
Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

author:Read the micro-notes
Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands


For a long time, the United States and Japan have been pointing fingers at the Taiwan issue, but Taiwan, as China's inherent territory, has nothing to do with Japan.

However, Japan has continued to create friction between the mainland and Taiwan, and has begun to hype up the mainland before it has taken action against them.

Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

Hype or intervention?

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense on June 27, our spokesman, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, answered questions about Japan's plan to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people if the prefectures of Kyushu were to be caught in the war.

The purpose of this is nothing more than to make Taiwan think that "something is going on in the Taiwan Strait" is Japan's argument, so that Taiwan will have the confidence to resist when it confronts the mainland's reunification plan.

On this issue, Senior Colonel Wu Qian directly pointed out: What Japan should do now is to seriously reflect on the unspeakable historical crimes committed by Japan during its colonization of Taiwan, and it should be cautious in its words and deeds regarding the Taiwan issue.

Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

What Japan is doing now is nothing more than using Taiwan's resistance to contain our development, so that we are distracted in the development stage, so that we cannot develop seriously.

With the escalation of the game between China and the United States, the Taiwan region has always thought that the United States will decisively help us when we recover the Taiwan region by force.

It is precisely because of this that Taiwan has always resisted our stance of peaceful reunification and constantly provoked the nerves of Chinese mainland on the cross-strait issue.

At present, Japan is still constantly putting on the picture that if the mainland chooses to "reunify" Taiwan by force, it will definitely intervene in the cross-strait relationship with armed force.

This can be seen in the so-called evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people in Kyushu this time, and the evacuation of their own people from the warring areas is carried out first.

Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

After getting involved in an armed conflict between the two sides of the strait, if you are attacked by the armed forces of the mainland People's Liberation Army, you don't have to worry about your own people suffering too many casualties.

Although it is absolutely impossible for Japan to dare to directly intervene after the start of the war, this will undoubtedly strengthen the confidence of those diehards on the island of Taiwan to resist peaceful reunification, and thus the cost of our reunification will continue to increase.

As for the reason why Japan does not dare to really put itself in an armed conflict between the two sides of the strait, it is simply because in terms of military strength, even if Japan really intervenes in it, it will not have much impact on the war situation.

And will also put themselves in the midst of destruction, you must know that although China has been silently bowing its head to develop in recent years, we will never forget the previous aggression against us.

Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

Senior Colonel Wu Qian also pointed out this point, if Japan really dares to intervene, we will not mind settling the new and old accounts for Japan together.

You must know that in terms of Japan's geographical location, we don't even need to use the hidden weapons of our PLA, and the distance between the two countries can cover Japan with our rocket artillery alone.

Moreover, Fumio Kishida's term of office should not be able to survive our military reunification of Taiwan, after all, the current Fumio Kishida government can be described as stormy.

Even, due to the "black gold incident" of the Fumio Kishida government, his approval rating has been less than 30% for several consecutive times, and this incident has also attracted ridicule from former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.

The black gold scandal is actually because of the previous problems with Japan's political donations, which has led to the distrust of Fumio Kishida among the people in Japan.

Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

And how can the consortium that provided him with political contributions trust Fumio Kishida again after this incident and keep him re-elected?

Moreover, due to Fumio Kishida's decision-making mistakes, it has had an extremely bad impact on the image of the entire party, and Japan has always followed and caused trouble.

On the contrary, they do not care about the livelihood of their own people, which has also caused Japan's economy to plummet, and the yen exchange rate, which everyone knows recently, has been depreciating.

This has also put the people in the country in dire straits, so Fumio Kishida's support rating is constantly decreasing, after all, the people in his own country will only vote for leaders who really care about their lives.

Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

With Fumio Kishida's current approach, he will only incur huge risks for his ruling party, as the so-called wall fell down and everyone pushed him, and now Fumio Kishida is in a quagmire.

Can you still get help from your own political partners? I'm afraid it won't, after all, in the political arena, in the case of disagreement, it is already good to be able to protect yourself.

Who will help Fumio Kishida again, if he doesn't hurry up to cut the relationship, it will already be a good fortune, not to mention that there will be people who choose to fall into the well at this time.

If he is impeached by his opponent's party, it is not certain whether Fumio Kishida's Liberal Democratic Party will protect him, let alone if he does, then he will definitely step down.

Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

After stepping down, who can guarantee Fumio Kishida's safety? After all, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated after stepping down, and he hated the streets of Japan.

You must know that although Shinzo Abe at that time also firmly followed the actions of the United States, his attitude was not too bad in the face of China.

But now Fumio Kishida has clearly failed more than Shinzo Abe in handling relations between China and Japan, coupled with the domestic economic downturn.

Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

After his resignation, security is really difficult to guarantee.

Of course, this is still the ideal state, but the problem now is that even Kishida's own ruling party is no longer accustomed to his approach.

In this case, what choice can Fumio Kishida make? Do you dare to continue to oppose the mainland on the Taiwan issue? If we continue to fight against it, what will happen to Japan?

Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands


Taiwan has always been the mainland's inherent territory, but for a long time the United States and Japan have been constantly mixing and stirring up trouble on the Taiwan issue and obstructing our reunification plan.

Now, Fumio Kishida is already taking care of his own domestic situation, but he is still constantly hyping up, and this time he even directly shows with practical actions that Japan will give us armed support when we carry out military reunification.

However, the strong response made by our diplomatic spokesman to this situation is also a resolute response to Japan's interference in the normal reunification process of the mainland.

If Japan really provokes us, we don't mind having a good communication with Japan about the ownership of the Ryukyus, which has committed numerous crimes on the mainland over the past 100 years.


Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

Information sources:

Jiemian News - Ministry of National Defense: Taiwan's affairs have nothing to do with Japan
Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands
Beijing News official Weibo - "Suga Yoshihide asks Fumio Kishida to step down", the former prime minister and the current prime minister tore their faces
Kishida completely stopped pretending, and once a war broke out in the Taiwan Strait, Japan would immediately evacuate 120,000 people from the Ryukyu Islands

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