
Grandma: The police in New York want to fine the yuan?

author:Shandong Internet Police

Relatives from the next generation, relatives from outside

When I was a child, my grandparents and grandparents

We are always pampered

When we grew up, we left home to study and work hard

But they still care about us

But some scammers take advantage of the next generation

Specifically for the elderly

Case review

Recently, the jurisdiction of Nantong Xinchengqiao Police Station

A grandmother in her 80s

I received a call from my grandson in New York, USA

There are not a few words of greeting

The grandson cried to his grandmother

Himself is suspected of rape in the United States

Caught by the police

200,000 ambulances required

And the American police want yuan

What's going on here?

Grandma: The police in New York want to fine the yuan?

After the old man received a call from his grandson

Nervous enough to raise his throat in one breath

The grandson said he couldn't talk to his father

Otherwise, you will jump off the building!

The old man with no master of the six gods was helpless

It was decided to seek help from the Xinchengqiao Police Station in the jurisdiction

Grandma: The police in New York want to fine the yuan?


The police of Xinchengqiao Police Station immediately rushed to the old man's home

And began to contact the family of the elderly to understand the situation

It is understood that the grandmother currently lives alone

Sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren live in the United States all year round

At noon, he received a call claiming to be his grandson

Urgently need 200,000 to "rescue" themselves

Let the elderly go to the bank to withdraw money

Grandma: The police in New York want to fine the yuan?

After listening to the incident in detail

Preliminary judgment is that this is a typical case

Impersonating acquaintances (relatives and friends) to scam

Now there is also a saying called the "intergenerational pro-family scam"

Subsequently, the police asked the grandmother

Explain the relevant classic cases in detail

I'm afraid that the old man will not be at ease

The police also helped contact the family members of the elderly at their homes

Grandma: The police in New York want to fine the yuan?

It was midnight in the United States

The police made a transatlantic phone call

Contact was made with the old man's son

After communication, it was confirmed that the old man's grandson did not "have an accident"

There is no need for a "ransom"

The old man received a call from a liar

Grandma: The police in New York want to fine the yuan?

This time through the district police station

Daily publicity and timely intervention

Successfully dissuaded a large-scale wire fraud case

Grandma: The police in New York want to fine the yuan?

The routine is revealed

Target group

Seniors who have grandchildren in the family who are out of town (or studying abroad).

Verbal routines

1. "Sun Tzu" called to ask for warmth

Scammers pretend to be "grandchildren", start with the phone, greet and care about "grandpa" and "grandma", do not mention any money, play the family card, "grandparents" are happy in their hearts, they are so busy with their studies, "filial piety grandchildren" do not forget to care about their old people, shouting at them, their hearts are very moved, just as they are immersed in happiness, the scam is approaching them step by step.

2. Answer your grandson's call for help and respond to your needs

The old man, who had let his guard down, received a call posing as his "grandson" again. The "grandson" asked his grandparents for "help", saying that he had an accident and needed a certain fee. Grandparents have always been the pets of the next generation to their grandchildren, and when they receive a call for help from their filial grandson, they naturally respond to their needs, and immediately transfer the expenses to the "lawyer" or "case-handling police" card provided by the "grandson", and are also stressed not to tell other people in the family, fabricate more serious consequences, and continue to create a tense atmosphere to make the elderly panic.

3. Go to the bank counter or ATM machine immediately to transfer money

The old man was alone, took out his bank card and hurriedly ran to the bank counter or ATM, and transferred it to the bank card designated by the scammer, until after a period of time, he asked his family and found that he had been deceived by someone pretending to be his "grandson".

4. The fraud is successful, and the contact disappears

Once the elderly no longer send money, or are discovered by relatives and friends to expose the scam, the scammer will immediately cut off all contact and disappear, and the elderly are likely to miss the opportunity to save the damage due to weak awareness of evidence, slow response speed, etc., or due to incomplete and insufficient information provided, which increases the difficulty of investigation and handling cases.

How seniors can protect themselves from scams

1. When encountering fake "grandchildren", check with your children or juniors to avoid being deceived.

2. The younger generation cares more about the elderly at home, often contacts and communicates with the elderly, talks about the types of electric fraud that are high in the elderly group, popularizes the national anti-fraud hotline "96110", helps the elderly install and install the "National Anti-fraud Center" APP and turns on the "call warning" function, especially to remind the elderly to pay more attention to the calls from strangers on the landline at home.

3. If the staff of major banks find that the elderly are panicked transferring money alone, they must verify with themselves and their families, or contact the police station in the jurisdiction to deal with it together.

4. If you are deceived, please call the police on 110 or report to the nearest police station in time, provide the fraudulent account number and phone number, and calm the emotions of the elderly.

Source: Nantong Anti-Fraud

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