
A clear official document, how can this be fake?

author:Shandong Internet Police


Chengdong Police Station of Hai'an Public Security Bureau

received a report from a bank staff member in the jurisdiction

One customer applied for a loan online

Now he wants to give money to the other party

Suspected of being deceived

After receiving the alarm

The police immediately rushed to the scene

But in the face of dissuasion from the civilian police and staff

Ms. Zhang (not her real name) was indifferent

Which platform do you take for loans?

Do you know the person who helped you with the loan?

Under repeated questioning by the police

Ms. Zhang finally recounted what had happened

A clear official document, how can this be fake?


Ms. Zhang while surfing the Internet

I stumbled across an online lending ad

Click in and download the APP, and then bind the identity information

After a while

A man who identified himself as a customer service agent contacted Ms. Zhang

Talked to Ms. Zhang about some loans

Then he guided Ms. Zhang to download a chat software

And on this software

Teach Ms. Zhang how to complete the loan process step by step

In the end, Ms. Zhang "successfully" borrowed 50,000 yuan on the APP

A clear official document, how can this be fake?

(Picture from the Internet)

However, just when Ms. Zhang wanted to withdraw the money

The APP pops up a prompt saying that the bank card has been entered incorrectly

The account has been suspended

A deposit of 10,000 yuan is required to unfreeze

After the thawing was successful, the 10,000 yuan was returned to Ms. Zhang

A loan of 50,000 yuan can also be withdrawn together

Ms. Zhang hurriedly asked the "customer service" what was going on

The "customer service" sent a red-headed document from the "China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission".

Ms. Zhang's ID number is clearly written on it

Messages such as the loan amount and the reason for the account freeze

Ms. Zhang saw such a formal "document"

Without the slightest hesitation, I was ready to go to the bank to transfer money to unfreeze the account

A clear official document, how can this be fake?

The police screened out

This is a loan scam

After patient analysis

Ms. Ho finally recognized

The "True Face" of Fraudsters

Decide not to transfer money again

and deleted their contact details

A clear official document, how can this be fake?

Anti-fraud gentleman reminds

Loans need to be made through formal channels

Choose a regular bank to operate

At the same time, care should be taken to protect personal information

Don't trust unfamiliar online information easily

Don't transfer money to unfamiliar accounts

Don't blindly follow the instructions

These seemingly regular "red-headed documents"

In fact, they are all "tricks" of fraudsters to bluff people

If you encounter such a situation

Please collect evidence and report to the police

Source: Nantong Anti-Fraud