
Fat Donglai lost nearly 9 million yuan due to "a bowl of rolling dough", which made people experience the treatment of a handful of people

author:Vulgar style

Fat Donglai: a new benchmark in the retail industry and a practitioner of "sincerity".

Since its establishment in 1997, Fat Donglai Trading Group Co., Ltd. has become a leader in the retail industry with its unique corporate culture and meticulous service. In recent years, Fat Donglai has attracted wide attention and praise for its excellent service experience and humanized management.

Fat Donglai is famous for its reputation as "Haidilao in the supermarket industry", and its service experience makes customers feel the warmth of home. Whether it's providing customers with free hot and warm water, peeling and cutting fruit into a plate, or giving a full refund even if the receipt is lost after shopping, Fat Donglai strives to do its best in every detail. In the cinema city, if customers are not satisfied with the film, they can also get a 50% refund of the ticket price with the movie ticket within 20 minutes after the end of the film, which is extremely rare in the industry.

Fat Donglai lost nearly 9 million yuan due to "a bowl of rolling dough", which made people experience the treatment of a handful of people

Fat Donglai not only pays attention to the needs of customers, but also attaches more importance to the well-being of employees. In terms of salary, the salary given by Fat Donglai to employees is much higher than the local average, and even the salary of front-line employees is far higher than that of local white-collar workers. Fat Donglai also set up a "grievance award" to comfort employees who have suffered unfair treatment in the service. The company also encourages employees to maintain a work-life balance, not only rejecting the overtime culture, but also providing employees with a wealth of lunch break activities, such as fitness, reading, watching movies, etc. In the future, Fat Donglai also plans to realize that front-line employees only work 5 hours a day and at least two months of annual leave, which is a rare benefit in the retail industry.

Fat Donglai's business philosophy is also the key to its success

The company emphasizes that "the best marketing is sincerity, and the best service is goods", which makes Fat Donglai stand out in the fiercely competitive retail industry. In terms of supply chain management, Fat Donglai has also adopted an unconventional approach. When the purchase volume increases, Fat Donglai will take the initiative to increase the price of the supplier to ensure that the supplier has enough profits to maintain the quality, which reflects the deep understanding and respect of Fat Donglai for business relationships.

Fat Donglai lost nearly 9 million yuan due to "a bowl of rolling dough", which made people experience the treatment of a handful of people

The success of Fat Donglai has attracted more and more retail enterprises to come to "learn from experience". Whether it's the regional Jiabaile or the large-scale Yonghui supermarket, they hope to learn the way to succeed in business from Fat Donglai. Yu Donglai gave advice to the enterprises that came to learn from the experience: "The boss should wake up and think about it, the things that are adjusted and changed are too simple, and it is too simple to do business." He knows how hard it is to change, but he also encourages everyone to take that step.

The challenge behind Fat Donglai's popularity: the impact of purchasing agents and quality control

According to the data released by the Xuchang Culture and Tourism Bureau, during the 8-day Spring Festival holiday this year, 3 supermarkets in Fat Donglai received as many as 1.1633 million tourists in just 3 days, which even exceeded the total of 11 local 4A scenic spots. However, with the skyrocketing popularity, Fat Donglai is also facing unprecedented challenges, the most prominent of which is the decline in shopping experience and potential damage to brand image caused by the daigou phenomenon.

Fat Donglai lost nearly 9 million yuan due to "a bowl of rolling dough", which made people experience the treatment of a handful of people

Fat Donglai, a retail giant known for its sincere service and meticulous management, is now controversial because of "too many people". Many consumers and local citizens from afar have reported that due to the influx of daigou, some popular products are often sold out in a short period of time, which greatly reduces the shopping experience of normal consumers. Some consumers even need to pay an additional purchasing fee to get the products they want.

The rise of the daigou phenomenon not only affects the shopping experience of consumers, but also poses a threat to the brand image of Fat Donglai. On Taobao, if you search for "Fat Donglai" as a keyword, you can find a large number of stores engaged in the purchase of Fat Donglai products. Through platforms such as Taobao, Xianyu, and Pinduoduo, these purchasing agents sell Fat Donglai's goods to consumers from other places, and make considerable profits from them. However, this disorderly purchasing behavior not only disrupts the market order, but also may damage the brand image and reputation of Fat Donglai.

For the problems caused by the purchasing phenomenon, Fat Donglai expressed his apologies in a letter of apology, and promised to take measures such as current restriction management to ensure the safety and comfort of the shopping environment. However, in order to fundamentally solve the problem of purchasing agents, Fat Dong is also needed to strengthen quality control and channel management capabilities.

Fat Donglai lost nearly 9 million yuan due to "a bowl of rolling dough", which made people experience the treatment of a handful of people

Professor Zhou Yangmin of Zhengzhou University Business School believes that the main challenge facing Fat Donglai is the limited volume control ability. With the influx of foreign consumers, online celebrity live broadcasts and purchasing agents, Fat Donglai needs to expand its culture to a larger scale to cope with this hot trend. At the same time, Fat Donglai also needs to strengthen quality control and channel management to ensure the quality of goods and services to maintain its brand image and reputation.

Fat Donglai on food safety incident handling and rectification measures

Recently, Fat Donglai Company received feedback from customers and found that there were major food safety hazards in the catering department of Xinxiang Fat Donglai's two stores. In order to effectively safeguard the rights and interests of consumers and ensure food safety, Fat Donglai decided to give a cash reward of 100,000 yuan to customers who helped find major food safety hazards to express our gratitude for customer support and supervision.

Fat Donglai lost nearly 9 million yuan due to "a bowl of rolling dough", which made people experience the treatment of a handful of people

For all customers who purchase rolling dough and spicy noodles at the catering department of Xinxiang Fat Donglai two stores from June 9, 2024 to June 19, 2024, Fat Donglai will refund and give 1,000 yuan in compensation (a total of 8,833 copies). Please keep the proof of purchase and contact our customer service as soon as possible for refund and compensation.

Xinxiang Fat Donglai dough rolling merchants are required to stop business from now on, and terminate the contract to terminate the cooperation, and withdraw the cabinet within a time limit. We will take this matter seriously to ensure that our merchants comply with food safety regulations and company regulations.

Product quality is the lifeblood of an enterprise. Fat Donglai emphasized that in terms of ideology and management standards, we must adhere to the original intention and belief of management, and control every checkpoint from the source to ensure that we provide customers with safe, secure and high-quality goods. A comprehensive self-inspection and self-correction will be carried out immediately, and a comprehensive investigation will be carried out on the processing operations, raw material procurement, storage, transportation and other links of all merchants in the catering department to ensure that all links meet the food safety requirements.

We will supervise all departments to improve product and brand management standards, and resolutely shut down and remove goods that do not meet quality standards. At the same time, strengthen communication and cooperation with other associated merchants to jointly maintain food safety.

Fat Donglai lost nearly 9 million yuan due to "a bowl of rolling dough", which made people experience the treatment of a handful of people

Fat Donglai promised that after the investigation is clear, the investigation results of the incident will be publicized through the official platform as soon as possible, and the company's handling process and results will be shown to the public in a transparent way. We will strengthen communication and exchanges with the media and the public, respond to social concerns and questions in a timely manner, and improve the company's transparency and social trust.