
Helan County: Drawing a new picture of grassroots governance with the construction of the rule of law

author:Helan County Rong Media Center

In the Ningxia Daoyu Space Ecological Sightseeing Park in Shilidian Village, Changxin Township, Helan County, the brand-new rule of law propaganda slogans and easy-to-understand and catchy French attract passing tourists to stop and watch and taste carefully, laying a good foundation for the masses to respect the law, learn the law and abide by the law.

Helan County: Drawing a new picture of grassroots governance with the construction of the rule of law
Helan County: Drawing a new picture of grassroots governance with the construction of the rule of law

The construction of the "Rule of Law Escort and Rural Revitalization" Rice and Fishery Space Rule of Law Cultural Position will be completed by the end of April 2024, including the rule of law rice field painting, the rule of law sculpture square, the mobile rule of law position, the rule of law corridor, etc., adhering to intuitive teaching and immersive experience, allowing tourists to enjoy the rule of law scenery, feel the charm of the rule of law, and establish a social trend of "advocating the rule of law and abiding by the law" while leisure and entertainment.

Helan County: Drawing a new picture of grassroots governance with the construction of the rule of law
Helan County: Drawing a new picture of grassroots governance with the construction of the rule of law

Li Guodong, member of the party group and deputy director of the Helan County Judicial Bureau, said, "Next, the Helan County Judicial Bureau will make good use of the rice and fishery space as a legal cultural position to carry out a series of legal culture publicity activities." At the same time, there will also be a display of characteristic rule of law cultural works such as 'mud wow', paper-cutting, clay sculptures, ceramics, Helan inkstone, etc., which will integrate intangible cultural heritage and the rule of law in a fancy way, so that the popularization of law will be 'new' and more 'heart'. ”

Helan County: Drawing a new picture of grassroots governance with the construction of the rule of law

In recent years, Helan County has closely focused on the overall layout of the construction of the "1+X" rule of law publicity and education position in the autonomous region, combined with the rural revitalization strategy, and comprehensively upgraded the theme park of the Ningxia Yellow River Rule of Law Cultural Belt and the rule of law cultural position of the "Rule of Law Escort and Rural Revitalization" rice and fishery space. We will make every effort to build a rule of law cultural position in Xingguang Village of "Rule of Law Escort and Rural Revitalization", with the "Five Ones" as the core, to provide legal guarantees for rural revitalization. Explore the brand building of characteristic rule of law culture, and create more than 40 characteristic cultural works, so that tourists can feel the influence of the rule of law and improve their legal literacy when they are recreational and appreciative of the beauty of art.


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