
Answering an incoming call, the bank card password was tampered with instantly......

author:Shandong Internet Police

"CBRC staff" called

Guide you to unbind WeChat "Million Guarantees"

Otherwise, you need to pay nearly 10,000 yuan per year

Siming's Ms. Zhuang was "fooled" by a call

Send the verification code to the other party

Unexpectedly, the bank card password was tampered with instantly


Recently, Ms. Zhuang received a self-proclaimed

The phone number of the CBRC staff

The other party said that Ms. Zhuang's WeChat account was bound

A service called "Million Guarantees".

Nearly 10,000 yuan needs to be paid every year

If you want to unbind, you must follow the "process" to cooperate

Answering an incoming call, the bank card password was tampered with instantly......

"Customer service" guide Ms. Zhuang will receive

The SMS verification code was sent in the past

This is followed by constant video calls via FaceTime

Urge her to send a second verification code

Ms. Zhuang vaguely felt that something was wrong

It was decided to call the police for help first

Answering an incoming call, the bank card password was tampered with instantly......

"You don't do any now

Calls, transfers, and click-to-link operations

We'll be coming to you right away! ”

After receiving the alarm, Liu Xiyong, a police officer from the Binhai Police Station

and auxiliary police officer Dai Shunjia immediately dispatched the police

Along the way, Liu Xiyong kept contacting Ms. Zhuang

Tell her never to send a second captcha

Answering an incoming call, the bank card password was tampered with instantly......

At this time, a call hold prompt appears on the other end of the phone

This is a red flag

It shows that the fraudsters are still calling Ms. Zhuang

The police officer stepped on the accelerator to speed up

They know the here and now

Only those who appear in front of them can be trusted

Answering an incoming call, the bank card password was tampered with instantly......

It took only 5 minutes for the police to see Ms. Zhuang

Half an hour, the crook has already given it

14 FaceTime video calls were made

It's still dialing at this moment

Fortunately, due to the dissuasion of the police

Ms. Zhuang missed one

And in time to stop further operations

Answering an incoming call, the bank card password was tampered with instantly......

And before that

Ms. Zhuang sent a verification code to the scammer

leads to her bank card password

has been changed

Because now transfers require two-factor authentication

If the second verification code is also sent

The 41,000 yuan in the bank card will be in vain

Answering an incoming call, the bank card password was tampered with instantly......

Ms. Zhuang

"It's scary, thank you so much! I'm one last step away from being scammed! ”

After making sure that Ms. Zhuang was not deceived

Liu Xiyong instructed him to reset his bank card password

Ms. Zhuang felt both apprehensive and grateful

Timely dissuasion of the people's police and auxiliary police of the Binhai Police Station

I would like to express my deep gratitude

At present, the police have opened a case for investigation

Answering an incoming call, the bank card password was tampered with instantly......


The verification code sent by the bank is equivalent to the deposit and withdrawal password! Don't give it away!


Don't answer strange FaceTime calls! If you don't need to use it, you can set it to turn off this function, so be vigilant!


WeChat's "Million Guarantee" is completely free, as long as it is mentioned that the "Million Guarantee" setting of WeChat and Alipay is turned off, it is a scam!

Source: Xiamen Police

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