everyone thinks it is good, it is clear. This is very helpful for our learning improvement.

02 Cai Zhisong (97th Sculpture Department) We only recruited a total of 37 students in the country that year, and I am afraid that it was not so difficult to raise in ancient times. The period of Wangfujing Old Academy of Fine Arts was the most nostalgic time of my entire student days, when the students of the Academy of Fine Arts were treated very well: four people in a room, the room was pasted with wallpapers, and there were wall cabinets; There is not only an elevator, but also a telephone room on each floor, with a fixed extension number that can be dialed at will; Never turn off the lights, never get you out of bed; There are scholarships, publicly-funded medical care, swimming in early summer, ice skating in winter, and can also be reimbursed; Before returning from military training, the leading teacher will call the school first and ask the boiler room to boil bath water; I still vividly remember the taste of the stir-fried food in the student cafeteria. I feel that everyone is the pride of the sky, and the care of the Academy of Fine Arts for students makes people feel very warm.

03 Shao Yiyang (93rd Art History Department, teaching so far) The atmosphere of the Academy of Fine Arts was relatively free, and at that time, the examination of professional courses was very tight, and the political courses were usually open-book exams. We each copied a question and passed it to each other, and there were exactly 10 people in the class. When the teacher found out, he smiled and said, "You guys are passing on ten." "The New Year's Day masquerade at the Academy of Fine Arts was held in the cafeteria, and it was crowded. Everyone wrapped themselves in bed sheets, painted their own masks, and some even borrowed props from Chinese opera to play, dressed up in all kinds of weird looks. Sometimes there are rock bands on the scene, and Cui Jian also came in the early days. I remember on New Year's Day in 1990, we danced in a circle, and after the New Year's Day bell, we danced until we were exhausted. It's a lot more fun to think about than the kind of party on and off the stage now.

04 Yu Hong (Bachelor's degree in Oil Painting in '91, master's degree in Oil Painting in '95) When I went to the Academy of Fine Arts, I was still in an era of material scarcity, and I always remembered various ways to save money when I recalled that era. At that time, there was no concept of fashion, and I liked to buy all kinds of cloth and cut my own beautiful clothes. Later, it was out of control, and even the cotton coat that my daughter used to make when she was a child was made by herself, and time was very slow at that time, and everything came and went slowly.

05 Mao Yan (91st Oil Painting Department) When I registered on the first day of admission, I was very impressed. At that time, the number of students admitted to the second and fourth studios of the oil painting department was 8 each, so we looked around for students. Looking for and looking around, there were 4 people in our studio, including me, and then the tutor met and said, I recruited 4 of you, and I would rather recruit less. I always thought that it was a natural thing to be admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts, and I was very proud of it, but then I thought I was really lucky! In fact, there are many lucky people, of course, just luck is not enough. At that time, the students of the Academy of Fine Arts felt like the pride of the sky.

06 Tang Hui (Department of Mural Painting in '91) In the summer of 1987, I came to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Wangfujing Hutong to enroll. I remember meeting three very beautiful girls at the entrance of the school, the basketball court, and the elevator door of the International Student Building. Later, I learned that the three girls who "encountered" in less than 10 minutes all belonged to the school flower level, and their names were in order: Chen Xi, Guo Jia and Liu Xin, and later they had nothing to do with me, and I could only sigh that karma is sometimes fleeting.

07 Kang Jianfei (97 Printmaking Department Bachelor's Degree, 00 Master's Degree, Teaching so far) Xichuan had just been transferred to the Academy of Fine Arts to teach English, and wanted to know the English level of the students in the Academy of Fine Arts, so he randomly wrote two lines of English and asked the classmates to translate. I remember that it was Yang Ning from the sculpture department, looked at the translation and said: "A beautiful woman is in the house, and the house is made of gold." After hearing this, Nishikawa said solemnly, "Students, our English class starts with alphabet learning.

08 Qu Guangci (94 Sculpture Bachelor's Degree, 97 Master's Degree) I remember that when the Academy of Fine Arts "transferred" to the Second Factory, I was in the second graduate school. On the first day of school, in the auditorium, the presidium was full, and according to the convention, the leaders above had to introduce the new students one by one, and everyone applauded together to know a leader. I found that sitting at the end was my philosophy teacher Jin Lianying, who everyone called Lao Jin on weekdays, and I was surprised and delighted. What is surprising is that he is usually cynical and actually sits in it, looking out of place; Happily, I'm afraid he's one of our favorite teachers, right? Just introduced to the very "end" of Lao Jin, suddenly everyone woke up, thunderous applause, that kind of applause is like the voice of our northern neighbor Daddy Jin when he appeared, which lasted for a long time. Later, he got up and bowed in fear, and the result was a round of applause and applause, and everyone really liked him. Later, I also became a teacher and a leader, and I always felt that being such a teacher was the happiest thing in the world. Last year, I asked Lao Jin out for a drink and asked about it, and he said that his mind was blank at that time, and he only felt how happy it would be if people died at that time.

09 Lu Shengzhong (87 New Year Painting Master's Degree) 84 years to study at the Academy of Fine Arts, at that time, the emphasis on form exploration, can paint people with crooked mouths and slanted eyes, that is called deformation, talented! Talented people talk about Kafka, but I didn't know what Kafka was at the time, and it looked very dirty. In the past 84 years, I have been studying for graduate school, and at that time, the powerful people in the Academy of Fine Arts began to engage in concepts, play profoundly, and the more I can't understand the paintings, the more people look up to them, and they dare not ask. I once asked weakly, and they were all right: my work cannot be explained by words.

10. Chen Xi (91st Oil Painting Department): I caught up with the first independent enrollment of CAFA Oil Painting Studio No. 4. I remember that after I entered the school, I was punished twice for various violations, and Mr. Lin Gang asserted: "Even if this girl is saved, she will not paint with peace of mind, so give up." "Of course, I still left behind the punishment without danger. At a class teaching summary meeting in the third grade, Mr. Lin suddenly solemnly apologized to me. The class and I were stunned...... I will never forget this incident, having such a virtuous gentleman is the greatest luck for us as students during the study in the four studios.

11 Xu Yiwen (85 Chinese Painting Department) in the afternoon anatomy class, all six people in the class overslept, as soon as I entered the classroom, Mr. Jin Yang, the master of art and anatomy, sat in front of the podium with his characteristic smile, we sat down in the first row with a breathless atmosphere, Mr. got up and bowed deeply: Please Miss Master class! Straight to the heart. Since then, it has become my realisation not to be late.

12 Yu Haoning (07 School of Design) My friend raised a lizard in the dormitory, because of the lack of common sense, put it on the balcony to bask in the sun to replenish calcium, but when she woke up in the afternoon, she found that it had become a dried lizard, and she held the lizard sadly and cried. At two o'clock in the morning, she was going to bury the lizard in the flower bed, and when she squatted on the side of the flower bed and dug the pit, the doorman of the central beauty came over timidly and asked softly, "Classmate, are you doing your homework?" ”

13Geng Le (94th Printmaking Department) painted a woman's body for the first time in the U-shaped building of the school's Weiwei Hutong, and luckily we caught up with the goddess-level model in the school. The boys in the class were all enthusiastic, and one of them used to leave the studio early with a rice bowl every day in order not to queue up for the cafeteria, and after class that day, he actually lay on the model table where the goddess stood just now, and asked him if he didn't go to eat? But he cried out, "Expel me!" Shoot me! ”

14 Huang Xiaofeng (02 undergraduate of the Department of Art History, 05 master's degree, 08 doctorate) has long hair since his senior year, and his master's degree is still the same. During the summer vacation after I was admitted to the doctorate, my mother threatened me and said that Mr. Xue Yongnian was highly respected and would not like you to have your hair. The first time I officially met my mentor, Mr. Xue was stunned when he saw me, and said, "Where are your braids?" It's not good to look good when it's cut. ”

15 Xiao Deng (security guard of the Academy of Fine Arts) When he first came, he couldn't match the numbers of these buildings in the Academy of Fine Arts, and I couldn't understand the art, but the male students with long hair were quite interesting.

16 Wang Yong (07 Chinese Painting Academy) was finally admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts because he wanted to go to university, and the moment my father accompanied me to Beijing, my wife almost fainted next to the podium. Later, my daughter was born, and the date of delivery was April 1 and the same day as the school anniversary. In order to pursue art, I almost didn't even care about my family, and my daughter's birthday reminded me that in fact, the most beautiful people and scenery are around me.

17 Fan Erpu (08 bachelor's degree, 11 master's degree) When I was in school, I especially liked to play with computers and pondered cool hardware combinations. As a result, all the students in the whole grade asked me for help with computer assembly and maintenance. At that time, there was no need to register at the door of the girls' dormitory, so the aunt asked: "Are you here to fix the computer again...... Cultivating and repairing, I have repaired my current wife.

18 Qin Guanwei (06 Printmaking Department) 03 SARS, not long after the start of the first semester of our freshman year, everyone was sketching in Huairou when SARS first broke out, I remember living in a kindergarten in a small village, when there was a magnolia flower in the backyard blooming beautifully. It really felt isolated, there was no internet, and the mobile phone had no signal from time to time. One night, Mr. Zhang Lujiang suddenly called a meeting and said that SARS broke out, which was very serious and dangerous, and everyone should take precautions, and they could go back to the college or go home on the spot after sketching. At that time, I was a little confused, and I didn't know how terrible SARS was, but I remember that everyone had garlic at dinner in the next few days. After sketching, I decided to go home directly with a Shandong native and two northeasterners, but I didn't dare to go back when I heard that Beijing was already very serious. If you return to Beijing, you will be quarantined. In a hurry, they rented a local car and drove all the way to Texas, which seemed to be 600 yuan. The northeasterner who was traveling with me called home, and I only remembered what she said: Can you not be in a hurry, run for your life now! This is the end of the next semester.

19 Lu Zhengyuan (06 Sculpture Bachelor's Degree, 09 Master's Degree) There are many stories in the Academy of Fine Arts, but what I can remember now is that on a snowy afternoon, I wrote "It's snowing now" on the snow in front of the library.

20 Ye Funa (Department of Experimental Art, Class of '08) My feelings for the Academy of Fine Arts are more due to the small collective of the class. What impressed me more was the time when Mr. Lu Shengzhong took our "pioneer class" students to "go to the countryside" in Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province. At that time, the conditions in the village were relatively difficult, 5 girls slept on a kang, covered 2 quilts together, and they were all stared at by lice. For three meals, only millet porridge, yellow flour steamed buns and zucchini can be eaten. We panicked about rice, eggs and meat, and we wanted to walk around the village every day to catch chickens to eat, but there were really no supplies there, and there were not a single chicken. One night, when we touched a few eggs under the bed, Mr. Wu Jian'an quarreled with the fellow villagers and asked why they didn't give us some extra food......