
After the atomic bomb exploded, what happened to the little Japanese boy who carried his "dead brother" to the crematorium?


Japan joined the fascist alliance during World War II and carried out a series of brutal aggression against China, when the countries of the world formed a justice league in order to resist the fascist aggression, the strongest alliance should be the United States, but it did not intend to participate in the war at the beginning of World War II.

However, soon after Japan's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States was very angry about this, and directly declared war on Japan, and finally dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

After the atomic bomb exploded, what happened to the little Japanese boy who carried his "dead brother" to the crematorium?

At that time, the whole country of Japan had fallen into a militaristic mentality, and they did not hesitate to sacrifice their freedom in order to help the emperor complete his plan to occupy China, until the two atomic bombs landed that they came to their senses, and it turned out that they were helping a devil to complete his plan.

One of the photos taken by American journalists after the atomic bombing of Japan shows a boy standing on the road with a child on his back, as if looking for his new home. This photo attracted a lot of attention from Americans at the time, and even appeared in newspapers, so how is this little boy doing now?

After the atomic bomb exploded, what happened to the little Japanese boy who carried his "dead brother" to the crematorium?

At that time, this photo was taken by an American journalist named O'Donnell, who was sent to Japan to investigate after seeing the country dropping atomic bombs on Japan, and here he took a large number of photos, which also reflect the dilapidated scene of Japan after the atomic bombing, this is just one of the photos in O'Donnell's hand, he wrote in his memoirs: At that time, the child was waiting outside the crematorium with his younger brother on his back, and the crematorium people were carrying the body in a white mask, The little boy's expression was very serious.

After the atomic bomb exploded, what happened to the little Japanese boy who carried his "dead brother" to the crematorium?

The little boy stood there for about ten minutes, until a staff member exchanged a few words with him, picked up the child on his back, and sent him to the crematorium. The boy's younger brother had been killed by the shock wave of the atomic bomb, and the boy was supposed to be the only survivor in the family, so he took his brother to the local crematorium, and waited until the flame was extinguished before turning away. O'Donnell took them back after the photo shoot, and the Americans slowly began to pay attention to the child standing in the crematorium.

After the atomic bomb exploded, what happened to the little Japanese boy who carried his "dead brother" to the crematorium?

As the photo attracted more and more attention, Japan directly used the photo as evidence of the victims of World War II to the military court, but the result is known to everyone. Coupled with the fact that the United States was dominant in the United Nations at the time, they certainly would not allow a person who had attacked their military base to gain sympathy. But many ordinary people still pay a lot of attention to the children in the photos, because they think that the people are innocent about the war, and we can't associate the war with the defenseless people.

After the atomic bomb exploded, what happened to the little Japanese boy who carried his "dead brother" to the crematorium?

But they didn't think about how the Japanese army invaded China and brutalized the Chinese people at that time. After Japan invaded Northeast China, it began to conduct human experiments on the local people, and tens of thousands of people were forcibly dragged to the laboratory to become their guinea pigs, even children.

Of course, the Chinese people will not forget the hatred of the country, and we will never forgive the Japanese invaders for our ancestors. After that, Japan's ambitions grew, and their plans to occupy China were no longer enough to satisfy them, and soon after Japan attacked the US military base.

After the atomic bomb exploded, what happened to the little Japanese boy who carried his "dead brother" to the crematorium?

This behavior directly angered the United States, as a bystander, and he immediately went to war with Japan, and the two atomic bombs also ended Japan's dream of militarism. The power of the atomic bomb was very huge, and after the explosion, Japan was left with only ruins, and the little boy who attracted everyone's attention continued to live after the explosion. Akihiro Ueto is now an old man, and after the explosion, he unexpectedly found his mother, with whom he has lived and grown ever since, but his father and younger brother have passed away.

After the atomic bomb exploded, what happened to the little Japanese boy who carried his "dead brother" to the crematorium?

Conclusion: After the atomic bomb was exploded in Japan, some photos attracted everyone's attention, and the photo of "a little boy with his younger brother on his back" also aroused the sympathy of people from other countries, and everyone wanted to know how he was doing now. The boy, Akihiro Ueto, followed the government's request to take his younger brother to a crematorium to be cremated, and then accidentally found his mother, and the two came to Tokyo because they could not live in their hometown, where he completed his studies and started a new life. When he grew up, he was admitted to Waseda University and became an architect.

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